Dear Friends:
I thought you might be interested in our latest update:
I thought you might be interested in our latest update:
Mom has been in Peterborough Regional Health Centre for approx. 6 weeks since her hip replacement (from 1999) was found to be infected. She has been taking antibiotics and in a week or two, when the doctor is convinced that the infection in completely gone, she will get a new replacement hip put in. Mom has been very positive during this extended hospital stay and has appreciated the visits, prayers and gifts of family and friends. Thank you for your ongoing prayer support for mom. It is much appreciated.
Since my last update I have been to the hospital twice with atrial fibrillation, an abnormal heart rhythm. Both times my heart rate was stabilized by administering medication intravenously and they didn't have to use the paddles, for which I was grateful. The doctor has prescribed a beta-blocker to slow down my heart rate. I still have more heart tests later this week. I'll keep you posted but thanks so much for your prayers.
Yesterday I made our annual pre-season chapel presentation to the Peterborough Petes. Jeff Twohey, the Petes' General Manager, introduced me and spoke of the value of the Hockey Ministries International chapel program to the team. Two veteran players also spoke from their perspective and challenged their teammates to take advantage of our twice-monthly MONDAY WE HAVE FISH sessions. Our first chapel for the season will be on Monday, September 22nd. Thanks for your prayers concerning this vital ministry.
Last week we made the very difficult decision to take Matthew (13) and Nathan (12) out of the Christian school they had attended for the last two years. We enrolled them in the Arrowsmith School, a specialized school that works with children with various learning disabilities. They work on retraining the brain and have been very successful in helping students. Making the decision was one of the most difficult things Carol and I have ever done. We wished that God would give us a phone call and tell us exactly what to do. We want our boys to get the help they need but we're not always certain which route to take. We are still praying for God's direction and would greatly value your prayers. The financial commitment we will have to make to get help for the boys is staggering but we know that He can supply in miraculous ways. Thanks for your concern and prayer support.
Although I haven't said much about our family business, FisherCast Global Corporation, the recent sale of the company to our biggest competitor, Dynacast, has been a real heartbreaker for me. My Uncle Bill founded the company back in 1942 and was later joined by my Uncle Frank and then my father. All three brothers have since been called home to heaven. FisherCast Global Corporation became a world class leader in the production of precision zinc die castings. For years the family business helped to support countless Christian ministries, missions agencies and Christian workers and missionaries. In recent years, the strengthening of the Canadian dollar, the economic downturn, foreign competition and troubles in the automotive industry all lead to discreasing sales and we were forced to sell the company. I have such fond memories of Fisher Gauge Limited (the former name). Dad spent many years there and I worked in the business for the first seven years following graduation from high school. We pray that the legacy established by the Fisher brothers will not be tarnished by this unfortunate turn of events. The founder and his brothers honoured God and I know that thousands, and perhaps millions, have been blessed by their generosity. The loss is still staggering to me and other members of our family. Thanks for your prayers!
This summer I had the privilege of serving as Chapel Director for five (5) weeks at Elim Lodge, the Christian Conference Centre just north of Peterborough. I was responsible to lead all chapel services each week and to generally be available for encouragement and spiritual counsel. What a blessing! Carol and the boys were able to join me often and we had a great time.
Carol and I are gradually adjusting to our "new to us" home just east of Peterborough. Having to sell the home we lived in for the past 14 years was difficult but we are moving on and becoming comfortable here. Thanks for your prayers during this transition.
Our granddaughter Victoria (16) has lived with us since she was three years old. For the last 10 days of August she joined several others from our church on a Missions Trip to Belize in Central America. She thoroughly enjoyed this trip and made some great friends among the children there that she worked with. When asked to rate her trip on a scale of 1 - 10 she told me it was an 11. What a life-changing experience! We are so proud of Victoria.
We continue to trust God to meet our financial needs. Epsitle Sports Ministries is a faith ministry and we are dependent on the gifts and offerings of interested and concerned family and friends. Our needs are many but we are trusting God to provide. He always has but at times we get concerned when the mail box is empty. Summer is always a very slow time financially. Thanks for your prayers and generosity. All gifts are tax-deductible and receipts are sent at year-end.
Gifts may be sent to:
Epistle Sports Ministries - 294 Rink Street - Suite 101 - Peterborough, ON K9J 2K2
God bless you richly,
David Fisher
Hi David,
ReplyDeleteOur son Luke went to Arrowsmith in Toronto last year with amazing results! We now have him enrolled into Georgetown Christian School which has taken the Arrowsmith Program on under license. What a blessing! Please email me at ray.rodenburgh@unilock.com and I will fill you in. It is nothing short of miraculous how this all came together and I would like to share our journey! God Bless.
I appreciate the constant updates and words of encouragement. You and your family are always in my prayers.