Bryant writes of a phrase that came to his mind while driving with his wife to a conference on prayer. He couldn't erase it from his thoughts and he felt it was God's call concerning him for the rest of his life. Those words were, "Write as if your life depended on it - because it does." That resonated with my heart.
Being involved in a letter-writing ministry of encouragement to athletes (and everyone else) and also being a writer of prose, poetry and articles, those words challenged me. I MUST write. My life and livelihood depend on it. God called me to write notes of encouragement. If I fail to carry out His call I become irritable and miserable and I won't bring Him pleasure.
The truth of that phrase is almost as important as these words, "Breathe as if your life depended on it - because it does."
When God calls we must obey!
"Faithful is He who calls you who also will do it." - 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Check out The Writer's Crucible and Epistle Sports Ministries.
blessings on you as you so faithfully follow what God has called you to do!