Sunday, October 22, 2006


A guy can dream can't he?

Earlier last week I stood at one of the easternmost parts of Canada and looked across the Atlantic (by faith) to Bristol, England.

One of these days I'll hop on a plane, fly to London, rent a car and drive to Bristol. 'Til then I'll continue dreaming of the day I arrive on Ashley Down in Bristol where George Muller's orphanages stood.

Praise God for the legacy Mr. Muller left!

1 comment:

  1. Dear David..You have such a longing in your soul to go to Bristol to see where George Muller's orphanges stood. Maybe it will happen someday and it would make us so happy for you. I wonder how Mr. Muller would feel if he knew how much you have always admired him? Sometimes heros come and go in a person's life but this love of your's has never gone or ebbed!
    One thing is for certain though that you WILL meet him one of these days in heaven. Oh boy, David Fisher.. That will be even better than Bristol, England, and it WON'T be just a dream....Christian love from Terry

    David George Muller's legacy WILL live as long as there are people like you who are telling everybody about it!
