Thursday, May 31, 2007
New Look
I'll be adding the links to the site over the next few days. Don't worry! I haven't deleted you for good!
Take a walk with me down the pilgrim pathway and we will declare God's faithfulness together.
Happy Trails To You!
Check out Everyday Mommy at
Where's the Bucket?

This picture of Terry (Canadian Blogger) at a wishing well without a bucket reminded me of an earlier post of mine concerning buckets. You can read about it in the accompanying picture (above).
What are you bringing to the well? A thimble, a cup, a bucket?
And, on a lighter note, here's another "post from the past":
Recently I've had several cases of memory loss. I had an MRI on my brain to check this out and they found nothing, absolutely NOTHING. Carol has been concerned about my mental health so she booked an appointment with a doctor at our local mental health hospital. As part of our session I was given a test. Dr. M. T. Tubbs took me into the bathroom where the bathtub was filled with water. He posed a simple question and I was quick to respond. It was a no-brainer. "What would you use to empty this tub, a bucket, a tea cup or a spoon?" A bucket, of course. The doc quickly began making arrangements to have me committed. "Most sane people would just pull the plug. Do you want a bed beside a window?"
Check out Canadian Blogger @
His Hand

These words came to mind and I share them with you, my pilgrim pals:
By faith I stand in Canaan's land
And trace the outline of His hand.
As fear and doubt encompass me
Jehovah-Jireh is my plea.
Into His hand my cares I thrust,
In Him alone I place my trust.
And when this present battle's done,
My faith renewed, the vict'ry won.
I'll praise Him for His outstretched hand
That pulled me from the sinking sand.
My faith still stands in no one less,
My sovereign God...His name I bless!
- David W. Fisher - May 30th, 2007
Thanks for your prayers today, pilgrim pals!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Anne's mother (Billy's wife), Ruth Bell Graham, wrote the following:

before your cross
in worship kneeling,
my mind beyond all hope,
my heart beyond all feeling;
and worshipping,
realize that I,
in knowing You,
don't need a "why?"
C. S. Lewis once said that when we see Christ and ask him our questions, He will answer and our response will simply be, "Oh!"
I believe that when we see our Redeemer face to face, the questions will fade in the light of His glory and grace and we will have no need for answers.
To re-write one word in an old hymn...
"One glimpe of His dear face
All questions (sorrows) will erase;
So gladly run the race
'Til we see Christ."
May today's "whys?" be answered by His look, His touch and His Word. He is in control!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Why I Blog

Check out Rodney's site at:
These are Rodney's reasons:
1. I enjoy writing.
2. I enjoy the sense of community blogging creates.
3. I love the fact that I've met so many interesting people, both online and in person, through blogging.
4. Writing helps me to formulate, shape and distill my own thoughts.
5. Being a naturally shy person, putting my thoughts out into cyberspace takes me out of my comfort zone.
Here are my reasons:
1. I enjoy writing.
2. I enjoy the sense of community blogging creates.
3. I love the fact that I've met so many interesting people, both online and in person, through blogging.
4. Writing helps me to formulate, shape and distill my own thoughts.
5. Being a naturally shy person, putting my thoughts out into cyberspace takes me out of my comfort zone.
Actually there's another reason that I'll add.
6. I need and like the discipline involved in maintaining a daily blog.
Notice any similarities?
How about you! Why do you blog? Let us know! THANKS!
Bronx Zoo Road Show

It's always an experience to be around the Rogers Centre when the Yanks are here! Today was no exception. I was there to see a couple of the players and watched the circus with a degree of amusement.
The Blue Jays won the game again tonight! It was much closer than last night's 7-2 victory and a steal of home by Aaron Hill added to the excitement.
The Jays and Yankees wrap up the three-game series tomorrow night and then the road show moves on to the next city. Roger Clemens will be joining them in the next week or so and that will add to the carnival atmosphere. Maybe the Rocket will launch the Yankees back into contention.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sens' Heartbreaker

Well, Game 1 is history and the Senators will have to redeem themselves on Wednesday night in Anaheim. The Ducks pulled out a 3-2 victory in a hard-fought contest. The Senators seemed to tire in the 3rd period and were outhit and outplayed by Anaheim.
But, heartbreaking as it was for Uncle David...
- Mike played his heart out
- The sun will come up tomorrow
- I'm still on the right side of the grass (alive) and...
- God is sovereign and in control
Now we have to wait for Wednesday when the Sens will come back with a vengeance!
Whew! Hope I can get to sleep now!
Mike Celebrates Early Lead
Thought provoking thoughts are always in evidence on one of my favorite blogs. Check out Holy Experience @ Ann is a Canadian writer who always makes us think!

“Profanity. Not swearing.
I'm not talking about breaking the Third Commandment.
I'm talking about treating as meaningless that which is freighted with meaning. Treating as common that which is hallowed.
Regarding as a mere triviality what is really a divine design.
Profanity is failure to see the inner mystery."
- Elisabeth Elliot
Note: The graphics are also taken from Holy Experience.
Countdown to the Cup

To be honest, I'll be a nervous wreck! I'm wanting the Senators to win the Cup so much...for Mike's sake and for Chris Neil and for the Sens' President, Roy Mlakar. All of them mean so much to me that to see them miss out would tear my heart out. Pretty serious words but they're heartfelt.
So, as the countdown gets lower I'm praying for Mike in particular. I pray that regardless of the outcome, he will shine and continue to be such a powerful example of true, genuine Christianity. Mike has had such a positive impact on so many people in the Ottawa area and beyond. Do I sound proud of him? YES, I AM!
So hear we go! GO SENS GO!
Cyclone Preacher
"Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching." - 2 Timothy 4:2 (KJV)

taken from God Tells the Man Who Cares, page 86
Memorial Day

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Never Before
Anyhow, pilgrim pals, here they are:
- Has time flown by so quickly. We're almost through the month of May and I just got home from England yesterday...or I guess it was March 8th. Where has the time gone? WOW!
- Have I felt my age like I've done in recent weeks. Arthur and Bertha aren't just visitors anymore, they're residents. For those who haven't read earlier posts, A & B are arthritis and bursitis. It used to be that people thought I looked at least 5 years younger that my age. Now they add on 5 years. YIKES!
- Have I enjoyed walking in our Back 40 like I do now. We have 3 1/2 acres of property here at home (see picture at top). Now that we're thinking of selling our place I'm thoroughly enjoying the time in the back field sitting by the creek, listening to the birds, enjoying the quiet. I hope we can stay! I really do!
- Have I heard such a clear, powerful, biblical message on what Pentecost Sunday really is all about. Steve Kennedy (don't tell anybody but he's a Pentecostal preacher) speaking in a Brethren assembly about the Holy Spirit? YES! And he did an excellent job! SCARY? No! I knew He would. He didn't disappoint. There should have been a few more hearty AMEN's! And, by the way, Steve and I would both prefer to be known as Christians. And, if we had to be, we'd rather be pentecostal and brethren with a small "p" and a small "b".
- Have I stood up in a Breaking of Bread service and thanked somebody for honking the horn on his transport truck when he passed my office. I did this morning! Ron Goodson was a real encouragement to me this week! He's been off work for quite some time but he's back on a part-time basis and to hear that horn (he did it twice this week) was so refreshing! An answer to prayer!
- Have I looked forward to a Stanley Cup Final with such anticipation as I am this season. Mike Fisher and the Senators are going to give us a demonstration on what hockey is all about!
- Have I dreaded a Stanley Cup Final like I am this year. I'll be a nervous wreck! I'm not sure if I'll be able to watch. When your own flesh and blood is out there on the ice playing his heart out you get anxious. Go Sens Go!
- Have I looked forward to the summer months like I am this spring. Homework? The word makes me sick! I can't wait 'til the kids are out of school and we are FREE from their studies. Some parents dread the summer. Not us! We can't wait!
- Have I enjoyed blogging as much as I am this month. Over 50 posts already and the month isn't over yet. You can have your MSN and your Facebook! I love blogging! It's a way of communicating my heart and sharing God's incredible love.
- Have I realized the truth of A. W. Tozer's statement when He said, "What comes into our minds when we think of God is the most important think about us." He opens his classic book THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY with that thought. Do yourself a favor! Pick up a copy of this book! It's only 120 pages long but it will transform your thinking! DO IT! Think about it! What comes to your mind when you think about God? Maybe we need to change our thinking.
My Place

Today is Pentecost Sunday. Let's give thanks that God kept His promise and sent us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. As Steve Kennedy, our preacher this morning said, "Everything I know of God, I learned from the Holy Spirit who taught me through the Word of God and guided me into all truth." Well that's not the exact quote but you get the sense. Right?
Anough of my Pilgrim Ramblings...
Have a good and godly Lord's day, dear Pilgrim Pals.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Looking Back
Next week it will be 2 1/2 years since PILGRIM SCRIBBLINGS was born and blogging became a daily experience for me. Now about 1,225 posts later I look back and thank God for this means of journaling my journey and posting my progress. I looked back in my archives and thought this post would be a good one to share today. I trust that you will be encouraged!
Have a wonderful Lord's day in His house, my Pilgrim Pals!
Here's that post:
Whether the issues are financial, emotional, relational, physical, spiritual (or whatever they might be), our Father knows all about them. Although we are often paralysed by these “things” that make the journey “home” so discouraging at times, the touch of God upon our lives and the comfort of His everlasting arms can nudge us closer to the finish line.
Dear friend, as we continue along towards “home”, may it be a comfort to know that we are walking together. We WILL make it! God has not turned His face away from us and our predicament. He is still there, cheering us on, even though the “stuff” we’re dealing with almost deafens us to His tender, gentle voice. One of my favorite hymn writers, William Cowper, was plagued with depression for much of his life, even though he enjoyed a closeness with his God. Recently I bought a biography of him and have been encouraged to know that others who have gone before have fought similar battles.
Read some of his lyrics:
“Amidst the roaring of the sea,
My soul still hangs her hope on Thee;
Thy constant love, Thy Faithful care,
Is all that saves me from despair.”
And again, he writes:
“Ye weary saints, fresh courage take,
The clouds ye so much dread;
Are big with mercies and shall break
With blessings on thy head.”
And finally:
“The dearest idol I have known,
Whate’er that idol be,
Help me to tear it from Thy Throne.
And worship only thee.”
And so, we fix our eyes on Him although at times our view is dimmed by tears. He beckons us from the grandstand of heaven. Our family and friends who’ve gone on before cheer us on. Let’s take each other’s hand and walk together. You are loved by Him and by this fellow pilgrim!
Friday, May 25, 2007
70-Year Old Sermon

Grace could stand the strain no longer and desperately cried out to God for help. Entering her husband's study she was led to a certain book of Spurgeon's sermons and found a message he had preached 70 years earlier from Jeremiah 33:3.
Later she wrote, "When I called upon God in desperation in August, 1933, He answered me by directing me unmistakably to the library shelf on which this book stood and to this sermon. It brought great cimfort and enabled me to trust God and to await the unfolding of His plans for us."
Grace later related that God lifted her burden so remarkably that when Charles returned from another hard day with the lawyers trying to ward off bankruptcy, she was able to say to him, "never mind how black things look now. God has assured me that He has great and mighty things in store for us in the future - things which we can't ever imagine now."
Later Charles and Grace would look back on that moment and could trace the faint beginnings of their incredible ministry of radio, evangelism and education. From that time on Charles would add this verse under his signature.
NOTE: Charles Fuller went on to found The Old Fashioned Revival Hour (radio) and Fuller Seminary.
So, dear friends, no matter how dark things are today...God knows your circumstances and is not oblivious to your plight. I took special comfort from this reading today because Carol and I are in a similar situation. We are selling off some possessions to stay afloat. Praise God that Christ captains our ship and will guide us around the rocks that threaten.
Farewell to Little Elgin

At precisely 4 p.m. yesterday, just as the last of nearly 800 mourners filed solemnly into the Carleton Place Arena for the young boy's funeral, the gathering storm clouds opened and the rain began to pour down.
He died mere hours after cheering his beloved Ottawa Senators to victory and the team's first modern-era berth in the Stanley Cup final.
Elgin grew up a die-hard hockey fan, and received the thrill of his young life when in April, just as the Senators were preparing to host the Pittsburgh Penguins in the opening round of the playoffs, the little boy was invited to a team practice.
That day, Elgin developed a special bond with his two favourite players, forward Mike Fisher and defenceman Chris Phillips.
Both Fisher and Phillips took time out from their busy schedules -- tomorrow the team flies to California, where they face the Anaheim Ducks in Game 1 of the final on Monday -- to lead the funeral procession into the arena.
Phillips made a surprise visit to the Fraser home last month to play road hockey with the boy on his third birthday.
Fisher visited Elgin on a day off last Thursday. The boy was too weak from his illness to pick up a hockey stick, though, so the two watched a movie together and played with toy cars.
"(Fisher) has a connection with Elgin," Victoria said earlier this week.
"You see it in both Elgin and Mike when they see each other. It's pretty touching. There's a deeper connection there than just Mike being a hockey player doing his duty. I think Elgin's really touched him personally."
As the service continued, rain battered the roof of the arena, falling so heavily that it threatened, at times, to drown out the eulogy from Elgin's grandfather, Kirk Fachnie.
When Elgin was first diagnosed with cancer, Fachnie told the crowd, his hockey coach dad asked doctors if his son would ever get to play the sport he so loved.
"The answer was no," said Fachnie, "but we all know that isn't true. He played hockey almost every day."
A few chuckles echoed through the arena as Fachnie re-enacted Elgin's road hockey pre-game ritual.
Mimicking his Ottawa Senators heroes, Elgin would lead a rousing chorus of O Canada before every shinny match.
"At the end," said Fachnie, "he'd raise his stick and say, 'Game on.' "
As the Senators prepare to get their own game on, an entire city is hoping they can win one for Elgin.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Digging For Gold in the Devotionals
There's a shelf on my bookcase, behind my desk, that is devoted to devotionals (pun not intended). Sometimes I read a particular day's entry in several of those books and often I find a nugget or gem that really addresses my need on that day.
This morning I opened John Calvin's HEART AFLAME, Daily Readings from Calvin on the Psalms. Often I find Calvin too verbose but one of the opening sentences in today's reading was simple enough for this uneducated pilgrim to grasp.
He writes, "God never disappoints His servants, but crowns with everlasting happiness the struggles and distresses which may have exercised their faith."

Regarding that "heritage" he writes, "But inheritance suggests that the people of God enjoy a species of prosperity more solid and enduring; their momentary and short-lived troubles having only the effect of promoting their eternal welfare. He praises God that those who fear His name are not left to the poor privilege of rejoicing for a few days, but secured in a permanent heritage of happiness."
What a heritage and inheritance we, as Christ-followers, have! We should, like David, determine to "Sing praises unto Thy name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows." - vs. 8
HEART AFLAME, Daily Readings from Calvin on the Psalms, published by Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing, copyright 1999.
Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Let's not forget that fact. He is always interceding for us, His beloved!

Here's a quote about M'Cheyne and a few other statements by him:
"No Christian can read the biography or the writings of Robert Murray M'Cheyne without realizing that the true measure of life is not its length, but its usefullness. He ministered but a short seven and a half years and died at the age of 29, yet the fruitfulness of that brief life remains to this day. Nor does the amount of our activity or our words reflect the true value of our life. M'Cheyne left notes of only some 300 sermons when he died in 1843, but his own counsel to a fellow minister explains why these sermons brought such abundant blessing, not only to 'the noisy mechanics and political weavers' of Dundee but, later, to all parts of the English-speaking world."
Here's that wise counsel to fellow ministers:
"Get your texts from God - your thoughts, your words, from God... It is not great talents God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus. A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hand of God. A word spoken by you when your conscience is clear, and your heart full of God's Spirit, is worth ten thousand words spoken in unbelief and sin."
"Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them." - Hebrews 7:25 (NIV)
"...Christ at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." - Romans 8:34 (NIV)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Pilgrim Pal Graduates With Honours

Have a great summer, Lauren-Mary, and keep us posted!
Lots of love from all your Pilgrim Pals. I know that Terry, the Canadian Blogger, will be excited that you graduated with honours. Check out Lauren's Life at:
Elgin's Obituary
Elgin-Alexander Fraser

In three short years, Elgin touched the hearts of more people than one could ever imagine and for that his family is forever blessed and he will be greatly missed. At the request of the family, they ask that hockey jerseys not be worn to the visitation or service.
Friends may call at the Carleton Place Chapel of Tubman Kerry Funeral Homes, 61 Lake Avenue West, Carleton Place (613-257-2303) on Wednesday, May 23, from 1 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. The service to celebrate Elgin's life will be held in the Carleton Place Arena, 75 Neelin Street, on Thursday, May 24, at 4 p.m. Cremation to follow.
For those who wish, memorial donations to the Ottawa Neuroblastoma Research Fund, 415 Smyth Rd. Ottawa, ON. K1H 8M8, Roger's House, 399 Smyth Rd. Ottawa, ON. K1H 8L2 or the Ottawa Senators Foundation, 1000 Palladium Drive, Kanata, ON. K2V 1A5 would be appreciated.
Tributes, donations or condolences may be made at
Playing With Toy Cars
The following story appears on the CTV web site at
I know that I've written a lot about Mike Fisher but this story just re-enforces what I feel about him. He's a caring, young man who has life in perspective.
There's a video clip on the CTV site as well. Perhaps you can check out their site and find the link. It will move you to tears.
Here's the story:
Cancer claims the life of young Senators fan
Updated Mon. May. 21 2007 11:16 PM ET News Staff

Propped up on a mattress in front of the television, Elgin closed his eyes and drifted away Saturday evening as his parents Hamish and Victoria Fraser held him tight.
His aunts, uncles and grandparents were there to say goodbye and how much they would miss him.
"He was okay with it and there was no fear in him. He was so calm to go," Victoria Fraser told CTV News. "He was a gift to us. Yes, I'm sad that he's gone, but he was a gift and he wasn't ours to keep."
Elgin died of a rare form of childhood cancer that affects the nervous system called neuroblastoma. He was diagnosed with cancer at the age of nine months. His tiny body went through numerous radiation treatments, chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant, which pushed the disease into remission.
After a year, however, the cancer returned in the form of a tumour in his torso that spread to his spinal cord.
Thanks to mutual friends and supporters, the Fraser family was able to make some of Elgin's hockey dreams come true in his final few months.
Elgin, perhaps the most dedicated Senators fan under the age of five, became a fast friend of the team.

On Elgin's third birthday, Phillips dropped by the Frasers' home to play hockey with him.
The family was also able to attend every home playoff game through the generous donation of tickets from supporters.
Elgin saw his final game on Wednesday night.
Donning his customary Sens jersey and a sawed-off hockey stick, he watched the showdown with his family and later met with Sens centre Mike Fisher, goaltender Ray Emery and Phillips.
Phillips promised Elgin they would win their final game and make it to the playoffs for him.
His favourite player paid a visit to the Fraser home just two days before he died.

After Fisher received news of Elgin's death, he phoned the Frasers to say the Sens players would do their best to win the Stanley Cup for Elgin.
"He's just an awesome kid and he made a difference in my life," Fisher said. "I was thinking about him obviously through this series and through the week and we're trying to obviously win it for him."
Hamish was grateful for everyone's kindness towards his son. "For him to go out that way, with everything he's experienced in the last little bit, we have no regrets and the way he did go out was just perfect," he said.
Elgin's funeral will be held Thursday at 4 p.m. at the Carleton Place Arena.
The family is asking for any donations to be made to the Ottawa Neuroblastoma Research Fund, Roger's House or the Ottawa Senators Foundation.
With a report from CTV's Graham Richardson
Monday, May 21, 2007
Trucks, Rednecks, Funerals & Blessed Assurance

For a little taste of the unusual, please click on the following link. I'm not sure what your reaction will be but check it out and see. Without giving away who is giving a eulogy at a funeral, let me say that this man is a believer, a born-again Christian. That's all I'll say.
Go ahead, CLICK! (After you get to the video screen, click on the arrow at the bottom left)
Note: The man who posted this link on his blog is likely the complete opposite of a redneck. Even though we've never met, Tim Challies and I are taking our boys to a Blue Jays' game in June. Check out his incredible blog at: I don't think Tim is a redneck but I'll let you know later.
Time With the Boys
This morning as I was driving home from work the 1st four lines of a poem/chorus/prayer came to me. Rather than scribbling the lyrics down on a piece of paper I thought I'd share them with my pilgrim pals here on Pilgrim Scribblings.

Come Holy Spirit come,
Ignite my hardened heart;
Endue with power from on high,
Thy holy flame impart!
If the Lord gives me some additional verses I'll share them with you.
O that all of us would offer this heartfelt prayer to God. We desperately need a fresh infilling of the Spirit of God in these days when truth has become so subjective!
Good morning, pilgrim pals!
Here's a little secret for you to hide away somewhere. When you notice that I've posted several entries in one day, that's a good indication that I'm having a "bad" day.
Yesterday was one of those days.

Yesterday I stayed at home for the entire day. I wasn't able to worship with my family but, as you know from my post, I spent some time out in the "Back 40" and my spirit was refreshed. I chose to draw on God's strength when I had none of my own. He didn't disappoint! I was able to "mount up with wings like an eagle".
Today is a new day and it's going to be a good one. Matthew and Nathan are home from school today. Matthew's friend Alex slept at our place last night and we'll do something "special" today.
I pray that you will sense God's touch today regardless of what's going on in and around you. He's a shelter in the time of storm and He's worthy of our praise.
"For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." - 2 Corinthians 12:10 (ESV)
Who But God?

With images so fine?
Who but God could write a Book
Precepts...line on line?
Who but God would send His Son
True man and yet divine...
To ransom fallen man inviting
Him to "come and dine"?
None other could my shackles break...
I give Him praise for Jesus' sake! AMEN!
- David W. Fisher, July 16, 2006
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Rebecca Writes
The following post is reprinted in its entirety from Rebecca Stark's excellent blog entitled Rebecca Writes. She has been featuring hymns written by William Cowper in her Sunday postings. This has been particularly interesting for me as I visited the town of Olney while I was in England earlier this year. I purchased a copy of the Olney Hymns at the Cowper Newton Museum.
Rebecca writes:

I’ve featured John Newton’s hymns here before, but today I’m presenting one more because I want to post a little bit about Olney Hymns, a hymnal published in 1779 that contained hymns written by William Cowper and John Newton. Shortly after Cowper’s conversion, John Newton became his pastor when Cowper moved to live in Olney. They shared a close relationship that continued after John Newton moved from Olney to take over a new pastorate thirteen years later.
From John Piper’s book, The Hidden Smile of God:
Newton saw Cowper’s bent to melancholy and reclusiveness and drew him into the ministry of visitation as much as he could. They would take long walks together between homes and talk of God and his purposes for the church. Then, in 1769, Newton got the idea of collaborating with Cowper on a book of hymns to be sung by their church. He thought it would be good for Cowper’s poetic bent to be engaged.1
As it turned out, Cowper wrote 68 of the hymns included in the Olney Hymns before he suffered another mental breakdown, and Newton finished things off by contributing more than two hundred. The previously featured hymns by Cowper were all Olney Hymns, and so was the ever popular Amazing Grace by Newton.
The breakdown that Cowper suffered was a bad one, and once again he tried to commit suicide repeatedly. Newton, Piper writes, “stood by him all the way through this, even sacrificing at least one vacation so as not to leave Cowper alone.”2 You get a glimpse there, I’d say, of John Newton’s pastoral heart. When Newton left Olney, he kept in close touch with Cowper, and the two men exchanged frequent letters for the next twenty years.
This hymn by Newton from Olney Hymns is one I was unfamiliar with, but it is in my church’s hymnal. I love it’s cross-centered words.
I Saw One Hanging on a Tree
I saw One hanging on a tree,
In agony and blood,
Who fixed His languid eyes on me,
As near His cross I stood.
O, can it be, upon a tree,
The Savior died for me?
My soul is thrilled,
my heart is filled,
To think He died for me!
Sure, never to my latest breath,
Can I forget that look;
It seemed to charge me with His death,
Though not a word He spoke.
My conscience felt and owned the guilt,
And plunged me in despair,
I saw my sins His blood had spilt,
And helped to nail Him there.
A second look He gave, which said,
“I freely all forgive;
This blood is for thy ransom paid;
I die that thou mayst live.”
Thus, while His death my sin displays
In all its blackest hue,
Such is the mystery of grace,
It seals my pardon too.
1. John Piper, The Hidden Smile of God, 96.
2. Ibid., 97.
David's note: Although Rebecca wasn't familiar with this hymn, it's one that I learned many years ago. We would often sing it during our Breaking of Bread service (Communion) in our Brethren assembly.
It's Been a Good Day

Here it is:
What a day it's been! Lots of pleasant surprises. A few disappointments. A visit from a good friend. Coffee with my workmate at the office, David. Now the day is almost over and, as I reflect on today's happenings, I can't help but be grateful for the rich blessings of God.
He has lavished his love on us to such an extent that our bank of blessings should never run dry. The difficult circumstances of life can't compare with the riches of God's grace, the benefits that have accrued to us because of the sacrifice of His beloved Son, Jesus.
So, as I lay my head on my pillow, I thank the Father for His goodness today. Tomorrow will be a brand new day with blessings and buffetings of its own. Our sovereign God will give us everything we need to face the day head on.
Until then, be encouraged, dear friends. We are on the winning side and the lights of "home" are just ahead.
Busy Back Yard
Today I was unable to get to church. My arthritis and bursitis (Arthur and Bertha) were acting up. I forgot to take my pain medication to work so I didn't get much sleep.

Baltimore orioles, hummingbirds, rose-breasted grosbeaks, goldfinches, cardinals, blue jays, etc. What a busy airport! Almost as many birds as there are planes at Chicago's O'Hare.
God has blessed us in so many ways! Watching the birds come and go was another reminder of His goodness.
I pray that you'll have a great week! GOD IS GOOD!
Hockey Heaven ???

If the headline means that the Senators have gone to a place they've never been before then I can understand that. They've never been to the Stanley Cup Finals. This is uncharted territory.
Heaven! I've never been there but I'm going someday. Based on what Jesus Christ did for me at Calvary, I'm going. I've never been there but based on what the Bible tells me, it's going to be a wonderful place...not because of the pearly gates, the streets of gold and the jasper walls but because JESUS will be there in all His glory.
Are you on your journey to heaven? Hope it's not a "hope so" for you. If you're only hoping then you better get things settled with God. He gives us "blessed assurance" when we trust Him and rest in His finished work at Calvary. Then it becomes a "know so" certainty!
I trust that I will see you there!