Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thank You!

Thank you for your notes of CONGRATULATIONS on the posting of our 1,000th article on PILGRIM SCRIBBLINGS! It has been an enjoyable exercise! Making new friends and communicating God's grace and faithfulness at the same time has been a rewarding experience.

I've jokingly commented on our "10 readers plus Brodie" but I trust that there a many more out there in cyberspace who have dropped by from time to time. When I had my counter on the site I realized that many visitors came by each day.

My prayer for each of you is that your love for Jesus Christ would grow each day and that you would commit to bring glory to Him by your actions and words.

Thanks for making the journey with me! Your companionship on the road home has been refreshing to this weary pilgrim.

Much love in Christ,


Note: Be sure to visit the new blog which we launched yesterday...the Barnabas Blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hello David...I hope everything is going well. We 11 readers and Brodie are missing you.
    We hope you are not in the hospital again...From Terry

    Hey we might be going to Georgetown in June to see "Greater Vision".
    Maybe I can pack a couple boxes of books if you will be there.
    I don't even know where Georege Town is so I will have to google it.
    Maybe that "Sweet Inspirations" will be there too. That would be nice!!
