Well here you go, Terry! Satisfied?
I can't just post a picture of a tree without asking my 11 readers (including Brodie) to give me a "catchy caption" for the photo.

Come on friends! Get creative! What should this picture be called?
Perhaps there'll be a prize for the winner. With the number of readers I have, if all 11 of you submit something you'll have a 1 in 11 chance of hitting the jackpot. Submit multiple captions and your chances improve.
Well it's late and I've scribbled enough. This pilgrim is tired and sore!
And, by the way, have you wandered over to "the Barnabas Blog" recently? I'm committed to posting a "fresh" encouragement entry every evening (or morning). I was just trying to use the letter "e".
Good night! Sleep tight! Don't lay awake worrying about your problems. Give them to God! He can handle everything you "cast on Him" and He's going to be up all night anyway.