Anyhow, to stir up some thought among my fellow pilgrims, let me ask a few questions. By the way, I'll continue to add more to the list but here's a start:
Have you ever wondered:- What Charles Wesley or Isaac Watts would think if they walked into some of our churches and nobody knew who they were? (Just in case he shows up that's Charles Wesley's picture above)
- What churches do with their hymn books now that the choruses are Power Pointed onto the front walls of the sanctuary?
- What God thinks of this ongoing debate between the TULIP Calvinists and the Arminians?
- Why going to movies was such a terrible sin for Christians in 1955 but it's perfectly acceptable in 2005?
- Why imbibing alcoholic beverages is so appealing to Christians these days?
- Why Bibles were always black until recent years?
- How we ever got along from 1611 until the mid 50's with only several Bible translations? Now were have such a plethora of them that we can't even keep track of them all.
- What it would be like to hear D. L. Moody or Charles Haddon Spurgeon preach in person?
- Why we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
- Why you can count on electronic equipment malfunctioning at Christian events?
- Why faith healers wear white suits and white shoes?
- Why non-Christians looking for true love, peace and hope are so hesitant to invite the Prince of Peace and the personification of love, Jesus Christ, to give them all they ever wanted and more?
- Why people ask such foolish questions on their blogs?
So, my friends, let me know what you think about these! Let's fill up the COMMENT section with your thoughts! I dare you!
NOTE: For some thought-provoking comments, click on the COMMENTS link and read what blogging buddy Rodney Olsen from Australia has to say. His thoughts on my first question are especially good! Check them out!
What Charles Wesley or Isaac Watts would think if they walked into some of our churches and nobody knew who they were? - I don't think they'd be concerned. I think they'd be more concerned if Jesus walked in and nobody knew who he was.
ReplyDeleteWhat churches do with their hymn books now that the choruses are Power Pointed onto the front walls of the sanctuary? - Give them to fellow beleivers who still choose to use them.
What God thinks of this ongoing debate between the TULIP Calvinists and the Arminians? - I'm sure he is pleased with those who continue to grapple with important issues but dissapointed with those who spend all their time debating rather than bringing lost souls into the kingdom.
Why going to movies was such a terrible sin for Christians in 1955 but it's perfectly acceptable in 2005? - Because some people were so leagalistic and bound by law that they weren't able to use their God given discernment to select which movies were apppropriate and which weren't. They found it easier to be pharisaical and avoid the lot.
Why imbibing alcoholic beverages is so appealing to Christians these days? - We follow a guy who turned water into wine.
Why Bibles were always black until recent years? - Lack of imagination by publishers.
How we ever got along from 1611 until the mid 50's with only several Bible translations? Now were have such a plethora of them that we can't even keep track of them all. - Because we now understand that language is a living thing that changes ever more rapidly as time progresses. Words don't mean what they used to and so it's important that we make God's word accesible to every one possible in a language that they can understand.
What it would be like to hear D. L. Moody or Charles Haddon Spurgeon preach in person? - Apparently Moody was a very boring preacher but God's spirit was with him which made his messages compelling.
Why we drive on parkways and park on driveways? - You've got me on that one. I'n not even sure what a parkway is.
Why you can count on electronic equipment malfunctioning at Christian events? - Electrons are evil. Actually, I don't recall a lot of equipment failing at Christian events for a long time.
Why faith healers wear white suits and white shoes? - Bad dress sense.
Why non-Christians looking for true love, peace and hope are so hesitant to invite the Prince of Peace and the personification of love, Jesus Christ, to give them all they ever wanted and more? - Satan is at work.
Why people ask such foolish questions on their blogs? - To pass the time.
"Why faith healers wear white suits and white shoes?"
ReplyDeleteI think it's just a stereotype, because I know way more that don't than do (prominent Benny Hinn type guys are known for it).
There's a missionary to Mexico named David Hogan who is known for operating in the miraculous on a regular basis, but not being a "healing minister" so to speak, and he fits the cowboy southern redneck description. Same with a short guy I met from Texas named Curry Blake--both wear cowboy boots, belt buckle--and say "ya'all". So in my circles, I've almost come to ask/wonder how come so many healing ministers dress like cowboys!
"What God thinks of this ongoing debate between the TULIP Calvinists and the Arminians?"
I honestly think God shakes his head wondering why both sides are even bothering, since after all, neither Calvin or Arminius are even in the Bible--so one would wonder why there's even camps of believers that bear their name (or bear the name of any theologian or denomination, for that matter).
"Why imbibing alcoholic beverages is so appealing to Christians these days?"
As someone living the Netherlands, I really believe it's a cultural thing depending on where you live, not necessarily something that can be pegged to the Bible, because both sides of the argument can go to the Bible to support their view. In Holland, people here don't care and nobody is shocked at Christians going to a pub over here after sunday morning service. And it's always 'been that way' and the Dutch folk I've met are surprised that we don't drink as a rule of our mission team. (I personally don't drink anyway, not for convictions, but "why start now" kind of attitude towardds it).