Monday, February 04, 2008

Spending a Day Together

Recently I asked a pastor friend of mine who he'd like to spend a day with (someone alive or dead but not Jesus Christ) to pick his or her brain. His initial response was, "that's a good question!" but he had to think awhile before he came up with an answer.

My answer, surprisingly enough, was
Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. I've always been challenged by his writing and lately I've been reading a biography by Christopher Catherwood which has given me fresh insight into a godly man.

How about you? Who would you pick? Let me know by leaving a comment. THANKS!


  1. My answer probably wouldn't be that different.

    I'm a big 'fan' of the doctor. I've read several of his books (which are really his sermons transcribed) as well as Murray's huge two volume biography.

    I think I need to grab another one of his books from my shelf sometime soon and sit down for some great reading.

  2. Rodney:

    Thanks for your comment. We must think alike.

    Be encouraged today, dear brother!


  3. Definately Keith Green or Dietrich Bonhoeffer!!!

  4. Dear David...I would really love to spend a day with Jake Hess!!
    We used to phone him once in a while and it was so nice to talk to him!...Love Terry

    PS Where you been? I thought, seeing as we haven't heard from you at the Pals that you were still recuperating from your trip...So I came down here to see!

  5. Hi David,

    I'd hang out with Patricia St. John. I love her love for God that shines out of her books.
