I just came downstairs to my computer to check my e-mails and found several "get-well" notes plus a number of comments on my
Pilgrim Scribblings and
"the Barnabas Blog" sites. First of all, my heartfelt thanks to my dear blogging buddy and sister in the Lord,
Terry from
Canadian Blogger.
What a special friend! She got on my case about my blogging disappearance over the last few days so I told her that I've been
"sick as a dog". If I showed you my passport picture you'd think I was a dog.
Anyhow, it's Monday night and I'm going back to bed in a few minutes to get more sleep. My CPAP machine that Terry mentioned hasn't been helping much so I'm going to try sleeping without it tonight. Early tomorrow morning I will make the decision whether or not to drive to Buffalo to catch my flight to Ft. Myers, FL where I will visit my dear friend David Shantz. David, who plays hockey for the Florida Everblades, has been the subject of many of my posts on Pilgrim Scribblings. I'm trusting that I'll be feeling much better in the morning. Please join me in praying that this will be the case. It's a quick 3-day trip. I'll be back, Lord willing, on Thursday evening.
The flu and colds have been running through our household and I had hoped that I would be immune after taking so many vitamins. NOT! Matthew and Carol are still battling it!
So, I'll be posting again as soon as possible. If I travel to Florida I'll have my two trusted friends with me, Mr. Sony and Mr. Toshiba, so I can post pictures on my sites.
God is good and He has blessed me already today through your prayerful concern. THANKS!
P. S. I'm certainly praying that I'll be feeling 100% on the 27th when I fly to England. It certainly is the fulfilment of a lifelong dream.
Also - please pray for me this Friday as I travel to our nation's capital, Ottawa, to speak in an Ottawa Senators' chapel. Of course my nephew Mike Fisher and some teammates will be there.