In this 21st century when much of the Christian publishing fare is "fluff", it's encouraging to know that some of the greatest writers (and preachers) still have a readership. When Gabe showed me the book (pictured) and asked if I had heard of the author, I was thrilled to know what he was reading. The Baseball Chapel leader in Milwaukee where Gabe played before a recent trade, Wayne Beilgard, had given Ryle's book to him.
What does a professional ballplayer pack in his bag? The "cream of the crop" take along books that are life-changing and challenging, books that still pack a punch.
Now you know!
The world of sports ministry sounds very interesting. I don’t think people really know what it is about or what is involved. Someone needs to write a book about it. Maybe you are that man David. You must have some great stories of the Lord’s work!