Here's a prayer from that site that I found particularly pertinent to my present situation and I've made it "my" prayer for today as I begin the day:
"Lord Jesus, help me to remain faithful to You and your calling upon my life. Strengthen and grow my faith as I daily search Your Scriptures and apply their truths to my spiritual walk. As I go through the trials and experiences of my earthly journey would You fix my eyes and my ever-wandering heart upon Jesus. When the howling winds and forceful storms of this life attempt to shipwreck my faith may they instead prove my faith to be more than sufficient to withstand the continual assaults from the enemy. Because I take refuge in Jesus my spiritual foundation is firm, always dependable, and leads me to glorious victory. Amen."
May the God of all hope give each of you, my readers, His strength today as you make your pilgrimage home. - David
That's beautiful- thanks for sharing! I'm going to keep a copy in with my devotion notes and read it often.