This morning's devotional by Joni Eareckson Tada from Pearls of Great Price challenged me. Joni's writing usually does!
She spoke of getting sidetracked from her daily reading of the scriptures by a mail-order catalogue that caught her eye.
Joni writes:
"...Twenty minutes later I still had my nose in the catalog. I'm ashamed to say, the Word had been pushed aside. This is why I have learned to pray, 'Lord incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness.' There are days when I don't even want to pick up the Bible. But I know if I succumb to a ho-hum attitude toward the Word of God, my spirit will shrivel, my faith will shrink, and my hope will become dull and dim. So I plead, 'Lord, don't let me get away with this! Put the 'want to' in my heart...persuade it...bring it around...predispose it...please, incline my heart to your Word and don't let me covet anything in its place!'
I'm sure we all struggle with the same temptations that Joni battles. May this be the prayer of each of our hearts today:
"Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness." - Psalm 119:36 (KJV)
Wow...what a great word! This may sound crazy, but I don't know how I found your blog. It just presented itself on my screen. I just wanted to say hi, and to thank you for posting Joni's words. Joni is one of my mentors, although I never met her, she helped cement my relationship with God:) I will definitely come back! God bless!