Monday, October 09, 2006

Thanksgiving Chorus

Back in the 70's I wrote the following chorus and we used it at our home church just before the Sunday School broke up to go to their classes. It was a song of praise for the first 4 lines and then a song of petition for the final 4. I thought Thanksgiving Weekend would be a good time to shake off the dust and bring out the chorus.

Here it is:

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
Come into His courts with praise;
Lift high the name of Jesus,
Look upon His face.

(now more quiet and prayerful)

Quietly we wait before You,
Teach us now we pray;
Lead us to the Fount of Blessing,
Fill us with your love today.

- words and music by David W. Fisher


1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and the fam too!

    lovely chorus ...

    did i ever tell you that many of my mom's poems have been used in choruses, or made into hymns in Finland?

    it always feels good to uplift others, doesn't it?

