Monday, February 03, 2025

ISAAC WATTS - 1674-1748

Recently, while reading a short biography of Isaac Watts, minister, theologian, and hymnwriter (1674-1748}, the lyrics for a short 4-line poem came to mind and I had to stop reading to write them down.

Many of you, my Pilgrim Scribblings readers, know that I cherish the old hymns and the lyrics of many of them were memorized as a child. Watt's hymn, At the Cross, is one of my favourites.

My love of hymns goes back to my childhood and I'm so grateful for my Christian upbringing and my mother who insisted that I learn to play the piano.

Anyhow, here are those lyrics that came to mind the other day:

So glad a lad in childhood days, Was taught to sing Jehovah's praise; The lyrics lodged within my brain, Burst forth in praise, time and again.

Thank you, mom, for your godly influence on my life...way back when.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

God's Timing is ALWAYS Right


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