Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Dream For Revival

A guy can dream can't he?

My recurring dream/desire/goal/prayer is that God would move in a mighty way, bringing revival to my home town of Peterborough, Ontario.

Each time I drive past St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (pictured) I envision the sanctuary packed with people seeking God's touch on their lives.

Maybe it's a "pipe dream" but I believe that God can still work sovereignly in the lives of sinners and saints alike.

I love the architecture of St. Paul's and "I can only imagine" what it would be like if the Spirit of God swept through our city with convicting power and this was the location where the revival took place.

I'll continue to pray to that end. Perhaps you think I'm strange but I'm not going to stop trusting that God will do a mighty work here before Jesus returns.

Just thought I'd pass along that thought...


  1. I believe that the Lord COULD!!

    David, Isn't the Presbyterian Church the one that started the Christian Endeaver Society? This changed a lot of people's lives years ago.

    I really think that the Lord is saving people in every denomination!

    He is certainly coming soon!

    Heaven will be full and there will not be one seat empty!.....from Terry

  2. David,
    Do you remember me? (Lizzie) I used to work over at Ptbo9 every once in awhile. I recently moved to Ottawa and I have read your blog every once in awhile..When I read this entry it reminded of the passion my heart had and still does for Ptbo.

    Thanks for sharing..
    Take good care..

  3. Lizzie:

    Thanks for your note! I was thinking about you the other day when House 9 & 11 had a combined team meeting in the Common Room. I was wondering why I hadn't seen you lately. Now I know. Why don't you give me your e-mail address so we can stay in touch.

    In His love,

