Every day I receive a devotional challenge by e-mail, taken from one of A. W. Tozer's books. Here's what I received today! Would you be one of those 300 believers who could turn the world upside down in this, the 21st century?
Revival: No Limit to What God Could Do
But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out, "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too." --Acts 17:6
There is no limit to what God could do in our world if we would dare to surrender before Him with a commitment like this:
"Oh God, I hereby give myself to You. I give my family. I give my business. I give all I possess. Take all of it, Lord-and take me! I give myself in such measure that if it is necessary that I lose everything for your sake, let me lose it. I will not ask what the price is. I will ask only that I may be all that I ought to be as a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ, my Lord. Amen."
If even 300 of God's people became that serious, our world would never hear the last of it! They would influence the news. Their message would go everywhere like birds on the wing. They would set off a great revival of New Testament faith and witness.
God wants to deliver us from the easygoing, smooth and silky, fat and comfortable Christianity so fashionable today. I hope we are willing to let the truth get hold of us, even at the cost of rejection or embarrassment.
The faith of the heavenly overcomers cost them everything and gained them everything. What of our faith?
taken from Jesus Is Victor! - pages 116-117
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
How's Your "House"?
The following "post" appears on my friend Saija's web site today. It was the first "blog" which I read this morning. She writes exactly what I've been thinking lately! It gave me real "food for thought" and challenged me. The title "What Condition Is Your 'House' In?" is mine but the rest is Saija's. It's worth the read! - David
What Condition Is Your "House" In?
i fell in love with a house in town ... well, maybe love is too strong a word - but its good looks and listed qualities did give me a strong case of the "really likes" ...
so yesterday we took a look inside ...
the listed features were all there, but they were way past their prime and way past their appeal ... the husband had died and the wife was in a seniors home, so the house was empty ... it was everything i wanted - in theory ... yet nothing had been kept up and things needed replacing ... there was a smell of decay inside ...
it was quite disappointing ... i saw one thing on the outside, but a totally different story on the inside ... everything looked well kept and up to date, but once the interior was revealed, there was a need for a totally cleansing ...
which made me wonder what people "see" when they see me ... how do i stack up as a believer? i may look the part and talk the part ... but what about the inside? when you get to know me better ... will i disappoint? will my inner self show signs of neglect? will i only have a story or two to share of God’s goodness towards me? ... really old stories that have been told so many times i can recite them in my sleep?
more importantly, God ALWAYS sees the real me ... even if i look put together on the outside ... i’m not fooling my Heavenly Father ... He knows what needs to be renovated and cleaned up ... He knows if my faith is growing stale ... if i lack the vibrancy of someone who lives and breathes daily fellowship with Him ...
it just made me think ... looking at that nicely kept exterior, with neglect and age spoiling the interior ... i didn't want that to be me ...
"And be renewed in the spirit of your mind" Ephesians 4:23
What Condition Is Your "House" In?
i fell in love with a house in town ... well, maybe love is too strong a word - but its good looks and listed qualities did give me a strong case of the "really likes" ...
so yesterday we took a look inside ...
the listed features were all there, but they were way past their prime and way past their appeal ... the husband had died and the wife was in a seniors home, so the house was empty ... it was everything i wanted - in theory ... yet nothing had been kept up and things needed replacing ... there was a smell of decay inside ...
it was quite disappointing ... i saw one thing on the outside, but a totally different story on the inside ... everything looked well kept and up to date, but once the interior was revealed, there was a need for a totally cleansing ...
which made me wonder what people "see" when they see me ... how do i stack up as a believer? i may look the part and talk the part ... but what about the inside? when you get to know me better ... will i disappoint? will my inner self show signs of neglect? will i only have a story or two to share of God’s goodness towards me? ... really old stories that have been told so many times i can recite them in my sleep?
more importantly, God ALWAYS sees the real me ... even if i look put together on the outside ... i’m not fooling my Heavenly Father ... He knows what needs to be renovated and cleaned up ... He knows if my faith is growing stale ... if i lack the vibrancy of someone who lives and breathes daily fellowship with Him ...
it just made me think ... looking at that nicely kept exterior, with neglect and age spoiling the interior ... i didn't want that to be me ...
"And be renewed in the spirit of your mind" Ephesians 4:23
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
0 to 153...What a Catch!

When God says, "Cast your net on the other side of the boat", you better do it! As I mentioned in our "Monday We Have Fish" session with the Peterborough Petes on Monday evening, the disciples went from 0 to 153 (fish, that is) in less that 5 minutes.
Obey God even when it seems unreasonable! The One who made the fish knows where to catch them!
Happy Fishing (for men)!
David W. Fisher
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I'm NOT Gerry Organ

Now do you really think I look like Gerry Organ? This photo was taken when we were both on the committee to plan and stage a men's outreach during Billy Graham's Mission Ontario back in 1995. That's Gerry on the extreme left and David on the extreme right. And NO, we are not extremists. Many people have got us mixed up over the years. We were both on staff at The Peoples Church in Toronto but not at the same time...Fortunately.
It was great seeing you today, Chris! Keep doing the work of the Lord in the power of His Holy Spirit and leave the results with God. I'll leave out your last name to save further embarrassment. I love you, brother!

Atheism Ain't Cool!
My blogging buddy Cindy echoes my feelings in her blog concerning the emptiness of atheism, entitled "I Just Don't Get Atheism". What an empty life it must be!
Cindy Swanson writes:
Several things have gotten me thinking lately about atheism.
Last week, I read this article in USA Today about Lori Lipman Brown, a new lobbyist in Washington D.C. for people who don't believe in God. YAY! Atheists have their own lobbyist now--as if they didn't have enough friends in government.
Brown says her two goals are to "keep religion out of government and win respect for a stigmatized minority."
The story makes much of the overwhelming odds against Brown in a nation in which the Christian right wields so much power. If that's so, then why are we losing our religious freedoms seemingly by the day?
And why do I have trouble seeing atheists as downtrodden and persecuted? It seems to me it's much more uncool to be a Christian these days.
The Happy Atheist?
I grew up thinking of Madalyn Murray O'Hair as the quintessential atheist. Pretty much everyone agrees that O'Hair was a miserable, hateful, amoral jerk. It stood to reason. She had not only rejected God, but made it her life's work to actively and vigorously oppose Him and everything He stood for.
(By the way, if you've never read the autobigraphy of her son, William Murray--My Life Without God--I highly recommend it. The picture that emerges of life in a family that hates the very idea of God is very telling, to say the least. And here's a fascinating article by Murray about the deaths of his mother, brother and daughter.)
However, a lot of modern-day atheists reject the image of the miserable, curmudgeonly atheist. They want everyone to know that they are just as happy and fulfilled as any Christian. Hey, probably even more so. They don't have to live uptight lives restricted by Judeo-Christian mores.
You know what? I just don't buy it.
Have you ever seen that little saying: "Know God--Know Peace. No God--No Peace."
I'm sorry, you can NEVER convince me that someone who doesn't believe in God has any sort of real peace in that dark night of the soul that we all have to face at one time or another.
When all the lights are out, and everyone is asleep, and you're alone with your thoughts, and fears, and worries, and dreads, and horrors--no God??? Only yourself to turn to, to lean on, to trust in, to rely on? Uh-uh.
Atheists are often extremely intelligent people. Personally, I wouldn't even begin to try to debate one. I'm not an apologist; I have only simple, childlike faith, and the Bible--which they reject anyway, so using it in a debate would hold no water with them.
All I know is, when times are hard, when tragedy strikes, when pain and loss rear their ugly heads--how utterly empty and sad and lost it must feel, to have no God.
The other day on Radio 91, I heard this beautiful song by Acappella (listen to it here):
If There Were No God
"If there were no God there would be no music
There would be no dream to be dreaming of
What a dreadful thought of an empty future
If there were no God there would be no love
If there were no God there would be no children
There would be no joy to relieve our tears
Not a tender hand to provide us comfort
No consoling heart to subdue our fears
If there were no God there would be no sunshine
There would be no rain to refresh the earth
There would be no jewels to display their value
There would be no thought of enduring words
If there were no God there'd be no creation
There would be no light there would be no breath
No surpassing joy nothing in existence
If there were no God all would be death.
But we know that God is with us
And we know His majesty
Reigning now, the King eternal
Yes we know the victory."
Words and music: Keith Lancaster © 1995 Anthony K. Music (ASCAP) Arrangement: Don Marsh © 1995 Anthony K. Music (ASCAP)
"No surpassing joy"--key phrase there.
No God--No Peace?
I submit to you: No God, no joy.
Cindy Swanson writes:
Several things have gotten me thinking lately about atheism.
Last week, I read this article in USA Today about Lori Lipman Brown, a new lobbyist in Washington D.C. for people who don't believe in God. YAY! Atheists have their own lobbyist now--as if they didn't have enough friends in government.
Brown says her two goals are to "keep religion out of government and win respect for a stigmatized minority."
The story makes much of the overwhelming odds against Brown in a nation in which the Christian right wields so much power. If that's so, then why are we losing our religious freedoms seemingly by the day?
And why do I have trouble seeing atheists as downtrodden and persecuted? It seems to me it's much more uncool to be a Christian these days.
The Happy Atheist?
I grew up thinking of Madalyn Murray O'Hair as the quintessential atheist. Pretty much everyone agrees that O'Hair was a miserable, hateful, amoral jerk. It stood to reason. She had not only rejected God, but made it her life's work to actively and vigorously oppose Him and everything He stood for.
(By the way, if you've never read the autobigraphy of her son, William Murray--My Life Without God--I highly recommend it. The picture that emerges of life in a family that hates the very idea of God is very telling, to say the least. And here's a fascinating article by Murray about the deaths of his mother, brother and daughter.)
However, a lot of modern-day atheists reject the image of the miserable, curmudgeonly atheist. They want everyone to know that they are just as happy and fulfilled as any Christian. Hey, probably even more so. They don't have to live uptight lives restricted by Judeo-Christian mores.
You know what? I just don't buy it.
Have you ever seen that little saying: "Know God--Know Peace. No God--No Peace."
I'm sorry, you can NEVER convince me that someone who doesn't believe in God has any sort of real peace in that dark night of the soul that we all have to face at one time or another.
When all the lights are out, and everyone is asleep, and you're alone with your thoughts, and fears, and worries, and dreads, and horrors--no God??? Only yourself to turn to, to lean on, to trust in, to rely on? Uh-uh.
Atheists are often extremely intelligent people. Personally, I wouldn't even begin to try to debate one. I'm not an apologist; I have only simple, childlike faith, and the Bible--which they reject anyway, so using it in a debate would hold no water with them.
All I know is, when times are hard, when tragedy strikes, when pain and loss rear their ugly heads--how utterly empty and sad and lost it must feel, to have no God.
The other day on Radio 91, I heard this beautiful song by Acappella (listen to it here):
If There Were No God
"If there were no God there would be no music
There would be no dream to be dreaming of
What a dreadful thought of an empty future
If there were no God there would be no love
If there were no God there would be no children
There would be no joy to relieve our tears
Not a tender hand to provide us comfort
No consoling heart to subdue our fears
If there were no God there would be no sunshine
There would be no rain to refresh the earth
There would be no jewels to display their value
There would be no thought of enduring words
If there were no God there'd be no creation
There would be no light there would be no breath
No surpassing joy nothing in existence
If there were no God all would be death.
But we know that God is with us
And we know His majesty
Reigning now, the King eternal
Yes we know the victory."
Words and music: Keith Lancaster © 1995 Anthony K. Music (ASCAP) Arrangement: Don Marsh © 1995 Anthony K. Music (ASCAP)
"No surpassing joy"--key phrase there.
No God--No Peace?
I submit to you: No God, no joy.
Firecracker or Dynamite
Recently I discovered the following outline of a chapel message that I delivered over 20 years ago. I popped an old floppy disc into my computer and found these thoughts. They are still as true today as they were over 2,000 years ago.
“We preach a dynamite gospel but live a firecracker life.”
On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens violently erupted after being dormant for 123 years. Incredible power was unleashed. The cloud of ash literally turned day into night. Communities were virtually immobilized. 26 lakes, 154 miles of trout streams and 195 square miles of wildlife habitat were destroyed. Powerful !!! 1,200 feet were ripped off the top of a 9,700 foot volcano.
From the time dynamite was first produced in 1867 by Alfred Nobel until now, we have witnessed incredible demonstrations of power but we’ve only seen glimpses of what the “real” power behind this universe is like. The truth is that we haven’t begun to comprehend the limitless power of an eternal God. On Easter Sunday we celebrate a display of God’s power when Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. That same power which raised Christ from the grave is now at work in the lives of those who are followers of Jesus. – Ephesians 1:19,20
The apostle Paul declared, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” – Romans 1:16 The same power that raised Jesus can save us from our sins. It is the power of God. The word “power” here, is derived from the Greek work, “dunamis” from which we get our English word, dynamite. Human power is limited but God’s creative and saving power is limitless.
The apostle Paul’s prayer was, “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings…“ (Philippians 3:10)
The great preacher from the 19th century, Charles Spurgeon, once said, “If Niagara could suddenly be made to leap upward instead of forever dashing downward from its rocky height, it were not such a miracle as to change the perverse will and raging passions of men. Conversion is a work comparable to the making of a world . . . all other labors are child’s play compared with renewing a right spirit in the
fallen nature of man.”
Yes, the gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful, it’s dynamic, it’s life-changing but that same power that transformed us from a sinner to a forgiven, child of God is available to us as Christ’s followers to enable us to live holy, meaningful, fruitful lives.
Relate the story of the 747 crossing the Atlantic. Too many Christians are sputtering through life on only one engine when we have the resources to live abundantly.
As Christians, we have the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to equip and enable us to live victoriously. He gives us power to:
FORSAKE our fears.
FLEE the temptations that seek to trip us up.
FACE the trials and disappointments that are a part of everyday living.
FULFIL His calling to be Spirit-filled followers and disciple makers of Jesus Christ.
Like the apostle Paul, we should not be ashamed of the life-changing gospel that transforms mankind but we should also live daily . . . empowered by the Holy Spirit who enables us to live dynamite lives . . . not firecracker ones. THE CHOICE IS YOURS !!!
“We preach a dynamite gospel but live a firecracker life.”
On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens violently erupted after being dormant for 123 years. Incredible power was unleashed. The cloud of ash literally turned day into night. Communities were virtually immobilized. 26 lakes, 154 miles of trout streams and 195 square miles of wildlife habitat were destroyed. Powerful !!! 1,200 feet were ripped off the top of a 9,700 foot volcano.
From the time dynamite was first produced in 1867 by Alfred Nobel until now, we have witnessed incredible demonstrations of power but we’ve only seen glimpses of what the “real” power behind this universe is like. The truth is that we haven’t begun to comprehend the limitless power of an eternal God. On Easter Sunday we celebrate a display of God’s power when Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. That same power which raised Christ from the grave is now at work in the lives of those who are followers of Jesus. – Ephesians 1:19,20
The apostle Paul declared, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.” – Romans 1:16 The same power that raised Jesus can save us from our sins. It is the power of God. The word “power” here, is derived from the Greek work, “dunamis” from which we get our English word, dynamite. Human power is limited but God’s creative and saving power is limitless.
The apostle Paul’s prayer was, “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings…“ (Philippians 3:10)
The great preacher from the 19th century, Charles Spurgeon, once said, “If Niagara could suddenly be made to leap upward instead of forever dashing downward from its rocky height, it were not such a miracle as to change the perverse will and raging passions of men. Conversion is a work comparable to the making of a world . . . all other labors are child’s play compared with renewing a right spirit in the
fallen nature of man.”
Yes, the gospel of Jesus Christ is powerful, it’s dynamic, it’s life-changing but that same power that transformed us from a sinner to a forgiven, child of God is available to us as Christ’s followers to enable us to live holy, meaningful, fruitful lives.
Relate the story of the 747 crossing the Atlantic. Too many Christians are sputtering through life on only one engine when we have the resources to live abundantly.
As Christians, we have the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit to equip and enable us to live victoriously. He gives us power to:
FORSAKE our fears.
FLEE the temptations that seek to trip us up.
FACE the trials and disappointments that are a part of everyday living.
FULFIL His calling to be Spirit-filled followers and disciple makers of Jesus Christ.
Like the apostle Paul, we should not be ashamed of the life-changing gospel that transforms mankind but we should also live daily . . . empowered by the Holy Spirit who enables us to live dynamite lives . . . not firecracker ones. THE CHOICE IS YOURS !!!
Attractive Drabness II

Further to my Attractive Drabness post I got thinking about the beauty of an "old rugged cross". Just rough-hewn boards! But...they bore the body of the beloved Son of God, Jesus, as He bore the weight and punishment for all my sin. Drab, rough & grey yet attractive...or, as the hymn writer penned, "has a wondrous attraction for me."
The Old Rugged Cross
Hymn composed in 1912 by Reverend George Bennard (1873-1958)
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross,
The emblem of suffering and shame;
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best
For a world of lost sinners was slain.
So I'll cherish the old rugged cross,
Till my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world,
Has a wondrous attraction for me;
For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above
To bear it to dark Calvary.
In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine,
A wondrous beauty I see,
For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died,
To pardon and sanctify me.
To the old rugged cross I will ever be true;
Its shame and reproach gladly bear;
Then He'll call me some day to my home far away,
Where His glory forever I'll share.
"The Old Rugged Cross," one of the world's best loved hymns, was composed in Albion, Michigan in 1912 by the Reverend George Bennard (1873-1958). The son of an Ohio coal miner, Bennard was a lifelong servant of God, chiefly in the Methodist ministry. He wrote the words and music of over three hundred other hymns. None achieved the fame of "The Old Rugged Cross," the moving summation of his faith.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Overflow of a Writer's Life
Long-time personal friend and blogging buddy, E. Natalie Johnson (or "Di" to me) wrote an excellent post today. Maybe she was irriatated with me for implying that I get frustrated when I go to her Cedar Chest and there's nothing new for me. Anyhow...she writes (and lives) passionately and I encourage you to take a moment to read her challenging blog.
And, if I'm the "writing police" that she refers to, don't feel guilty for not putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. When God's Holy Spirit moves your heart to write...DO IT! Until then I'll look elsewhere for my encouragement. Ha! Ha!
E. Natalie Johnson writes:
I cannot speak for all bloggers, but I suspect that my experience is not unlike most of you. That time to sit and write seems to come in ‘fits and spurts’. Life sometimes just overflows, and things which steal away writing time, are equally important in the purpose of our days.
“I am a servant of Jesus Christ.” “I am a wife.” “I am a mother / father” “I am a daughter / son.” “I am a sibling, a neighbor, and a friend.” “I am a co-worker, and a colleague.”
And so life overflows into an extended ‘coffee-break’ with a mentor and friend. A ‘love letter’ to a parent while they are still living. Caring for an eighteen year-old who throws his back out in a fake Sumo Wrestling suit, is off his feet for a week, and needs that time to discuss his future education & career path. Nursing a fourteen year-old who needs you by his side twenty-four hours while feverish and fighting an infection. Fellowship with a group of women at a retreat where you have the privilege to be involved musically, or to weeping and pray with them over the cries of their hearts. Sitting and talking over important issues with your husband or wife. This is the ‘stuff of life’ that many of us would not trade for anything…even writing time.
Add time to “Sharpen the Saw”, as author and motivational speaker Stephen R. Covey would say, which is basically keeping yourself fit spiritually, physically, and mentally, so you can ‘be there’ for the people who are prioritized in your circle of influence. Your spouse, your family, church family, neighbors, friends, co-workers…the list goes on. Last week, after a roller-coaster of events, I was forced to take time out for some professional massage therapy on my right shoulder and neck. ‘Sharpening ourselves’ is almost always worth the price we must pay, whether monetarily, or in time spent. Taking these ‘time-outs’ is not a selfish thing when at the end of the day they enable us to be more fully engaged with those who depend on us. Or, if they allow us to come back to things we are passionate about (i.e. writing) with renewed energy and with insights that we have gained through simply making time for life.
The tasks of everyday living which call us away from areas of giftedness we really enjoy, can seem menial or insignificant, yet they are where treasures are found, and where God speaks to our hearts through the simplest things in life.
And so, fellow bloggers, may you never feel guilty when you put your writing ‘on the back burner’ and let it 'simmer' there for a few days or even longer, in order to make time for life.
Time for lengthy conversations, or for extended periods of quietness and soul-searching. Time for laughter, or for grief. For hugs, or for ‘alone-time’. For reading, or for prayer. What inspires you and makes you a better writer in the grand scheme of things? May you be filled with the stuff of life, and a harvest of the fruit of God’s Spirit living in and through you. Time for love, for joy, for peace, patience, and kindness. For goodness, and faithfulness. For gentleness and self-control. For there is no law against such things, and the ‘writing police’ will not arrest you if you do not put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) today!
We promise to wait, and when you’re ready, be blessed through the things that you write which have come from the overflow of your life.
And, if I'm the "writing police" that she refers to, don't feel guilty for not putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. When God's Holy Spirit moves your heart to write...DO IT! Until then I'll look elsewhere for my encouragement. Ha! Ha!
E. Natalie Johnson writes:
I cannot speak for all bloggers, but I suspect that my experience is not unlike most of you. That time to sit and write seems to come in ‘fits and spurts’. Life sometimes just overflows, and things which steal away writing time, are equally important in the purpose of our days.
“I am a servant of Jesus Christ.” “I am a wife.” “I am a mother / father” “I am a daughter / son.” “I am a sibling, a neighbor, and a friend.” “I am a co-worker, and a colleague.”
And so life overflows into an extended ‘coffee-break’ with a mentor and friend. A ‘love letter’ to a parent while they are still living. Caring for an eighteen year-old who throws his back out in a fake Sumo Wrestling suit, is off his feet for a week, and needs that time to discuss his future education & career path. Nursing a fourteen year-old who needs you by his side twenty-four hours while feverish and fighting an infection. Fellowship with a group of women at a retreat where you have the privilege to be involved musically, or to weeping and pray with them over the cries of their hearts. Sitting and talking over important issues with your husband or wife. This is the ‘stuff of life’ that many of us would not trade for anything…even writing time.
Add time to “Sharpen the Saw”, as author and motivational speaker Stephen R. Covey would say, which is basically keeping yourself fit spiritually, physically, and mentally, so you can ‘be there’ for the people who are prioritized in your circle of influence. Your spouse, your family, church family, neighbors, friends, co-workers…the list goes on. Last week, after a roller-coaster of events, I was forced to take time out for some professional massage therapy on my right shoulder and neck. ‘Sharpening ourselves’ is almost always worth the price we must pay, whether monetarily, or in time spent. Taking these ‘time-outs’ is not a selfish thing when at the end of the day they enable us to be more fully engaged with those who depend on us. Or, if they allow us to come back to things we are passionate about (i.e. writing) with renewed energy and with insights that we have gained through simply making time for life.
The tasks of everyday living which call us away from areas of giftedness we really enjoy, can seem menial or insignificant, yet they are where treasures are found, and where God speaks to our hearts through the simplest things in life.
And so, fellow bloggers, may you never feel guilty when you put your writing ‘on the back burner’ and let it 'simmer' there for a few days or even longer, in order to make time for life.
Time for lengthy conversations, or for extended periods of quietness and soul-searching. Time for laughter, or for grief. For hugs, or for ‘alone-time’. For reading, or for prayer. What inspires you and makes you a better writer in the grand scheme of things? May you be filled with the stuff of life, and a harvest of the fruit of God’s Spirit living in and through you. Time for love, for joy, for peace, patience, and kindness. For goodness, and faithfulness. For gentleness and self-control. For there is no law against such things, and the ‘writing police’ will not arrest you if you do not put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) today!
We promise to wait, and when you’re ready, be blessed through the things that you write which have come from the overflow of your life.
A Tribute
Over the past couple of years many of my friends met Chuck Obremski vicariously through my e-mail updates and various "posts" on this "blog". Many have commented how they climbed aboard the "cancer coaster" with the man they never met but somehow got to know and love.
Blogging buddy Susan Bunts has faithfully kept me updated during Chuck's battle. I commend her for painstakingly noting Chuck's sermon outlines before he went "home" and jotting down the tributes paid to her beloved pastor. Thank you so much, Susan!
Here are some thoughts from the special service yesterday at Kindred Community Church:
This weekend I had the privilege of attending two services that celebrated the life of my beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski.
One was the memorial service for Chuck held at Anaheim Stadium. David Fisher at Pilgrim Scribblings posted the recap of the services from the Kindred Prayer Team "You Finished Strong". It fully captures the services...and I encourage you to click on the above link. It will give you a picture of the man that so many people loved, mourn at his passing...and celebrate that he is home with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Today at Kindred we had a service as a church family to remember and celebrate our very own dear Pastor. We had the opportunity to have fellow members of Kindred get up and share how Chuck had touched theirs lives and what they remembered about him. It was very touching...and amidst tears...I jotted down some notes as people spoke. My apologies to fellow Kindred members...but I didn't get each person's name. So...instead on some I'll record their words, sans name. Words paying tribute and respect our our Pastor in a life lived to bring glory to God.
On the Tuesday before Chuck died, he said, "I feel like I'm being crushed".
When selecting our sound technician Mike Farrel, he commented to him, "It's not about me, it's about the Word." That was always Chuck's primary focus.
Chuck had a great and sometimes irreverent sense of humor. So while some of these notes on the more humorous references may make you pause...trust me, his jokes and daily comments were great...and helped bring some humor and perspective to life. Mike had long hair for many years...always pulled back in a pony tail. When Chuck was loosing his hair due to chemo...many of the Kindred guys stood in unity with him and shaved their heads. Mike too shaved his head. When Mike visited Chuck towards the end...Chuck comment, "Mike, I love you. I love you so much more, since you've cut your hair." You've got to love it...it's totally Chuck.
Lloyd Cotton shared a funny story. Chuck was always pretty well composed...but Lloyd liked to sneak up and get him. While over at the Elk's Club in Santa Ana, after service Chuck and Linda would greet people as they left. Lloyd loved to sneak up behind Chuck and tickle his butt. One day he told Chuck, I just love sneaking up on you and tickling your butt and giving Linda a big hug. Chuck commented, "Lloyd, I'm counting on you keep those two things straight."
Les Nesbitt shared that he had known Chuck for 18 years. As a doctor he was able to be with Chuck during some of his surgeries. When awakening from surgery one time, true to the Chuck we know and love he said to Les, "I know it's not heaven, because Les is here."
"You see God shining through Chuck. He was God's tool." When Chuck was preaching he had a way about him of looking out at you and catching your eye during key points of his sermon. It was always very convicting. When bringing a friend to church to hear Chuck preach...the friend commented afterwards, he didn't keep with the customary 5 second rule of looking at you...but it seemed more like 15 seconds.
Chuck and the Kindred family have always been there behind me and my family.
Chuck always shared the plan of salvation. Hebrews 12:2 - "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." This person when on to say that Chuck endured the "cancer coaster" in his desire to share the gospel message to the very end.
One of the Ram's wives commented that the football players would hear Chuck's stories and sermons. That he really came across to the players...and brought many players to the Word of God.
A gentleman shared the scripture, Galatians 6:9 - "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." He further stated that following a difficult situation he felt he was at the end, but he knew who he could call for help and direction. Chuck challenged us to live a life worthy of the calling. Each of us is challenged each day and we have a choice. We can walk a life worthy of our calling...we can make right choices. We can go with our heart or go with the Word of God.
Ruth Stingley from Kindred's Prayer Team shared that Chuck opened up the Word of God for her. He ministered through his entire family with love and care for all. She encouraged the Obremski family that God would continue to use them greatly.
A gentleman commented that he was looking for a Pastor that didn't put him to sleep when preaching. The first time he heard Chuck...he knew he had found the right place. He further shared that he was motivated by what Chuck taught.
One Kindred member commented that when listening to Chuck preach she didn't look at her watch.
Victoria said that she called Chuck many times a week. He always made time to talk to her...that he always had the time for everyone of us.
David Garrett from Kindred's Praise Team shared that he visited Chuck during his last week...and Chuck finished strong. He liked people. Chuck studied the Bible for hours each day and practiced it. It was never about what Chuck thought, it was always about what the Bible said. David had the chance to bring his guitar and sing songs with Chuck on his last visit. Even while in such a weakened condition, Chuck still tried to sing along and was taping his foot under the sheet.
A young lady at Kindred said that she had been hearing Chuck preach for about a year and a half. That she wanted very much to attend "big church" and would ask her parents to attend this service and not the services for younger members. She also said that she was really nervous about getting up to speak but she recalled Chuck's admonition, "Don't just keep talking, do it!".
One member shared that she had called Chuck when she needed advise about spending the holidays with family and wanting to share the Word of God. Chuck guided her to book that would help her and during the holidays, she was able to share the Bible with her family.
A young gentleman shared that when he first heard Chuck...he just loved the jokes. But before long...what brought him back time and time again was hearing the Word of God. He also said that Chuck treated him like an adult, not a child. He also shared that at one of the prayer meetings for Chuck, Chuck in turned prayed for him and the rest of Kindred members.
One young lady shared that she had grown up with Chuck and the Obremski family. How much can you do when you really love well? Because of Chuck's influence, when she talks to people now, it's about what really matters. Chuck was the one person who was able to make fun of her...but she still felt loved. Some of the things she learned from Chuck: Don't loose heart, look at the difference that one person can make when they live a life sold out to Jesus Christ. Make people feel important...even if it's something simple like a smile or a hello. Love deeply and make people feel like they are important and matter. You can only feel a great loss when you have a great love for someone.
Charlotte said that Chuck was faithful to his promise. She was thankful to God for a Pastor who taught us the Word of God and lived it. He lived victorious life and shared the way to make victorious choices. He always made her feel that he had the whole day to talk to her. She encouraged us that we too need to finish strong.
Bob shared that Chuck lived the Word of God. That he brought life and meaning to the Word of God.
A young lady shared that she too had grown up with Chuck and the Obremski family. Chuck's greatest gift was that he was encourager. Even in his last week, he encouraged those that came to the hospital to visit him. She then share the following scripture - Psalm 73:23-28
23 Yet I am always with you;you hold me by my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
27 Those who are far from you will perish;
you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.
Jack Grogger, Chuck's son-in-law, encouraged us that after Jesus death and resurrection, the disciples went on to teach the Good Word. We are not to quit...but finish strong.
Dave Dunn finished up with some final observations. Chuck was a true example...faith in action. He got the Word of God out...and never lost an opportunity to share the gospel. He loved people and wanted everyone to hear the gospel. He focus was always with the gospel...he never lost his focus. As Chuck finished his leg of the race, he encouraged us, "Don't drop the baton!". We have tears of a temporary parting. Chuck was an ambassador of the gospel called home.
2 Timothy 4:6 - For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure.
Blogging buddy Susan Bunts has faithfully kept me updated during Chuck's battle. I commend her for painstakingly noting Chuck's sermon outlines before he went "home" and jotting down the tributes paid to her beloved pastor. Thank you so much, Susan!
Here are some thoughts from the special service yesterday at Kindred Community Church:
This weekend I had the privilege of attending two services that celebrated the life of my beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski.
One was the memorial service for Chuck held at Anaheim Stadium. David Fisher at Pilgrim Scribblings posted the recap of the services from the Kindred Prayer Team "You Finished Strong". It fully captures the services...and I encourage you to click on the above link. It will give you a picture of the man that so many people loved, mourn at his passing...and celebrate that he is home with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Today at Kindred we had a service as a church family to remember and celebrate our very own dear Pastor. We had the opportunity to have fellow members of Kindred get up and share how Chuck had touched theirs lives and what they remembered about him. It was very touching...and amidst tears...I jotted down some notes as people spoke. My apologies to fellow Kindred members...but I didn't get each person's name. So...instead on some I'll record their words, sans name. Words paying tribute and respect our our Pastor in a life lived to bring glory to God.
On the Tuesday before Chuck died, he said, "I feel like I'm being crushed".
When selecting our sound technician Mike Farrel, he commented to him, "It's not about me, it's about the Word." That was always Chuck's primary focus.
Chuck had a great and sometimes irreverent sense of humor. So while some of these notes on the more humorous references may make you pause...trust me, his jokes and daily comments were great...and helped bring some humor and perspective to life. Mike had long hair for many years...always pulled back in a pony tail. When Chuck was loosing his hair due to chemo...many of the Kindred guys stood in unity with him and shaved their heads. Mike too shaved his head. When Mike visited Chuck towards the end...Chuck comment, "Mike, I love you. I love you so much more, since you've cut your hair." You've got to love it...it's totally Chuck.
Lloyd Cotton shared a funny story. Chuck was always pretty well composed...but Lloyd liked to sneak up and get him. While over at the Elk's Club in Santa Ana, after service Chuck and Linda would greet people as they left. Lloyd loved to sneak up behind Chuck and tickle his butt. One day he told Chuck, I just love sneaking up on you and tickling your butt and giving Linda a big hug. Chuck commented, "Lloyd, I'm counting on you keep those two things straight."
Les Nesbitt shared that he had known Chuck for 18 years. As a doctor he was able to be with Chuck during some of his surgeries. When awakening from surgery one time, true to the Chuck we know and love he said to Les, "I know it's not heaven, because Les is here."
"You see God shining through Chuck. He was God's tool." When Chuck was preaching he had a way about him of looking out at you and catching your eye during key points of his sermon. It was always very convicting. When bringing a friend to church to hear Chuck preach...the friend commented afterwards, he didn't keep with the customary 5 second rule of looking at you...but it seemed more like 15 seconds.
Chuck and the Kindred family have always been there behind me and my family.
Chuck always shared the plan of salvation. Hebrews 12:2 - "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." This person when on to say that Chuck endured the "cancer coaster" in his desire to share the gospel message to the very end.
One of the Ram's wives commented that the football players would hear Chuck's stories and sermons. That he really came across to the players...and brought many players to the Word of God.
A gentleman shared the scripture, Galatians 6:9 - "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." He further stated that following a difficult situation he felt he was at the end, but he knew who he could call for help and direction. Chuck challenged us to live a life worthy of the calling. Each of us is challenged each day and we have a choice. We can walk a life worthy of our calling...we can make right choices. We can go with our heart or go with the Word of God.
Ruth Stingley from Kindred's Prayer Team shared that Chuck opened up the Word of God for her. He ministered through his entire family with love and care for all. She encouraged the Obremski family that God would continue to use them greatly.
A gentleman commented that he was looking for a Pastor that didn't put him to sleep when preaching. The first time he heard Chuck...he knew he had found the right place. He further shared that he was motivated by what Chuck taught.
One Kindred member commented that when listening to Chuck preach she didn't look at her watch.
Victoria said that she called Chuck many times a week. He always made time to talk to her...that he always had the time for everyone of us.
David Garrett from Kindred's Praise Team shared that he visited Chuck during his last week...and Chuck finished strong. He liked people. Chuck studied the Bible for hours each day and practiced it. It was never about what Chuck thought, it was always about what the Bible said. David had the chance to bring his guitar and sing songs with Chuck on his last visit. Even while in such a weakened condition, Chuck still tried to sing along and was taping his foot under the sheet.
A young lady at Kindred said that she had been hearing Chuck preach for about a year and a half. That she wanted very much to attend "big church" and would ask her parents to attend this service and not the services for younger members. She also said that she was really nervous about getting up to speak but she recalled Chuck's admonition, "Don't just keep talking, do it!".
One member shared that she had called Chuck when she needed advise about spending the holidays with family and wanting to share the Word of God. Chuck guided her to book that would help her and during the holidays, she was able to share the Bible with her family.
A young gentleman shared that when he first heard Chuck...he just loved the jokes. But before long...what brought him back time and time again was hearing the Word of God. He also said that Chuck treated him like an adult, not a child. He also shared that at one of the prayer meetings for Chuck, Chuck in turned prayed for him and the rest of Kindred members.
One young lady shared that she had grown up with Chuck and the Obremski family. How much can you do when you really love well? Because of Chuck's influence, when she talks to people now, it's about what really matters. Chuck was the one person who was able to make fun of her...but she still felt loved. Some of the things she learned from Chuck: Don't loose heart, look at the difference that one person can make when they live a life sold out to Jesus Christ. Make people feel important...even if it's something simple like a smile or a hello. Love deeply and make people feel like they are important and matter. You can only feel a great loss when you have a great love for someone.
Charlotte said that Chuck was faithful to his promise. She was thankful to God for a Pastor who taught us the Word of God and lived it. He lived victorious life and shared the way to make victorious choices. He always made her feel that he had the whole day to talk to her. She encouraged us that we too need to finish strong.
Bob shared that Chuck lived the Word of God. That he brought life and meaning to the Word of God.
A young lady shared that she too had grown up with Chuck and the Obremski family. Chuck's greatest gift was that he was encourager. Even in his last week, he encouraged those that came to the hospital to visit him. She then share the following scripture - Psalm 73:23-28
23 Yet I am always with you;you hold me by my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
27 Those who are far from you will perish;
you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.
Jack Grogger, Chuck's son-in-law, encouraged us that after Jesus death and resurrection, the disciples went on to teach the Good Word. We are not to quit...but finish strong.
Dave Dunn finished up with some final observations. Chuck was a true example...faith in action. He got the Word of God out...and never lost an opportunity to share the gospel. He loved people and wanted everyone to hear the gospel. He focus was always with the gospel...he never lost his focus. As Chuck finished his leg of the race, he encouraged us, "Don't drop the baton!". We have tears of a temporary parting. Chuck was an ambassador of the gospel called home.
2 Timothy 4:6 - For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Pray for the Petes

This morning we launched the PRAY FOR THE PETES initiative at Auburn Bible Chapel, my home church. Brian Miller, the Petes' head trainer, David Shantz, the Petes # 1 goaltender and "Fish" (that's me) challenged our congregation to PRAY FOR THE PETES during the month of October.
You could do the same! We begin our MONDAY WE HAVE FISH chapels on Monday evening, September 26th. THANKS FOR STANDING WITH US!

That's what disappointment is really about for a blogger. Going to see your friends and they've got the same tablecloth on the table, the same pictures on the wall, the same contents in the cedar chest, the Bible open to the same verse that was displayed the last time. Disappointing!
My visits to David, Dee, Cindy, Rodney, Saija, Becky, Diana (E. Natalie), Debra, Shawn, Gayla, Rebecca, Melissa, Kelly, Bob and others are always highlighted when there is a special gift on the table for me...a brand new "post" waiting for me to read and enjoy.
So, my blogging buddies, keep the ink flowing and I'll try to do the same. Together we can change the world for Jesus, one post at a time. Blog on!!!
Sweet Hush of God

My friend, Pauline Stringer, penned the following words. This morning she shared them at our church and my heart was refreshed. After reciting the words, a loud AMEN was heard in the sanctuary...my expression of agreement. O that we would listen for His voice in the stillness (and in the blur of activity as we rush about). Thanks, Pauline, for sensing God's sweet hush and writing about it.
Sweet Hush of God
In the stillness
Where I find You
There I know You
And I love You;
In the stillness
Of Your presence
Where I find
My hiding place.
Sweet hush of God,
Sweet hush of God,
Breathe on me now
Sweet hush of God.
In the stillness
I will listen
To Your heartbeat
I surrender.
In the stillness
I will trust You
As You enfold me
In Your love.
You Finished Strong

of Death!
Sept. 24, 2005
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16
Charles David Obremski lived out this verse, although not from day one. Chuck was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on December 17, 1956. Other memorable dates included his marriage to Linda in 1975, their move to Orange County, California in ’76, and his graduation from California State University Fullerton with a BA in Criminal Justice. Incredibly special dates imprinted in Chuck’s memory were the birth of his and Linda’s three children and their two grandchildren. He loved kids. And Chuck Obremski, chaplain to the Anaheim Angels, also remembered the day in 2003 when the Angels players presented him with a World Series ring.
But the date that was indelibly inscribed in his memory more than any other was the day that Romans 1:16 became his. On February 16, 1978, Chuck came face to face with the fact that he was a sinner and that Jesus Christ, son of God, had taken Chuck Obremski’s sins upon Himself on the cross. At a Valentine’s Day banquet that evening, Chuck’s heart was forever changed. When the power of the message of forgiveness became clear to Chuck, he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and ran forward with the good news. He was determined to share the joyous news of Christ crucified and risen with everyone!
God knew that Chuck Obremski would take His message of salvation wherever He placed him. In a Bible study at Calvary Church, Santa Ana. In a huddle with the Los Angeles Rams. In the midst of the Mighty Ducks. With the Anaheim Angels, when it was the bottom of the ninth with two outs and when they celebrated the winning of the World Series in 2002. And week after week at Kindred Community Church, where “Pastor Chuck” faithfully served and preached.
In July 2003, Chuck Obremski entered a new arena for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Never one to frequent hospitals or doctors’ offices because of his aversion to “medical procedures” and because he was a healthy, fit 46-year-old who daily ran the hills in Orange near his house, Chuck was thrust into the medical realm when he discovered a lump near his groin. “Sarcoma” was the diagnosis—a soft-tissue, aggressive cancer that would eventually metastasize to his lungs and his liver and lead to his earthly demise.
The doctors pronounced Chuck “a dead man” if it spread to his lungs. Many were amazed that two years after the initial diagnosis, Chuck Obremski was still in the pulpit, still holding chapels for the Angels, still smiling broadly and encouraging nurses and doctors and patients and his buddies in the sports world. When part of his lung was removed and he was discharged from the hospital on Saturday, he was in the pulpit the next morning. In a touching message, “Expecting Miracles; Accepting God’s Perfect Will,” Chuck Obremski shared of his diagnosis and his complete trust in God. Standing beside him in faith and confident trust have been his dear wife and precious companion of thirty years, Linda, along with his mother Pat and three children, Dana, Ryan and Krista.
God knew that Chuck Obremski would be faithful to the end. He knew that Chuck would not waver in his faith, for Chuck was not only an avid reader of the Bible, he was a believer of it! Weekly, Chuck would throw out challenges to his congregation, while being transparent about his own struggles. He never lost an opportunity to share the good news, whether his listener was in church or in a locker room or in prison or a motorcycle gang or a hospital bed. He’d look you straight in the eye, his own intense blue eyes searching your soul, and ask you how you were doing. He cared; he shared; and he lived.
Chuck Obremski’s most powerful messages came near the end. For God had allowed the “blessing” of cancer in his life, and Chuck knew that it was for a purpose. On the brink of death. Chuck Obremski began to teach and preach on heaven. He’d peer out at the congregation, his eyes alight and ask: “How many of you want to go to heaven?” Hands shot up in the air. He smiled his characteristic broad grin and followed up with: “Well, how many of you want to die to get there?” The hands shot down. He would share from the Bible the scriptures that spoke of heaven and hell.
And Chuck would again speak of his favorite day— February 16, 1978—when the sting of death was removed for him. Chuck was excited about the prospect of entering the presence of his Lord and Savior. He had no fear of death, because he knew what was waiting for him on the other side. When a fellow believer would die, he’d proclaim, “They beat me to it!” And his excitement was contagious.
It’s one thing to hear heaven being preached when the messenger is robust. But when 48 year-old Chuck Obremski, pared down by disease and inflicted with pain and often struggling to breathe, spoke of death not being a punishment but a reward, we listened. The promises of God, each one trustworthy and sure, were not platitudes for Chuck Obremski. He lived what he knew was true. And God’s strength sustained him to the end, filled him with joy in the midst of pain, and brought him home in glory. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints” (Psalm 116:15). Chuck knew that and was looking forward to it.
At his hospital bedside the last few days of his life on this earth, Chuck persevered. As the streams of visitors poured in, he was the first to encourage them with “Atta-boys” and “Atta-girls,” the endearing terms he’d use to give his approval. He spoke with nurses and remembered personal details of their lives. He was thankful for his oncologist, Dr. Huang. He had special words for his dear Linda and mother and children and wonderful friends. He told them, “This is not good-bye. I’ll see you in heaven.” And even when it was thought Chuck could no longer speak, he would often have moments of lucidity that would point others to pray or to “keep on keeping on in the faith.”
And his Lord came for him at the exact minute that the Anaheim Angels started their game on Sunday, September 18. As Chuck would often remind us, “There is no untimely death. I will enter heaven at the exact moment that God has determined for me before the foundation of the world. Never too early, never too late.”
September 18, 2005 became Chuck Obremski’s next most memorable day. “No fear of death” was his cry to the end, for he knew the one who had overcome death was bringing him home.
He finished strong, because he knew his Jesus, who strengthened him and never let him down nor let him go. And even though Chuck never spoke to me about his memorial service, I can hear him even now: “A service to honor me?” He’d laugh, arching one eyebrow questioningly. Then he’d move close, voice low and make his point with piercing eyes that underscored his heart’s desire. “It’d better be an invitation!”
Chuck Obremski never believed in keeping good news to himself. He wanted others to experience the same power of God for salvation that made him face death with anticipation!
And an invitation it was—a clear call came from Jeff Kemp, former Rams player, to all present: a call to follow Jesus—by first accepting His death on our behalf for our sins, and then running with abandon the race set out for us.
The music for the service was absolutely touching— from the beautiful praise and worship songs led by the praise team to the special duet performed by Meaghan O’ Hern and Dana Bailey and the inspiring song sung by David Garret—to the closing rendition of “I Can Only Imagine,” powerfully presented by Sylvia Cotton and Allan Cason.
The video show of pictures and music brought both laughter and tears to our hearts—memories of Pastor Chuck’s life spent on behalf of all those whom he loved, whether it was his beloved Linda or mother Pat or precious children and grandchildren, or his special friends and church family.
And each speaker and friend brought a special perspective of Chuck to light, many with humor and wit and yet deep appreciation for the man Chuck became in Christ. A written snapshot of each:
Elder Doug MacGinnis opened with a touching prayer of thanks for his dear friend Chuck’s life, in keeping with Chuck’s pattern of prayer that Mark Vaughan described as “more of thanks than of asking.”
Business partner Dave Galaway spoke of Chuck’s endearing presence in his family’s life, reflecting on a friendship and a business relationship that was built on Jesus Christ. “No harsh words were ever spoken between us” and “Chuck was the brother I never had” reveal a tender heart and special bond that will not disintegrate with time.
Elder and Administrative Pastor Mark Vaughan reiterated (using his characteristic wit) what many of us have been unable to articulate regarding Pastor Chuck’s influence at Kindred. He covered areas of Chuck’s influence that made us smile and rejoice. His main thrust: “Chuck led by example—a servant leader to the end. He was faithful and available!”
Jackie Slater, former Rams player and Kindred member, shared with us that it didn’t take him long to find out Chuck’s passion. In between moments of silent sobs (or, um, allergy attacks), Jackie spoke of taking Chuck’s challenge to use the platform given him to tell others about Christ. He recalled how his boys most appreciated “Uncle Chuck” coming to their birthday parties and praying for them.
Kevin Greene, former Rams player, specially mentioned each Obremski child—Ryan, Krista (Janet), and Dana—and his remembrances of them from his days attending the weekly Bible studies Chuck and Linda hosted for the Rams. And he threw out a “Chuck challenge” after reminding us of Chuck’s joyous entrance in heaven: “Where are you gonna be?”
Vince Nauss, head of Baseball Chapel, pinpointed what set Chuck apart from others: “Chuck lived out the joy of the Lord.” And he shared that Chuck, just two weeks prior to his homegoing, called him and apologized: “I’m sorry I couldn’t finish out the season.” Vince underscored what we have seen firsthand in Chuck Obremski’s life: Chuck finished all that God had planned for him, and he finished well.
Paul Byrd, pitcher for the Angels, also recounted a conversation with Chuck that he’ll remember. Chuck, in the full throes of the Cancer Coaster’s clutches, reached out to encourage him. Chuck never used the cancer as an excuse to stop ministering, and he never complained. Paul concluded with his trademark “O” stance—in appreciation of his friend and mentor.
Tim Salmon, Angel outfielder, thanked each family member for the sacrifices they had to make to allow Chuck to minister to him and the other sports players, knowing that their sharing made a difference. “Chuck helped me see God at work in every area of my life.” And Tim committed to keeping Chuck’s legacy alive, by keeping his eyes on Jesus.
Former Rams player, Jeff Kemp, put into words what many of us feel—the dichotomy of joy and grief. “I’m mixed,” Jeff shared. “I feel terrible and awesome at the same time.” He described Chuck as having a “lawyer’s mind with a blue-collar mouth”— the distinct ability to take profound insight of Scripture and make it “graspable” to the average person. And he asked us to “up the ante” as Chuck did under trial—surrendering our all to our Lord. For those who knew Chuck but didn’t know his Jesus, he asked for a surrendered heart, and he led us in prayer to that end.
Son-in-law Jack Grogger, also High-school Pastor at Kindred, steered our minds in Chuck’s direction. Questions regarding Chuck’s final two years—“Why him? Why cancer? Why now?” were answered as Jack outlined the many answers to prayer through Chuck’s inevitable ride on the Cancer Coaster. Those answers led Jack to rejoice and direct us to do the same. “WOW! Look at what God has done!” That was indeed Chuck’s prayer, too.
And we’re left with a richer understanding and appreciation of the man one woman called “husband” and another called “son;” whom three children called “father;” two called “grandpa” or “Papa” (and one soon-to-be to join them); whom three called “brother;” countless others called “friend” and “pastor” and whom, we pray, many more—in the future—will call Chuck Obremski “the instrument God used to point them toward the Savior.”
If you’d like to know the Jesus that Chuck Obremski came to know and love with his entire heart and life— to his dying breath, Kindred Community Church has many of Chuck’s tapes and CDs available for free. Email audio@kindredcommunitychurch.org
Keep on keeping on!
Fight the good fight!
Finish the course!
Keep the faith!
Don't you dare take your eyes off of Jesus!
email: prayer@kindredcommunitychurch.org
phone: 714-282-9941
web: http://www.kindredcommunitychurch.org
Friday, September 23, 2005
The Red Sox Flock

Mike Timlin celebrates a Red Sox win!
In light of the controversy surrounding the incident in Washington, DC where our Baseball Chapel leader, Jon Moeller, had his credentials revoked, I thought the following Boston Globe article would shed some light on what really happens in a chapel service. I'm reserving judgment on the Washington Nationals' situation until things are cleared up at the request of the President and Board of Baseball Chapel. Please note what Gabe Kapler says about the "chemistry" on the Red Sox team. He said it well!
Faith binds many on Sox
Evangelical Christians give sport a spiritual context
By Bob Hohler, Globe Staff August 31, 2005
They gathered in a makeshift house of God -- a brick-walled retreat in Fenway Park otherwise reserved for postgame interviews -- and prayed for dead and dying loved ones. They prayed for American troops in hot spots abroad. And for the poor souls in the path of Hurricane Katrina.
As the Sunday baseball crowd streamed into the park less than an hour before the defending world champions played their 128th game of the season, a dozen members of the Red Sox -- the largest group of evangelical Christians on any team in Major League Baseball -- joined an equal number of coaches and staffers in sharing a bond of faith that is fast becoming the stuff of national renown among religious figures in sports.
The service was conducted by the Rev. Walt Day of Baseball Chapel, a ministry that provides all 30 major league teams with a chaplain. Moments earlier, Day had turned a stuffy storage room in the visitors clubhouse into a chapel for five Detroit Tigers.
Similar contrasts in the size of the Sox congregations and others have seized the attention of baseball chaplains across the country.
''Without question, chapel attendance among the Red Sox has been far and away more than any of the major league teams over the last two years," said Vince Nauss, president of Baseball Chapel.
Trot Nixon, Mike Timlin, Tim Wakefield, Jason Varitek, Curt Schilling, Doug Mirabelli, Bill Mueller, Matt Clement, John Olerud, Mike Myers, Tony Graffanino, Chad Bradford: Each Sox player considers himself an evangelical Christian who believes in the sacred authority of the Bible and the promise of Jesus Christ as his savior.
''In terms of coming to Bible study and chapel, this team has more guys involved than any team I've ever been with," said Olerud, who has played for five teams over 17 seasons in the majors.
The evangelical Sox believe in sharing the ''good news" of their faith, as they demonstrated after their remarkable comeback last October when they climbed out of a three-game chasm against the Yankees in the American League Championship Series and swept the Cardinals in the World Series.
''I wanted to be able to glorify God's name when all was said and done," Schilling proclaimed after he won Game 2 of the World Series while bleeding through his sock because of an experimental medical procedure that enabled him to pitch with a dislocated ankle tendon.
Win or lose, Schilling and his fellow evangelicals said, the message remains the same.
''This is our platform, our place to speak our faith and live our faith," Timlin said. ''This is a special gift from God, to play baseball, and if we can spread God's word by doing that, then we've almost fulfilled our calling."
Schilling and Timlin share a corner of the Sox clubhouse with Varitek, Wakefield, Mirabelli, and Bradford. Most of the other evangelical Christians occupy lockers across the room in a row with players who do not attend chapel. And the players who are not evangelicals have praised those who are for their inclusive influence.
''Everyone is very respectful of one another and what they choose to believe in," said Gabe Kapler, who is Jewish. ''The guys in this clubhouse live in harmony when it comes to that kind of stuff."
Nixon suggested it would be sinful for Christians to do otherwise.
''It would be terrible for me or anyone else to look down on someone who may not come to chapel or Bible study," he said. ''We love and care about everyone a great deal."
Indeed, the team's exceptional bond may have factored in its historic achievement last October.
''It does not surprise me at all that a team with such a special spiritual unity was able to accomplish all the record-setting things the Red Sox accomplished," said Joseph Price, a professor of religious studies at Whittier College who is writing a book, ''Rounding the Bases: Baseball and Religion in America."
The Sox evangelicals said they often have been asked if they believe God wanted them to win the World Series rather than the Yankees or the Cardinals.
''I don't know what he thinks," Myers said. ''If I knew that, I'd be God."
The evangelicals in the Sox clubhouse say they believe God wants them to glorify him by performing at their highest possible level. The rest, they say, is in the Lord's hands. So it was that Wakefield felt compelled to praise God even after the darkest moment of his professional career, when Aaron Boone homered off him in the 11th inning of Game 7 of the AL Championship Series to send the Yankees to the World Series in 2003.
''It's so easy to be thankful when you're on top of your game and everything is going right," Wakefield said. ''But when I gave up the home run to Aaron, I had to be thankful for that, too. It may have been God's plan to make me stronger for 2004."
Wakefield said he ''accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior" in 1990, the same year Olerud did. The conversion came in 1993 for Nixon, Mirabelli, and Myers. Schilling's occurred in '97, Mueller's in 2000. Each said they made the conversion for different reasons, though several cited the influence of their wives. And many said they changed their social behavior in ways that made them better husbands and fathers.
Regardless of when they discovered their faith, the Sox evangelicals have converged at a unique time in franchise history. Nixon said the organization's religious tolerance has dramatically improved under the new ownership. Under the previous regime, Day was not allowed in the clubhouse, as he has been since former manager Grady Little helped clear the way after the team changed hands in 2002. Day's access to the clubhouse has increased his opportunity to meet with players. Previously, chapel was held outside the clubhouse, as it continues to be.
''That has made a huge difference," Nixon said. ''The organization has become more receptive to our faith."
A number of the team's Latin American players also have attended chapel, but even some of those who have not been regular participants have expressed their spiritual faith. Manny Ramirez, for example, last year described in religious terms his reaction to the team trying to trade him to Texas for Alex Rodriguez.
''I thought to myself, 'I'll leave everything to God,' " Ramirez said. ''If God wants me to go to Boston, I'll go back. If he wants me to go to Texas, I'll go to Texas."
Sox advance scout Dave Jauss, who attended chapel Sunday, has spent 10 seasons with the organization, also serving as first base coach and director of player development. He said he welcomed the growing influence of Baseball Chapel in the organization. (Day also oversees the chapel program for the minor league system.)
''We're trying to develop a player as a whole," Nauss said. ''We give Spanish-speaking kids English lessons. We give players lessons in how to deal with the media. What better than to also introduce them to the spirit?"
Olerud said the Christian players serve as a support system, particularly on the road, where the seeds of many marital problems are planted.
''There are a lot of temptations on the road," Olerud said. ''Having a group of guys who share a similar mind-set helps you get through the season."
It may also help them on the field. Nixon, for example, whose intensity sometimes has hurt his performance, said he has relied on God as a calming influence. In contrast, Timlin said his faith has helped him hone a more competitive edge.
''I'm generally not a mean guy, so I've had to make myself develop that persona," Timlin said. ''The Bible says God doesn't give you a timid spirit but a spirit of fire. In that sense, God has helped me be more competitive."
Most of the Sox evangelicals provided testimony about the 2004 season for a DVD, ''Reversing the Curse," produced by Athletes in Action. They said in the program, as they did in interviews last weekend, that winning the World Series was less rich an experience than their relationships with God.
''I'm learning through Christ that I can become the kind of person I want to become," Mueller, who also won the 2003 AL batting title, said on the DVD. ''That's more fulfilling to me than any batting title or World Series."
Nixon said in an intervew that he felt a brief sense of emptiness the day after winning the World Series because he had placed such a high priority on the achievement.
''I knew I had to put God on that pedestal [instead]," Nixon said.
Day, who also serves as chaplain for the Patriots, has seen a common theme among professional athletes who turn to God.
''Some of these guys get everything they think they always wanted in life at a young age and then find that it still leaves them a bit empty," he said. ''They become more open to spiritual things and it can lead to a personal relationship with God."
Most of the players arrived at chapel Sunday wearing their white uniform pants and red practice jerseys. They exchanged greetings and recited prayer requests to the rhythmic clang of metal on metal as one of their teammates worked out in an adjacent weight room. Outside, sausages sizzled, beer flowed, and street entertainers plied their crafts amid the pregame hurlyburly.
By the time Day offered his closing prayer, the worshippers were less than 40 minutes away from renewing their pursuit of a second straight world championship. As they bowed their heads, Day exhorted them to think big. He implored them to seek ''the truth of life that goes above baseball and success."
The Roman Road

Susan writes:
The Roman Road is various scriptures within the book of Romans that spell out the gospel message, from the need of salvation because of our sinful state to the way to salvation through Jesus Christ. It's a wonderful tool when you want to share the gospel message. So write it in your Bible or keep it available on a note card.
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:13 For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
More Fish Stuff
More "stuff" about "Fish"...
1. When you're stressed out, what do you do to relieve your stress?
Go for a drive, blog, read the newspaper or kick an empty cardboard box.
2. Are you normally a patient person, or is patience NOT one of your virtues?
I'm very impatient, contrary to what others think.
3. How many times a week do you blog?
I guess I'd write about 12-15 posts per week
4. How many memes a week do you participate in?
Usually none. Actually what's the definition of a meme? Is this a meme that I'm doing now?
5. Describe the perfect day, weather-wise.
Not a cloud in the sky. About 75 degrees F
6. Would you rather be too hot, or too cold?
Too cold - you can always put on more clothes.
7. Do you eat out often, and if so, what type of restaurants do you frequent?
It depends what country we're in. If it's the U.S. I'd eat at Cracker Barrel, Bob Evans or Applebee's. In Canada it's Swiss Chalet, Kelsey's or A & W
8. If you could run your own business, what type of business would it be?
No brainer! A Christian book store. I owned one for 15 years.
9. If you wrote a book, what would the title/topic be?
"Taking the Bumpy Road Home"
10. What's the first question you'll ask Jesus?
Why did you love me so much in spite of my sin?
1. When you're stressed out, what do you do to relieve your stress?
Go for a drive, blog, read the newspaper or kick an empty cardboard box.
2. Are you normally a patient person, or is patience NOT one of your virtues?
I'm very impatient, contrary to what others think.
3. How many times a week do you blog?
I guess I'd write about 12-15 posts per week
4. How many memes a week do you participate in?
Usually none. Actually what's the definition of a meme? Is this a meme that I'm doing now?
5. Describe the perfect day, weather-wise.
Not a cloud in the sky. About 75 degrees F
6. Would you rather be too hot, or too cold?
Too cold - you can always put on more clothes.
7. Do you eat out often, and if so, what type of restaurants do you frequent?
It depends what country we're in. If it's the U.S. I'd eat at Cracker Barrel, Bob Evans or Applebee's. In Canada it's Swiss Chalet, Kelsey's or A & W
8. If you could run your own business, what type of business would it be?
No brainer! A Christian book store. I owned one for 15 years.
9. If you wrote a book, what would the title/topic be?
"Taking the Bumpy Road Home"
10. What's the first question you'll ask Jesus?
Why did you love me so much in spite of my sin?
What Next?
Prayer Request...
Greetings, dear friends! For several years we've been asking for prayer for various individuals who have been battling cancer and other illnesses. Many of you, although you didn't personally know these friends of mine, got involved by lifting them up before the Lord. All of us have been enriched as we've prayed for friends like James Birrell, Roger Neilson, Gordon Dorey, Chuck Obremski and others. On Sunday, after learning of Chuck Obremski's homecall, I thought, "who's going to be next?". Never did I think that it would be one of our own family.
On Monday Carol and I learned that our daughter Tracy Gregoire (37) has uterine cancer. Tracy already has cerebral palsy and this added burden for her has been frightening to say the least. She will undergo a complete hysterectomy on Monday, October 3rd in Toronto. Following that she will find out if the cancer has spread and whether chemotherapy will be necessary. Tracy's dream has always been to marry and have children but this will not be possible now and she is devastated. We will keep you posted as we learn more.
Please pray for Tracy and please keep Carol in your prayers as well. She has enough on her plate without this latest bombshell but we know that "as for God, His way is perfect". Thank you so much for standing with us.
By the way, the Memorial Service for Chuck Obremski will be this Saturday in Anaheim, CA. Please keep Linda and their family in your prayers. Thank you!
Greetings, dear friends! For several years we've been asking for prayer for various individuals who have been battling cancer and other illnesses. Many of you, although you didn't personally know these friends of mine, got involved by lifting them up before the Lord. All of us have been enriched as we've prayed for friends like James Birrell, Roger Neilson, Gordon Dorey, Chuck Obremski and others. On Sunday, after learning of Chuck Obremski's homecall, I thought, "who's going to be next?". Never did I think that it would be one of our own family.
On Monday Carol and I learned that our daughter Tracy Gregoire (37) has uterine cancer. Tracy already has cerebral palsy and this added burden for her has been frightening to say the least. She will undergo a complete hysterectomy on Monday, October 3rd in Toronto. Following that she will find out if the cancer has spread and whether chemotherapy will be necessary. Tracy's dream has always been to marry and have children but this will not be possible now and she is devastated. We will keep you posted as we learn more.
Please pray for Tracy and please keep Carol in your prayers as well. She has enough on her plate without this latest bombshell but we know that "as for God, His way is perfect". Thank you so much for standing with us.
By the way, the Memorial Service for Chuck Obremski will be this Saturday in Anaheim, CA. Please keep Linda and their family in your prayers. Thank you!
Credentials Revoked

WASHINGTON -- Nationals outfielder Ryan Church and team chaplain Jon Moeller, who led chapel services on Sundays at RFK Stadium, found themselves enmeshed in controversy when a statement by Church suggesting that Jews are doomed appeared in Sunday's edition of The Washington Post.
The team suspended Moeller's credentials pending a further and more in-depth investigation of the facts surrounding the story. Interim general manager Jim Bowden gave Moeller the news, according to team president Tony Tavares.
In the story, which appeared on the front page of the paper and focused on the team's Baseball Chapel, Church was quoted as having asked Moeller about his ex-girlfriend, who is Jewish.
"I said, like, Jewish people, they don't believe in Jesus. Does that mean they're doomed?" Church said. "Jon nodded, like, that's what it meant. My ex-girlfriend! I was like, man, if they only knew. Other religions don't know any better. It's up to us to spread the word."
Church apologized in a statement released Tuesday by the Nationals.
"Those who know me on a personal level understand that I am not the type of person who would call into question the religious beliefs of others," said Church. "I sincerely regret if the quote attributed to me in Sunday's Washington Post article offended anyone."
Tavares said there was no intention of suspending Church.
"I asked him if he really believed that if you grew up in either a Jewish or Muslim family that you are [doomed] just because you aren't Christian, and his answer was no," said Tavares.
Bill Ladson is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.
Note from David W. Fisher: Until this unfortunate incident is resolved I'm going to reserve comment. We are praying for Jon during this very difficult time. Jon Moeller is a godly man with a servant's heart. Please join me in lifting him up before the Lord these days. My prayer is that Jon will be allowed to return to his Baseball Chapel responsibilities and that his credentials from the Washington Nationals will be restored.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Suffering over
Eternity begun
Endless ages
Praising the Son!
We'll miss you Chuck!
Thanks for a life well lived!
Thanks for finishing STRONG!
Eternity begun
Endless ages
Praising the Son!
We'll miss you Chuck!
Thanks for a life well lived!
Thanks for finishing STRONG!
Monday, September 19, 2005
Getting To Know Me
Getting To Know Me...by way of Gayla's web site
Some things you likely didn't know about me and, after you read the list, might wish you "still" didn't know...
5 things I plan to do before I die:
1) go to England, especially Bristol, where the Muller orphanages were
2) become a great-grandfather
3) lose 35 pounds
4) sing in a Southern Gospel quartet
5) write a book (or several books)
5 things I can do:
1) play the piano by ear (not with my ears though)
2) write notes of encouragement to athletes
3) say truthfully that I've met Dr. J. (Julius Erving), my favorite all-time athlete
4) attend chapel with the New York Yankees
5) be saddened by the passing of Chuck Obremski, a godly man
5 things I cannot do:
1) play the guitar
2) pass a book store without going in
3) go into book store without buying a book
4) fit all my books on my bookshelves
5) fry an egg without breaking it
5 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1) my wife's cooking
2) listening to godly women pray
3) Elisabeth Elliot's writing
4) Elisabeth Elliot's speaking
5) God made me that way
5 things I say most often:
1) Quit fighting
2) Eat a chicken
3) Are the cats in?
4) PATRICK!!!!!!!
5) A large, black coffee please (at Tim Horton's)
5 celebrity crushes:
(I don't want to incriminate myself here) Let's say that "crush" means admiration...
So... I like Reba McEntire, Faith Hill, Carol Cymbala, Ruth Bell Graham & Elisabeth Elliot
How about my readers? Want to take a stab at this? Come on...do it just for fun!
Some things you likely didn't know about me and, after you read the list, might wish you "still" didn't know...
5 things I plan to do before I die:
1) go to England, especially Bristol, where the Muller orphanages were
2) become a great-grandfather
3) lose 35 pounds
4) sing in a Southern Gospel quartet
5) write a book (or several books)
5 things I can do:
1) play the piano by ear (not with my ears though)
2) write notes of encouragement to athletes
3) say truthfully that I've met Dr. J. (Julius Erving), my favorite all-time athlete
4) attend chapel with the New York Yankees
5) be saddened by the passing of Chuck Obremski, a godly man
5 things I cannot do:
1) play the guitar
2) pass a book store without going in
3) go into book store without buying a book
4) fit all my books on my bookshelves
5) fry an egg without breaking it
5 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1) my wife's cooking
2) listening to godly women pray
3) Elisabeth Elliot's writing
4) Elisabeth Elliot's speaking
5) God made me that way
5 things I say most often:
1) Quit fighting
2) Eat a chicken
3) Are the cats in?
4) PATRICK!!!!!!!
5) A large, black coffee please (at Tim Horton's)
5 celebrity crushes:
(I don't want to incriminate myself here) Let's say that "crush" means admiration...
So... I like Reba McEntire, Faith Hill, Carol Cymbala, Ruth Bell Graham & Elisabeth Elliot
How about my readers? Want to take a stab at this? Come on...do it just for fun!
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