Blogging buddy Pilot Mom (her only son pilots a C-130 in the U. S. Air Force) wrote the following post recently. It sums up my thoughts on the subject exactly. Read this and rejoice in a God who loves you and cares deeply about the circumstances of life:
Are you like most people experiencing some kind of difficulty at any given time? I know I go through times which I think of as "tough times." Lots of people place their confidence in someone or something other than God to get them through. No matter how complex your difficulties are, I believe the solution is simple: knowing and trusting in God's faithfulness. Why? Because the basis of my confidence is the character of God. When a person doesn't know Him, when they have an inaccurate picture of who He is and what He can do, then they allow the storms of life to overtake them.
However, as I live my life before Him, confident that He knows exactly where I am and what needs to be accomplished through my life, I can walk with joy through confidence in Him. You see, God is always with me. And He is always with you if you are a believer. He isn't standing idly by, hoping against hope that life will turn out okay for us. He's active and involved. I can have complete confidence that everything that comes my way has either been sent or allowed by a God who is both all-loving and all-powerful.
I don't know what you are facing in life right now, but I do know what I am facing. It may seem like you are up against the impossible. I belong to the God of the impossible. A God who loves me, who is greater than my needs and problems, who has the power and ability to help me, who has my best interests in mind. He's a God in whom I can place my confidence at all times. Why don't you give Him a try?! Call on Him for help. He will be faithful to respond.
Thank you, David. It is such a comfort to me to know that our God is able to accomplish anything He so desires. And, it is such a comfort to know that He knows what is best for each of us.