During the Communist Revolution in China every missionary was in deadly peril. Isobel Kuhn was able to "slip over China's back fence" in 1950 to relative safety in Thailand. From there she anxiously awaited word that other missionaries had made a safe exit from the troubled China mainland. One morning in a prayer meeting one of Isobel's coworkers prayed "O Lord, keep their leaf green in times of drought."
Kuhn's mind flew to Jeremiah 17:8 and felt that God was reassuring her that her colleagues would be safe. One by one each of her coworkers reached safety. She would later recount the thrilling story in her book Green Leaf in Drought Time.
Jeremiah wrote, "For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when the heat comes, but its leaf will be green." - Jeremiah 17:8
How are you handling the present drought you're facing? Have the trying circumstances which are threatening to choke your spiritual vitality gained a foothold? Is your green leaf beginning to dry up and turn a lifeless brown?
Soak up God's promises. Abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Rest by His river of life. He will deliver you and bring you into a fertile, fragrant place once again. TRUST HIM!
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