We enjoyed breakfast with Toronto Blue Jays' manager John Gibbons (pictured). John has such a unique way with kids and it's likely because he has some of his own. He certainly made Matthew feel like a special young man!

After breakfast we spent about an hour at the big Chapters bookstore in downtown Toronto. Matthew thought that a 3-storey book store was "something else".
Then we enjoyed a matinee performance of Phantom of the Opera. Matthew had studied the book at school as was able to following the story line as we watched and listened to this incredible presentation. Time and time again I noticed parellels between the Phantom and the Christian experience.
We had dinner in Toronto and then took the GO commuter train back out to Whitby where we had parked the car.
Hopefully memories were made that Matthew will carry with him into adulthood. Matthew has Asperger's Syndrome, a high-functioning form of autism.
Now Nathan (10) and I need to have some fun this week...just the two of us!
Nice balance - puts things in perspective - a godly man first in his own household - a dad , a friend - good example and makes me want to do more for mine ------ good stuff , my brother , david - ---- that little story was better than a thousand word sermon --- joy / balance / prayerful / careful/ Love of God just flowing thru the cracks of these earthen vessels -- Thankyou LORD for examples --------------