Monday, December 24, 2012
CHRISTmas Greetings
We wish you God's richest blessings as you celebrate the birth of His only begotten Son...JESUS.
May you know His peace this Christmas in the midst of whatever is going on in your life.
He is in control and He loves you.
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Happy Soul
Over the years I've been blessed and encouraged by the hymns written by Fanny Crosby, the blind poet and composer.
This poem, penned by her early in her life, has always been so powerful in my own life.
What a contented woman she was!
Oh that I might be able to have that same attitude.
Thank you, Father, for Fanny Crosby!
This poem, penned by her early in her life, has always been so powerful in my own life.
What a contented woman she was!
Oh that I might be able to have that same attitude.
Thank you, Father, for Fanny Crosby!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Sick Children
Our granddaughter Victoria sent us
the following account of her day (placement) spent at a Children's
Hospital. She is attending the University of Guelph. We are SO proud of
her and her story brought tears to our eyes. She is mature beyond her years. Grab a kleenex and spend a few moments with Victoria and Zach, the little boy she cared for.
Note: The child in the picture is NOT Zach.
Victoria writes:
Here is a little story about my day at a Children's Hospital and what God's been teaching me:
This story is about Zach, a beautiful brown eyed babe with the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen. He is 10 months old and was born to a 16 year old illegal immigrant. I do not know her name, her situation or his in fact but what I do know is that she never visits him. Maybe she’s scared, maybe she’s hurting or maybe she doesn’t care but whatever the reason my heart broke not only for Zach but also for his mom. I was trying to figure out why she wouldn’t visit. Why someone wouldn’t want to spend all their time with this sweet child but then I began to realize that she herself is merely a child. A child that still needs loving and a child who may not have been ready for a baby of her own. Not only did she have a baby at 16, but she had a sick baby and so I am sure that she is scared, anyone would be.
Zach is the sweetest little boy. Picture this: 10 months old, light brown hair that sticks up on end, chubby pink cheeks, the longest eyelashes you've ever seen, huge brown eyes and a smile that could melt the hardest of hearts. He reminds me of a little froggy, the way he kicks his legs. I have seen him before but today was the first day I was allowed to hold and snuggle him and the moment the nurse placed him in my arms I was stolen away. I tickled him and made him smile, careful not to tug on his central line and tubes. I listened to his little voice babble away and I sang songs to him. Not long after I got there he fell asleep in my arms. I wasn’t going to put him down to sleep on his own in his crib, no, I was going to sit right there and keep snuggling. The nurse came in abut half an hour later and insisted that I turn on the tv so I wouldn’t be so bored but what she didn’t understand was that I wasn’t bored. I was mesmerized by is beauty, by his oh so chubby rosy cheeks and his wild hair. My eyes were locked on him and I rocked him and held him close while he slept. As I was sitting there I was praying. Praying over this precious little life who was facing the world alone. I could have sat there all day holding him. He woke up from his nap with a smile on his face and looked up at me with those big eyes and I felt they were saying “You’re still here? You stayed with me even though I was sleep?” How much this relates to us and our Father. We are never left alone, even when we may not need Him He doesn’t leave and more importantly, when we do need Him He is there.
Many times I don’t feel like I’m doing enough, loving enough, helping enough. I came to realize today that every bit counts. The 1 ½ hours I spent cuddling this precious little baby is something. I know I can’t fix his problems, his sickness and his family but I can love him for the short time that I am with him. I can cuddle him and show him that he is loved. And loved not only by me but by our Heavenly Father. So today even though my heart broke, I felt peace. Peace that even in my weakness and my inability to fix things I have confidence in knowing that I have a God who can. A God that is bigger than all of our problems and a God who loves us unconditionally no matter who we are or what we do. While snuggling with a precious little baby today, I came to understand that we are not in this struggle alone and even when we might not be able to feel God we can rest assured that He is still right beside us because He isn't going anywhere.
Note: The child in the picture is NOT Zach.
Victoria writes:
Here is a little story about my day at a Children's Hospital and what God's been teaching me:
This story is about Zach, a beautiful brown eyed babe with the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen. He is 10 months old and was born to a 16 year old illegal immigrant. I do not know her name, her situation or his in fact but what I do know is that she never visits him. Maybe she’s scared, maybe she’s hurting or maybe she doesn’t care but whatever the reason my heart broke not only for Zach but also for his mom. I was trying to figure out why she wouldn’t visit. Why someone wouldn’t want to spend all their time with this sweet child but then I began to realize that she herself is merely a child. A child that still needs loving and a child who may not have been ready for a baby of her own. Not only did she have a baby at 16, but she had a sick baby and so I am sure that she is scared, anyone would be.
Zach is the sweetest little boy. Picture this: 10 months old, light brown hair that sticks up on end, chubby pink cheeks, the longest eyelashes you've ever seen, huge brown eyes and a smile that could melt the hardest of hearts. He reminds me of a little froggy, the way he kicks his legs. I have seen him before but today was the first day I was allowed to hold and snuggle him and the moment the nurse placed him in my arms I was stolen away. I tickled him and made him smile, careful not to tug on his central line and tubes. I listened to his little voice babble away and I sang songs to him. Not long after I got there he fell asleep in my arms. I wasn’t going to put him down to sleep on his own in his crib, no, I was going to sit right there and keep snuggling. The nurse came in abut half an hour later and insisted that I turn on the tv so I wouldn’t be so bored but what she didn’t understand was that I wasn’t bored. I was mesmerized by is beauty, by his oh so chubby rosy cheeks and his wild hair. My eyes were locked on him and I rocked him and held him close while he slept. As I was sitting there I was praying. Praying over this precious little life who was facing the world alone. I could have sat there all day holding him. He woke up from his nap with a smile on his face and looked up at me with those big eyes and I felt they were saying “You’re still here? You stayed with me even though I was sleep?” How much this relates to us and our Father. We are never left alone, even when we may not need Him He doesn’t leave and more importantly, when we do need Him He is there.
Many times I don’t feel like I’m doing enough, loving enough, helping enough. I came to realize today that every bit counts. The 1 ½ hours I spent cuddling this precious little baby is something. I know I can’t fix his problems, his sickness and his family but I can love him for the short time that I am with him. I can cuddle him and show him that he is loved. And loved not only by me but by our Heavenly Father. So today even though my heart broke, I felt peace. Peace that even in my weakness and my inability to fix things I have confidence in knowing that I have a God who can. A God that is bigger than all of our problems and a God who loves us unconditionally no matter who we are or what we do. While snuggling with a precious little baby today, I came to understand that we are not in this struggle alone and even when we might not be able to feel God we can rest assured that He is still right beside us because He isn't going anywhere.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Chosen People
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
First Class
My friend Paul Wilkinson posted this moving account on his Thinking Out Loud blog today. It bears repeating! Who did you or will you bless today?
Sometimes life hands you an opportunity to do something nice for
people, and all you can do is stand back and watch it unfold. Barbara
and I were returning home from California last week and were upgraded to
first class. What a blessing! But that blessing lasted just a few
moments before we saw an opportunity to do something even better. Better
than first class? You bet.
As we waited to board our flight from Dallas/Ft. worth to Tulsa, we
heard our name called over the speaker, requesting us to come to the
check-in desk. The agent told us that they would like to move us to
first class in order to keep another family together on the plane. I
said to the agent, “Alexis, you are our new best friend.” She smiled,
handed us our tickets and said we could board the plane. Yep, first
class, folks! We’re flying First CLASS!!
I can now tell you that, after spending the previous three hours
sitting in the economy section with our backs against the restrooms in
the tail of the plane, the first class seats are amazing. They are wide,
comfortable leather seats, big enough to accommodate both of us in one
seat if we wanted, and leg room for someone and a foot and a half
taller. We sat down a little dazed at our amazing luck.
Now it was us who got to feel like rich, important people as the
remainder of the poor economy class folks boarded the plane, looking us
over to see if we might be a celebrity or a famous sports figure. At
least, that’s what I do when I walk through first class.
We were in our seats for less than a minute when two servicemen
walked by in their digital camouflage fatigues. As we watched them walk
past us to the economy class, Barbara turned to me and said, “That’s not
right.” I said, “I know. Wait until everyone is on board and we’ll call
the flight attendant over.”
When the aisle cleared, I called over the nearest flight attendant
and said, “We’d like to trade seats with those servicemen. They should
be in first class.”
“That’s so sweeeeet,” the attendant said as she began to fan her face with her hand. “I think I’m going to cry.”
I said, “We were just upgraded to these seats and those two men
should have them.” She looked at us for a moment, called over another
flight attendant and they went back and informed the servicemen.
“You’re not going to be able to sit together,” one of the flight attendants told us.
“That’s okay,” I said. “They should have the first class seats.”
After we sat down in our new economy class seats, the man next to me said, “Nice move.”
I said, “Anyone willing to give up their life for me and my country
deserves to have my seat in first class.” He nodded his head in
I must admit that I sat there a little stunned at what just happened.
It is not every day that you get to do the right thing, in public, and
do it in a way that strangers look at you with approval and admire your
actions. I kept thinking about what the man next to me said. “Nice
move.” No, I thought, the nice move is when two young men chose to join
the armed services of their country when they don’t have to, and are
willing to give up their life for their country and our continued
safety. THAT is a nice move worthy of both admiration and approval. They
are willing to give up their lives for me. All we did was give up two
comfortable seats we didn’t even pay for.
A pastor I know likes to say, “You are blessed to be a blessing.” It
seems Barbara and I were blessed with first class seats for about four
minutes just so we could pass that blessing off to someone else. I
encourage you to be aware of an opportunity to bless someone with
something you have, no matter how temporary. You never know Who might
be watching and say, “Nice move.”
Friday, August 10, 2012
Relentless Pursuit - A Book Review
Author/Speaker Ken Gire has penned another thought-provoking
book which challenges readers to step outside of their comfort zones to
interact with “outsiders”. Relentless
Pursuit portrays “outsiders” as the poor, homeless, disabled, divorced,
disenfranchised, marginalized segment of society that is often shunned and
David W. Fisher
Gire shares biblical examples of those who could be
categorized as “outsiders” including Christ Himself who was “despised and
rejected by men, a Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief.” If our Master spent significant amounts of
time with the prostitutes, thieves and prodigals of His day, shouldn’t we as
His followers do the same?
We, in the Church, can make ourselves so comfortable with
the insiders that we lose sight of those who struggle each day to survive. We must go “outside the camp” with and for
Him to listen to and care for those who’ve been forgotten by mainstream
Gire reinforces the fact that God is in relentless pursuit
of us, all of us, because He created us and desires a relationship with
us. He includes the classic poetic work
by Francis Thompson, The Hound of Heaven, which relates the Spirit of God’s
pursuit of man and our efforts to shake Him off. Thompson himself was an addict, an “outsider” who knew the shame
of being out of the mainstream.
Gire admits his struggle with the story of the Good Shepherd
leaving the ninety-nine sheep who were safe in the fold to rescue the lost
one. Why would He, Jesus, risk losing
those who were insiders, safe at home, to find that one “outsider”? Because of His deep, redeeming love!
In the midst of our hurt and shame, God welcomes us with all
of our imperfections and invites us to eat at His table as redeemed
Those readers who expect a “Systematic Theology” in every
Christian book they read will be disappointed.
Detractors will say that Gire shares too many personal experiences and,
in doing so, becomes too subjective. I
disagree. I found myself relating to
the author as he opened his heart and became transparent.
If you are content to enjoy your circle of “inside” friends
and you’re hesitant to step outside to engage with the less fortunate and those
often labeled and “undesirables” you might read a chapter or two then set the
book aside. But, if you are willing to
take the risk and obey Christ’s call to go “outside”, you will see how
rewarding it is to show love to the unlovely.
I’ve read several of Gire’s earlier offerings but connected
with Relentless Pursuit on a deeper level.
This book has been provided courtesy of Bethany House
Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group, and Graf-Martin
Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Everything Needed
Special thanks to my friend Paul Wilkinson over at Thinking Out Loud
for this graphic and the bliblical truths it portrays.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Dark Tunnels
Don't jump ship...or the train...or life.
When everything is dark and uncertain around the One who knows all about you and "does all things well."
He is in control and He will bring you through.
When everything is dark and uncertain around the One who knows all about you and "does all things well."
He is in control and He will bring you through.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Holy Highwire
![]() |
Nik Wallenda |
Did you hear that tightrope walker
as he crossed Niagra Falls? *
Did you hear Webb Simpson doing much the same? **
At the foggy U. S. Open or amid Niagra's mist,
you could hear those young men praising Jesus' name.
When your faith is more than prayer beads
that you finger once a day
or the place you spend an hour once a week,
then it has a way of springing
from that well deep down inside
and impacts the way you live and how you speak.
When you love the Lord you're serving,
when King Jesus owns your heart,
when you seek his kingdom faithfully each day,
then your faith's not dull religion
or list of endless rules
it's a source of joy that shows in what you say.
* For a link to ABC 20/20 to watch Nik Walende's high wire stunt and hear his unedited praise of God go to...
** For a link to a Christianity Today article about Webb Simpson's public witness to his faith go to...
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Tongue Cheeked
Before you comment telling us how ridiculous this is, be assured that there isn't any such thing as this KJV/Yellow Pages combo.
Hopefully you won't see it in Christian bookstores and other retail outlets any time soon.
UNSTUCK...A Book Review
What is your response when asked how your "Christian walk" is progressing? If quizzed on your "devotional life" do you squirm and dig deep for an answer which may not be 100% true but might satisfy the one asking the question and prevent embarrassment to yourself?
Does God's Word speak to you in profound ways when you read it or do you "go through the motions" because it's your obligation as a Christian believer? Do you encounter God when you read?
Every so often you come across a book that challenges you to the core and causes you to realize that you might be a spiritual "loser". UNSTUCK is such a book! Even though I was challenged to the core, I couldn't put the book down and when I did...kept coming back for more.
One of the authors, Dr. Arnie Cole, confesses, "At least I know my topic inside and out. I've lived most of my life spiritually stuck. or, as I like to call myself, a spiritual loser." That confession struck a chord with me.
The beauty of this new book is that the authors, Dr. Cole and Michael Ross, speak in terms that I could relate to. They are transparent, non-judgmental and understanding of the human condition. They know what it's like to feel stuck.
They speak of Bible "engagement", something that many Christians including me struggle with. We read the Bible, often out of guilt, but God's Word doesn't penetrate to our heart, we don't allow it to speak to us and we read much too casually, not remembering that the Bible is "God-breathed" and is profitable for "doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness."
UNSTUCK challenges the reader throughtout, not by making us feel guilty but giving us hope that change is possible and a real realtionship with God through Jesus Christ can be a reality not just an expression we use.
The authors, both on staff at Back to the Bible, don't use formulas to give answers but share over a 45-day period how we can interact with God through His Word and finally get unstuck.
Cole and Ross have done their homework having conducted extensive research into the habits and lifestyles of professed Christians. Sad to say, they discovered that many believers have a listless, second-hand faith. They furnish us with positive ways to revitalize our faith, encounter Scripture each day and finally...connect with the God who created us and knows everything about us.
We can get unstuck and begin to enjoy a meaningful relationship with God. Arnie Cole and Michael tell us how.
This book is a "must-read" for everyone who wants more of God and is tired of being a 'spiritual loser."
This book is a "must-read" for everyone who wants more of God and is tired of being a 'spiritual loser."
This book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Kawartha Komets Celebrate
Jory Harold and Kurtis Foster |
Catching up on the news |
Peter Dykstra getting his food |
Part of the assembled crowd |
Andrew Avery, proud to wear his Komets jacket |
Megan Chatterton with Kurtis Foster |
Bailey Gibson |
Bobby Murray and his grandma |
A crowd of approximately 135 in the Komets "family" enjoyed a delicious meal catered by one of our sponsors, East Side Marios.
All 45 players received trophies to acknowledge and recognize their contributions to the Komets,
NHLer Kurtis Foster was on hand to sign autographs and speak to the group.
Our dedicated team of coaches and volunteers was recognized and thanked for their faithful commitment to the team.
Thanks to everyone who made the 2011-2012 season another successful one.
Blaze, Komets, Blaze!
(More photos to follow later)
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Looking Up
Our friends Stephen and Brooksyne Weber posted the following article on their Daily Encouragement site today. It bears repeating. Check out their web site here. You will be blessed.
ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my
cry, my King, and my God: for unto Thee will I pray. My voice shalt Thou hear
in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and
will look up" (Psalm 5:1-3). KJV
Due to the nature of our chaplain visitation we need to get a very early start several days a week. We often travel across the county straight into a beautiful sunrise. Psalm 5 comes to mind: "Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto Thee will I pray. My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up" (Psalm 5:1-3). Many years ago as young Christians Brooksyne and I memorized this portion of Scripture assisted by the melody of a song popular in Christian circles at that time.
Today I want to focus on just this phrase in our daily text: "O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up." Most specifically, "I… will look up."
This speaks of a necessary, willful, upward outlook in life. Upon awakening each day we do well to make this our intentional focus. It's easy to get lost and disoriented in the course of the day's activities, planned or otherwise. There are many unknowns. There are scores of voices beckoning us. There are looming questions about what's around the next bend.
As we look up and focus on God, may we hear His voice clearly direct, "This is the way, walk in it."
In one version of the Psalm 5 song a stanza has been added that I do not recall from the original song written some thirty years ago:
Due to the nature of our chaplain visitation we need to get a very early start several days a week. We often travel across the county straight into a beautiful sunrise. Psalm 5 comes to mind: "Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto Thee will I pray. My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up" (Psalm 5:1-3). Many years ago as young Christians Brooksyne and I memorized this portion of Scripture assisted by the melody of a song popular in Christian circles at that time.
Today I want to focus on just this phrase in our daily text: "O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up." Most specifically, "I… will look up."
This speaks of a necessary, willful, upward outlook in life. Upon awakening each day we do well to make this our intentional focus. It's easy to get lost and disoriented in the course of the day's activities, planned or otherwise. There are many unknowns. There are scores of voices beckoning us. There are looming questions about what's around the next bend.
As we look up and focus on God, may we hear His voice clearly direct, "This is the way, walk in it."
In one version of the Psalm 5 song a stanza has been added that I do not recall from the original song written some thirty years ago:
Look up, hold your head high,
Look up, hold your head high,
Come before the throne with confidence,
You can hold your head up high,
Come with boldness, come with confidence,
Your head held high, your heart bowed down
Come with confidence to worship the Lord,
For He is worthy, He is worthy!
Look up, hold your head high,
Come before the throne with confidence,
You can hold your head up high,
Come with boldness, come with confidence,
Your head held high, your heart bowed down
Come with confidence to worship the Lord,
For He is worthy, He is worthy!
Yes, indeed we hold our head high because we approach the throne of grace with confidence. But we also bow our heart in humility as we recognize our position as humble servants of Almighty God!
Be encouraged today, Stephen & Brooksyne Weber
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Kawartha Komets...Changing Lives
Kawartha Komets hockey program having life-changing impact on special needs children and their parents
By MIKE DAVIES Examiner Sports Director
Imagine going to school each day and none of the other children want to play with you at recess.
Imagine being on a sports team and your teammates don’t accept you socially.
Imagine your child has special needs so significant you can’t leave him with a babysitter or grandparent for a rare night out.
after experiencing years of loneliness, frustration, worry as either
the child or parent, you find a group which accepts you unconditionally
and identifies with all your struggles.
Meet the Kawartha Komets.
in the community may have heard of the special needs hockey team but
may not realize it’s much more than a sports team. The hockey is
secondary to the life-changing impact its had for children and parents.
Komets opened a new world for nine-year-old Kaeden Ball who previously
had no friends to interact with in school or out of school, says his
mother Lisa Mills.
“These are kids who are shunned by mainstream
society,” said Mills, whose son is ADHD, has oppositional defiance
disorder and mild intellectual and anger challenges. The players have a
variety of intellectual, emotional to physical challenges.
By the end of his first night with the Komets Kaeden had friends, boys he could call to talk to, he had teammates.
like a family,” Mills said. “We all care about each other. We're all
there to support each other through good times and bad.”
Kaeden’s 11-year-old sister Brianna, who volunteers with the team, says it’s helped her brother open up at school, too.
have seen a lot of difference since Kaeden joined the team,” she said.
“He started making more friends and talking to his friend Jonathan a
lot. It’s been a big change.”
David and Carol Fisher founded the Komets
after their son Matthew, 16, played one year of special needs hockey
with a team in Don Mills. Instead of travelling each weekend, they
created a local team. Their son Nathan, 15, also plays.
Sheryl Over’s adopted son Quinten, 15, who has fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, struggled in minor hockey.
tried to put him in the house league and on the ice there wasn't much
difference between him and the other kids, his skills are quite good,
but it fell apart in the change room. There was no opportunities for him
socially because he can't keep up with the other kids developmentally,”
she said.
“He can’t process the hitting quick enough so
bodychecking is very dangerous for him. He doesn’t see the hits coming
and we were afraid he was going to get hurt.”
The Komets changed that, instantly.
helped him to find peers who have common interests and abilities,” she
said. “We so often want our kids integrated and accepted but sometimes
they still feel isolated.”
It's also a better environment for the parents, Over said.
parents are really accepting, too, because all of our kids have
challenges. I don't feel like I have to make excuses for him while he's
playing which is really nice,” Over said.
Before the Komets, there were few things special needs children could enjoy together.
“This fills a void that was in the community,” she said.
Black calls the Komets a support group for parents, too. She and her
husband Jeff registered their son Liam, 8, with the Komets last season.
“We always thought ‘Nobody gets it. Nobody really understands what we go through as parents,’” said Lynn.
have so many challenges with each of our kids but you go to the arena
with the Komets and you’re just another parent. Everybody gets it. You
can talk about how rough your week has been and everyone gets it. It’s
totally a support group for the parents. As thankful as we are the team
is here for the kids, it’s also here for us.”
“You don’t see
judgment in the locker room if a child has a meltdown,” Carol Fisher
said. “The parents can share and trade resources and information and
support one another.”
It’s also a stress reliever for the children.
know there isn’t anyone there who is going to bully them or tease
them,” Fisher said. “They can relax. There is no pressure to perform.”
Lorne and Wanda Hoehn are thrilled with the benefits their son Will has experienced.
had something more to talk to kids about at school,” Lorne said. “He
wears his Komets hat to school every day. It’s a big source of pride for
him. It’s helped with his self-confidence which is really important for
kids who have these challenges.”
Liam became Will’s best friend and the highlight to their year was scoring their first goals within five minutes of each other.
“You couldn’t smack the smile off his face if you tried,” Lorne said.
Carol Fisher said a dedicated group of volunteers, about 10 a year – some with no connection to the players, coach the team.
“We have a wonderful group of very dedicated and committed volunteers,” said Carol. “They have also become like family.”
There were 12 Komets in year one, 22 in year two and 45 in year three including the first two girls.
“It just added another dimension to our team to have the girls and their families involved,” said David Fisher.
Next season they will ice three teams with players of similar ability placed together.
“To see this family grow has been so rewarding,” he said.
Kawartha Komets in need of sponsors to overcome financial challenges
Program aims to keep fees low for already burdened parents of special needs children
By MIKE DAVIES Examiner Sports Director
been an exhausting experience for David and Carol Fisher to pound the
pavement each year raising funds to keep the special needs hockey team
on the ice and in equipment. They’re about $2,600 short of covering
their 2011-12 costs.
Since starting the team three years ago, the
Fishers have tried to hold the line on registration costs for the now 45
team members.
David Fisher says their fees are half of normal
minor hockey registration in recognition that many families of special
needs children have extra expenses for alternative medicine, therapy or
schooling, or only one parent earning a paycheque as the other is home
caring for their child.
“We wanted to be inclusive,” Fisher said. “Anybody with any challenge can come and join the Komets.”
really hoping to find a corporate sponsor,” said Carol Fisher. “There
are so many wonderful service organizations in Peterborough who do such
great work and they fundraise like crazy.
“For us, we have to go
out to speak to 10 to 15 of these groups each year and that's a lot for
us to do and also run the team. If we had a corporate sponsor it would
really free us up to do other things. We would really like to grow this
team. We know there are people out there who want to play but we somehow
have to alleviate some of the work we do with the fundraising.”
She says $10,000 would solve their problems.
done that through places which have discounted equipment severely or
through donations or garage sales. We're almost out of equipment.”
Fisher thinks it would be a great opportunity for a local business to get exposure with their name on the Komets jersey.
“We are often in the news,” she said.
Anyone interested in sponsorship, donating equipment or coaching can contact the Fishers at 705-750-0655
Monday, May 14, 2012
Open Invitation
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Grace Flowing
As a lifelong collector of good, meaningful quotes, I was pleased to come across this one today:
"Grace is like flows downhill...and pools in the lowest places." - Source unknown
I'm so grateful that God's grace is available in abundance for those who are disadvantaged, marginalized, left out, homeless, forgotten, passed by and generally cast out by society in general.
Wherever you find yourself today, God's amazing grace is available without reserve. The One who created you stands ready to help you and give you more than you could ever imagine.
He had given you a written guarantee that says..."My grace is sufficient for YOU. For My strength is made perfect in your weakness." - 2 Corinthians 12:9 (paraphrased)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Spitfire Disciple
by Dallas Jahncke and Ted Kluck
At first glance one would scratch his/her head and wonder what this book is all about. After skimming through the introduction we discover that this is an account of a life-changing friendship between two young men with backgrounds that are poles apart.
Ted Kluck, a freelance writer from Lansing, Michigan, befriends a young ex-con and cocaine addict, Dallas Jahncke. Kluck is a thirty-four year old husband and father with a Reformed theological position who loves boxing and rock music. After meeting Dallas, who found help at a rescue mission in Lansing, Ted begins to forge a friendship that willl be at the same time challenging, gut-wrenching and rewarding.
This book journals a new style of discipleship, not your typical "12 Steps to Mentoring a Man for Christ" format, but one where two guys decide to get down and dirty and restore an old Triumph Spitfire. They meet regularly in Ted's garage where the frustrations of rebuilding a British import and a broken man combine to cause the more mature believer to wonder if he's making any headway.
Dallas enrolls in a fundamentalist Bible college and finds that some of his "not-acceptable", old habits put him in hot water. The freedom he has discovered in Christ and the legalism he encounters at the college cause him to begin a roller coaster Christian ride...filled with ups and downs.
Throughout the process Ted sees enough progress in Dallas that he continues on in spite of the constant battles with booze, babes and bad decisions.
I found it hard to put the book down and realized that fixing up an old car between sips of coffee and loud music is a form of discipleship that really works.
If the church employed more of this mode of disciple making I'm sure we'd see a greater influx of new believers who begin the lifelong journey of "being conformed to the image of Christ."
An engaging read! Pick up a copy!
David W. Fisher
This book has been provided courtesy of Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group, and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House Publishers".
An engaging read! Pick up a copy!
David W. Fisher
This book has been provided courtesy of Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group, and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House Publishers".
Friday, April 13, 2012
My friend, Greg Asimakoupoulos, has penned another great poem...this time recalling the tragic sinking of the Titanic...100 years ago.
Beware of Icebergs
A tragedy of Titanic proportions...
They called her a vessel that God couldn't sink,
a cruise ship that dwarfed all the rest.
A thousand feet tall and 900 feet long.
It was the White Star's very best.
a cruise ship that dwarfed all the rest.
A thousand feet tall and 900 feet long.
It was the White Star's very best.
Titanic they named her. A titan at sea.
More than 2,200 set sail
for the trip of a lifetime (in more ways than one).
A maiden voyage destined for Hell.
More than 2,200 set sail
for the trip of a lifetime (in more ways than one).
A maiden voyage destined for Hell.
An iceberg in-waiting tore open her hull,
a tempter the ship didn't see.
Too proud to be cautious, she paid pride's full price
and sank to the depths of the sea.
a tempter the ship didn't see.
Too proud to be cautious, she paid pride's full price
and sank to the depths of the sea.
And so the Titanic provides us the means
to ponder the pride in our lives.
Are we blind to temptations that could take us down?
Do we render such icebergs a guise?
to ponder the pride in our lives.
Are we blind to temptations that could take us down?
Do we render such icebergs a guise?
Or do we acknowledge we're likely to sink
unless we draw nearer to God?
Our choice is not destined. We aren't ships of fate.
We can choose to steer clear of sin's fog.
unless we draw nearer to God?
Our choice is not destined. We aren't ships of fate.
We can choose to steer clear of sin's fog.
Monday, April 09, 2012
The Kid

Reflections on the passing of Gary Carter, Baseball Hall of Fame catcher, who went home to heaven on February 16th, 2012 after a hard-fought battle with brain cancer. The Kid would have celebrated his 58th birthday on April 8th.
The Kid has caught his final game
His plaque adorns the Hall of Fame
Almighty God has called his name
And welcomed him to heaven.
The Kid had always giv'n his best
And when he'd passed the final test
A loving God said, "Time to rest"
And called him home to heaven.
The Kid had trusted Christ as Lord
And loved to pray and read His Word
Was not content 'til others heard
How they could get to heaven.
His family of course are sad
They miss their husband, grandpa, dad
And brother...but they can be glad
They'll meet again in heaven.
- David W. Fisher, April 8th, 2012
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Risen Indeed

Here it is:
One of the fondest memories of my years on staff at The Peoples Church in Toronto was the thrill of singing our founder's hymns.
Oswald J. Smith had gone on to heaven before I joined the church but his sermons, books and hymns live on.
On Easter Sunday we would often, if not always, sing his glorious hymn, "He Rose Triumphantly".
Many times I will sit at my piano and play this song, rejoicing in the truth that He is alive for evermore.
Let me share the third stanza and chorus of this majestic hymn of the faith.
"The stone was rolled away,
For Christ was raised that day,And now He lives above
To manifest His love.
He rose triumphantly,
In pow'r and majesty,
The Saviour rose no more to die;
O let us now proclaim
The glory of His name,
And tell to all
He lives today."
(Oswald J. Smith)
Let's tell "our" world that Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Two Words
Quite some time ago I determined to use 2-word titles for all of my Pilgrim Scribblings blog posts. Sometimes it was a real challenge to limit these titles but the discipline was good.
Today I'm wondering what two words you would use to characterize your life or what two words you find the most important in your life.
Please let me know what your Two Words are.
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