Disrepair But He's Not There
On Monday afternoon when Julian Marsh, Executive Director of the George Muller Foundation, drove me to Arno's Vale Cemetery in Bristol to view George Muller's grave he warned me that this burial grounds had fallen into serious disrepair (see photo) and is being restored. Julian told me ahead of time to lessen the shock of seeing huge trees growing up through old grave and tombstones broken and toppled over. It was like walking through a graveyard on a dreary, rainy Hallowe'en night.
We walked down a muddy incline to Mr. Muller's grave. The area around his tombstone and those of his first and second wife was kept up...thanks for the efforts of the Foundation.Seeing Arno's Vale reminded me afresh that it's only the decaying body of the Christian believer that is placed in these cemeteries. Our spirits are "absent from the body, present with the Lord".Thank you, Julian, for taking me to Arno's Vale and for the wonderful hospitality and love you extended to me during my visit.I look forward to a future day when I can ask George Muller about his life of faith and obedience. My first priority, though, will be to stand before Jesus and fall at His feet in grateful adoration for loving me and saving me.What a day that will be!
Oh David What a nice thought that you will first stand before Jesus and fall at his feet to adore Him.
ReplyDeleteMaybe for a couple of million years you can do this and THEN you can visit your earthly hero, George Muller and tell him all about the dream trip that God gave to you!
What a day it WILL be Pilgrim!
The Fisher Connection and all of the OTHER conections will be hearing this story here on earth,eh?...from Terry