My heart within me is broken because of the prophets; all my bones shake. - Jeremiah 23:9
Yet think of how greatly God used Jeremiah despite—or because of—his broken heart! He drew people to God in his own day, he predicted the return of Israel from exile in future days, and his book has been ministering to the world for 2600 years.
The Bible says that God is able to comfort others with the comfort He gives to us in broken times (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).
We can't always avoid broken hearts, broken relationships, broken promises, and even broken items. But when our brokenness is laid at the feet of Jesus, He can use our shattered circumstances to draw others to Him, and we can rejoice in spite of our pain. After all, Jesus himself was broken and spilled out for us.
"Come, oh come, with thy broken heart, weary and worn with care; Come and kneel at the open door, Jesus is waiting there." - Fanny Crosby
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