This morning I picked up a shirt at Eastern Hills Mall in Buffalo for an unbelieveable price. Maybe when you look at the picture you'll say, "I wouldn't pay a dime for that dish rag!"
I was almost as excited as Debra was when she picked up an old dish drainer at a yard sale for nothing, nada, FREE! Check out her find at:
This evening I pulled 20 straight pins out of my shirt, ironed it and I'll wear it to work tonight. I also took the price tag and peeled back each of the stickers on it.

The price began at $30.00. Then it dropped to $12.97. Then $9.97, $4.97 and $1.97. What a deal, eh!
I call it good stewardship of the Lord's money! Wanna buy a shirt? I'll sell it cheap (for $10.00) but you better be a big guy. It's an XXL.