Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Here We Go Again
Monday, August 29, 2005
Day in the Life of "The Fish"
We conducted chapels for both the Cleveland Indians and the Toronto Blue Jays. Attendance was down but our Faithful Five joined me in the Jays' chapel. It was great to see Josh Bard, one of the chapel reps with the Cleveland Indians again. Following our two Baseball Chapel services with the players, I met with the umpires in their clubhouse. Ted Barrett (#65 in picture below), a committed Christian umpire, has become a good friend and we had a great time of fellowship.

After my session with the umpires I met two men who used to work at the ballpark. One was the security guy at the Visitors' Clubhouse and the other worked elsewhere at what used to be known as Skydome. How rewarding to discover that ministry that had been directed towards them had been fruitful and much appreciated!
On Sunday a group of soldiers and their families from Fort Drum Army Base in upstate New York near Watertown attended the game. Earlier in the season I had met Charlie Reynolds, the chaplain of one of the batallions when they made a previous visit. This time former major league ballplayers Bryan Hickerson and Roger Mason were with the soldiers along with Chaplain Reynolds.
Not only does Bryan minister to the Chicago White Sox through Baseball Chapel but he heads up the ministry to military personnel that UPI (Unlimited Potential) carries on on an international basis. It was good to see Bryan and Roger again. I'll be traveling with my sons to Fort Drum, NY tomorrow and will tour some of the army base with Chaplain Reynolds on Wednesday. Matthew and Nathan are excited about that!
Before leaving the ballpark I briefly visited with two Blue Jays' alumni, Tony Fernandez and Gary Lavelle. Both are long-time friends who know and love the Lord. It sure was so good to see them again! I also got to say "hi" to Cito Gaston, the manager who led the Blue Jays to two (2) consecutive World Series Championships in 1992 and 1993. Cito was always very supportive of the Baseball Chapel ministry I carried on.
As I left the stadium I was able to say to the Lord and to myself, "It's been a great day at the ballpark!"
There you have it! A part of the day in the life of "The Fish". Thanks so much for your ongoing prayer support!
Hold Unswervingly

O For a Simpler Life
No Show

Blogging buddy Susan Bunts attends Chuck Obremski's church and sends this update on my friend and partner in ministry.
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." - Daniel 3:17-18
Your prayers for my beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski, his wife Linda and their family are much appreciated and coveted. Today Chuck was not able to be at church. During the night...Chuck was admitted to the hospital because of intense abdominal pain he was experiencing. Tonight he is resting more comfortably and has received more units of blood. Also of concern is Chuck's blood levels. His platelets are low...and need to come up higher before they can proceed with the chemo treatments. On Monday the doctor will be running a CT scan due to concerns of a mass in his abdomen that appears to be the cause of the intense pain Chuck is experiencing.
Even in the midst of great pain...Chuck's desire was to be at church and preaching the message that God had laid upon his heart, "Thinking Like a Genuine Servant". Lord willing and by His power Chuck will be able to do that.
We thank God for providing his willing and obedient servant Dave Dunn and a timely message on adversity.
Dear Father we lift up our beloved Pastor Chuck to you. We ask for your hand to be upon him, Linda and their entire family. We ask for you to ease Chuck's pain...and increase his platelet levels so his is able to receive the chemo treatments. We ask for you to give the doctors great wisdom and discernment in finding the cause his pain and the best treatment. We ask you to help Chuck bear that which has come upon him. Bring peace and comfort that can only come from you. Give Chuck and Linda great wisdom...may your grace and mercy be poured out upon them. Continue to reach out to the unsaved through Chuck's suffering...and bring many more into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We know that you are able to do abundantly more than all we ask or imagine...even healing your servant. Yet we humbly submit to your will and plan...for Chuck and our church. Thank you dear Father, in your Son's blessed name we pray.
Please be sure to click on the link to Kindred Community Church...so you can download and hear Chuck's recent sermons.
Friends, thank you for standing with us as we lift up Chuck and Linda before the Father! - David
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Leavin' Louisiana
Please check out this afternoon's post as she headed northwest (I believe). Pray for others as they prepare for perhaps the most violent hurricane in years.
It may interest many to know that this morning in a Baseball Chapel service in Toronto before a ballgame, one of the umpires led his fellow crew members in prayer and asked God to protect those in the Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama area that may be affected by Katrina.
God has His people in every walk of life.
Thanks for your prayers for Dee and countless others!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Risking/Saving a Life
He was no novice. As a sheriff working for years in a small town, he knew where to draw the line between firmness and compassion. On that afternoon in September, as he walked into the prisoner recreation room, the warm stuffiness made him feel that tinge of claustrophobic oppression which is so much a part of general prison life.
Going over to the old-fashioned wooden windows, the sheriff started to push one open. As usual, the window stuck from the heat of the day. Pushing a little harder, his hand slipped; and before he could get his balance his hand had gone through the thick glass and his body had jerked back, landing him flat on the floor.
For a moment he was stunned. Then a stabbing pain shot up his arm and the blood gushing on to the floor beside him brought into focus the reality of his desperate situation. For all practical purposes, he was alone, helpless, with no one who would care near enough to hear his cries. Surrounded by a group of hardened criminals who viewed him as the enemy, he made a feeble attempt to drag himself to the door. No one attempted to help.
Just then a prisoner ran over and crouched down beside him. The sheriff felt his own revolver slide out from beneath him. Then the young prisoner held the other prisoners at bay with the sheriff's revolver, now fully cocked. With his free arm he dragged the bleeding man toward the outside door. With quick dexterity he managed to take the sheriff's keys, open the door, drag him outside and then relock the door -- all in seconds. Then giving the gun and keys back to the sheriff, the young man ran for help. Lying there on the floor bleeding, the sheriff wondered if help would come in time. Then, mercifully, he passed out into oblivion. Hours later in a hospital recovery room the sheriff awakened to tell his story.
For both men, in an instant life itself had taken on a preciousness beyond that which either man had felt before. One man had almost lost his life. Another had broken an unspoken rule of conduct among his peers and in so doing had put his own life in jeopardy. Yet each man had found his life. Beyond his own rescue, the sheriff had realized the preciousness of all life, even among those whom he had thought had little or no value.
The prisoner was released from prison for his act of valor. But his greatest reward was his knowledge that in a crisis he had chosen to save a life, even at the risk of his own life.
"My times are in thy hand..." -- Psalm 31:15 (KJV)
- Elizabeth R. Skoglund
Be sure to check out Elizabeth's web site at: www.elizabethskoglund.com
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Are You On the Right Road?

Today acknowledge the King of Glory as the only way to heaven and He will direct your steps and your pathway. Proverbs 3:5,6
Are you headed towards heaven or are you hurdling headlong to hell? Pull over, check your compass, get directions and make that all-important U turn. The Savioir is waiting! Heed His call today!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Road Weary Pilgrim

I’ve just returned from a very rewarding baseball road trip to Lansing, Michigan and Detroit. The Blue Jays’ low A farm team, the Lugnuts, play at Oldsmobile Field in Lansing, a beautiful ballpark. On Wednesday evening before the game I was able to spend some time with David Corrente, a fellow Canadian, and one of the Lugnuts’ catchers. I’ve known Dave for several years now and it was good to visit with him.
Thursday morning I enjoyed breakfast with Rolando Quiroga, one of our Baseball Chapel leaders with the Lugnuts. Rolando is building relationships with the Latin American players and is doing a great work in Lansing. I certainly enjoyed my time with him.
Thursday evening David Corrente’s parents drove over to the game from Chatham, Ontario and I had the pleasure of meeting them for the 1st time. Following the game…it was Christian Family Night…the Christian band Building 429 (based on Ephesians 4:29) presented a concert and I joined David and his parents, John and Linda, in the visiting team’s dugout where we were blown away by the volume. The group was excellent though.
Friday afternoon I drove down to Detroit to watch the Jays battle the Tigers. The Correntes came back over from Chatham and joined me at the game. While I was picking up the tickets the father of an ex Peterborough Pete (James Edgar) saw me and stopped to chat. He told me where their seats were so I went over and visited James, his girlfriend and his parents during the game. It’s always great to stay in touch with former Petes. Following the game the Jays’ strength and conditioning coach, Donovan Santas, and their head trainer, George Poulis, came up to my hotel room for some fellowship, Bible study and prayer.
Saturday evening the Tigers’ Baseball Chapel leader, Jeff Totten, and I had dinner together and “talked shop”. Jeff has faithfully ministered to the Detroit ballclub since 1990.
Sunday morning Jeff conducted chapels for the Blue Jays and then the Tigers and I had the pleasure of sitting in on both services. Following the chapels Jeff prayed with the umpires and then treated me to a sumptuous feast of ribs! Wow, were they good!
As I made the long drive home on Sunday afternoon I was grateful to God for the wonderful opportunity He has given me over these last 29 seasons to minister on the front lines of the baseball world. It was a good five (5) days but I was glad to get home.
Thanks for your ongoing prayer support, my friends!
Happy 34th
Today Stephen writes:
"For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring Word of God" (1 Peter 1:23).
Today is my spiritual birthday. Thirty-four years ago today I placed my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Several months earlier I had been confronted with the Gospel through the witness of my older brother. At that time he urged me to accept Christ, but I initially rejected Christ's claims on my life.
For the next several months the Holy Spirit worked in my life to convict me of my sin and need for Christ. On Sunday evening August 22, 1971 I reluctantly went to an evangelistic service in a convention hall in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. The Holy Spirit dealt with my heart that night and I accepted Jesus Christ into my life and became "born again".
In our daily text Peter is writing to the believers in the first century church. Like us, they had never seen Christ during His earthly ministry (1 Peter 1:8) but at the proclamation of the gospel they had believed in Him for their salvation. Peter says they had been "born again", a term first used by Jesus when He witnessed to Nicodemus (John 3). This is one of the Biblical terms used for conversion.
This new birth was "not of perishable seed, but of imperishable." This indicates the spiritual, eternal dimension of the work of the Spirit and Word of God in our lives.
Note these two powerful qualities of God's Word:
1) The Word of God is living. The writer of Hebrews uses this very phrase when he says the "word of God is living" (4:12). The living God imparts spiritual life through His living Word. I once read the story of a street evangelist who had placed his hat on the ground and drew a crowd by pointing at it and shouting, "it's alive". When a group had gathered around him he lifted up his hat to reveal a Bible!
2) The Word of God is enduring. The Psalmist wrote, "All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal" (119:160). No other written work comes even remotely close to the Bible in its enduring qualities. Peter concludes the chapter with this powerful truth: "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.
Today we join hundreds of millions of believers around the world who will be reading and applying the truths of Scripture to our lives. Many will be proclaiming this life-giving Word to others as I am through this encouragement message. And today scores of highly dedicated translators will be working in the remotest areas of the world to translate God's Word so that all might know God's love.
Praise God for the "living and enduring Word of God"! Continue to subject yourself to its life-giving qualities and present them to others!
Be encouraged today,
Stephen C. Weber
Sunday, August 21, 2005
It All Started In Detroit
Thanks for your ongoing prayers for the Baseball Chapel ministry. Thank God for the support and encouragement provided by the Blue Jays' GM, J. P. Ricciardi and our field manager, John Gibbons.
Grateful to God for the opportunities to serve Him,
Comments Please...
Just wondering...
Has something you've read on this site been an encouragement to you? Please listen to this audio post to hear of a friend whose comments blessed my heart.
How about you? Why not let us know if this site has been a blessing to you?
In His love,
Genuine Worship???
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Doing Well
God is good...all the time!
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Blogging Holiday
I'm grateful for all my blogging friends and ask that you would pray for me over the next few days. Thank you so much! I'll let you know what I've been doing when I get back.
We serve an awesome God!
Monday, August 15, 2005
An Awesome God

You are awesome, O God, in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God! - Psalm 68:35
We give praise to our great God and Savior for His sustaining power and strength that he has bestowed upon Chuck and Linda (Obremski). This

We thank God for enabling Chuck to continue to preach despite the heavy assault to his body from cancer and the equally taxing treatments. We are thankful to be witnesses to the continuous miracles God is doing in and through Chuck.
We are also thankful, give praise and are humbled by our Pastor, Chuck Obremski's continued willingness and obedience to heed the call from his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Check out the Flow of Life Blood Drive web site.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Oldies Not Good Enough
Hidden in You
Shepherd of My heart, Keeper of my nights and my days, may I ever be found hidden in You. May I abide in Your tent forever. Please, keep me in perfect peace as my heart and mind are stayed upon You. Let me rest my weary head upon Your shoulder. I dwell in You for my very life and being. I long to dwell with You in Your sanctuary. Please, renew my heart and mind as the world throws so much in one day. Keep me safe in You. I want to walk with You in the cool of the day. I am listening for Your “whispers” to lead me to take up my pen for You. Let the River of your Living Water pour forth from Your Holy Hill. Your waters are what a weary people long for as refreshment and renewal.
We press in to take hold of all that You have for us. We receive our inheritance from Your own hand. Those nail-scarred hands that bled Righteous blood are gentle. They reflect Your tender, compassionate heart towards us. Better is one day in Your courts than 1,000 elsewhere.
Thank You for being my Daddy God, the One I can bring all of my cares to. If I could just sit with You, moment by moment until eternity passes by. Let Your Kingdom come, Lord. Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen and Amen.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
In the aftermath of my "Honest and Transparent" post from last night, I've received many touching and encouraging responses. Thank you to everyone who took time to write! Many have walked the same road! Has God been faithful in every case? Without a doubt!
Matthew (9) and I spent some time together this afternoon. He hasn't been feeling well the last few days and wasn't able to go with Carol and Nathan (8) to a birthday party. We had a wonderful "quiet time" visiting some childhood haunts of mine. We both loved it!
Everyone just went out to pick up some last-minute items for Victoria's trip to camp tomorrow. She is our 13-year-old granddaughter who lives with us. She's an incredible kid...or teen now, I guess.
Being alone for a few minutes I sat down at my beloved piano and played some of my favorite hymns and choruses. Then I played a number of songs that I've composed over the years just to keep them "fresh" in my mind.
As I played one of them I thought I'd share it with you in case you wondered if my confidence has been shattered or my faith displaced. Don't worry, I'm alright! I'm sheltered safe within the arms of God!
These simple lyrics are taken from two of my favorite scripture portions, Philippians 1:6 and 1 Thessalonians 5:24.
"Being confident of this one thing...
He who began a work in you
Surely will perform it
'Til the day of Jesus Christ.
For faithful is He that called you
Who also will do it;
Being confident of this one thing...
He who began a work in you
Surely will perform it
'Til the day of Jesus Christ."
So, I'm confident and God is faithful! Hallelujah, what a Savior!
Honest and Transparent
The following quote by Spurgeon mirrors a statement that I used to make quite honestly and quite often. But now, I must confess, I don't know that I'm able to truthfully say it any more. The ravages of uncertainly, the stresses of being "down to the wire", the scariness of "not knowing" have played havoc with "all I once held dear".
Admitting this is difficult! What I once declared may have sounded very "noble", very "spiritual", very "right" but the years have taken their toll.
Let me give you Spurgeon's quote before I continue...
"If I might have any choice between having abundant wealth, or being brought to absolute dependence upon daily supplies, if, in the latter case, I could have greater power to exhibit and to exert faith in Christ, I must confess that I should prefer the mode of living which would give me most room to enjoy the luxury of depending upon my God. I believe it is more happy and more divine a life to live from hand to mouth, dependant upon the provinces of God, and having the confidence to trust Him, than it is to have all the abundance of this world, but to have nothing about which faith may exercise itself." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
There it is! As I said, I used to echo these thoughts although not so eloquently. Do I want to trust God implicitly? Of course! Do I believe that He can provide all I need? Absolutely! Do I want abundant wealth in a worldly way? Definitely not!
So, as I find myself in uncertain waters, I am crying out to God to be the Great Provider. He has been that in the past for me and He will never change.
Living on the edge has made me edgy and that can be a good thing.
For example...
Positively speaking:
1. I could be on the edge of another God-thing...another miracle that has no explanation other than that God did it!
2. I could be on the edge of a breakthrough where I experience deeper intimacy with God than ever before.
3. I could be on the edge of a new career path...a new vocation where God continues to be at the center.
Or, in a negative sense:
1. I could be on the edge of financial ruin.
2. I could be on the edge of unexpected grief or pain.
3. I could be on the edge of something that could shatter hope.
So, as I begin a new day with my hand held firmly by a Sovereign God I will say, "Surely God is my salvation. I will trust and not be afraid." - Isaiah 12:2 Yes, the unknown is scary! Yes, I want to truthfully say what Spurgeon said! But, for now, I will say this, "Moment by moment I'm kept in His love." I'll choose to look at the positive "edges" and "expect great things from God."
Thanks for your prayers during my bumpy pilgrimage!
He Being Dead Yet Speaketh
Tozer writes:
Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all. --1 Chronicles 29:11
Christianity today is man-centered, not God-centered. God is made to wait patiently, even respectfully, on the whims of men. The image of God currently popular is that of a distracted Father, struggling in heartbroken desperation to get people to accept a Saviour of whom they feel no need and in whom they have very little interest. To persuade these self-sufficient souls to respond to His generous offers God will do almost anything, even using salesmanship methods and talking down to them in the chummiest way imaginable. This view of things is, of course, a kind of religious romanticism which, while it often uses flattering and sometimes embarrassing terms in praise of God, manages nevertheless to make man the star of the show.
Taken from "Man: The Dwelling Place of God" - p. 27
"Lord, take me to my knees this morning in worship. Then let me go to share with the world, or at least with anyone with whom I might have meaningful contact, a great and majestic God Who deserves their worship. Amen."
To subscribe to this e-mail service please contact: http://lmi.gospelcom.net

A. W. Tozer
Friday, August 12, 2005
The Myth of the Secret Sin
“But how can I ever know what sins are lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. And keep me from deliberate wrongs; help me to stop doing them.” – Psalm 19:12,13 (The Living Bible)
“Our iniquities, our secret heart and its sins (which we would so like to conceal even from ourselves) You have set in the (revealing) light of Your countenance.” Psalm 90:8 (Amplified Bible)
“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that it will not be made known.” – Luke 12:2 (NIV)
Four ministers were admitting their secrets sins one day.
1st – battled lustful thoughts and desires
2nd – struggled with gambling
3rd – had a secret addiction to alcohol
4th – could hardly wait to leave. His sin was gossip.
We may laugh at the story but the problem of “secret” sins is no joke. The great preacher Charles Spurgeon once said,
“Of all sinners the man who makes a profession of religion and yet lives in iniquity is the most miserable.”
One of the greatest hindrances to non-believers entrusting their lives to Christ is the multitude of hypocrites who preach one thing but secretly practice something totally opposite.
The problem of secret sins has destroyed:
- Ministries & Christian Leaders
- Marriages & Families
- Reputations
The reality is . . . THERE ARE NO SECRET SINS !!!
Hebrews 4:13 states this truth proving that nothing is hidden from God: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”
Hear what Charles Spurgeon preached in a passionate sermon, decrying the wickedness of secret sins:
“To you, sirs, who sin secretly, and yet make a profession: you break God’s covenants in the dark and wear a mask of goodness in the light – to you, sirs, who shut the doors and commit wickedness in secret – to you I shall speak this morning. O may God also be pleased to speak to you, and make you pray this prayer: ‘Cleanse thou me from secret faults.’ I shall endeavour to urge upon all pretenders present to give up, to renounce, to detest, to hate, to abhor all their secret sins. And, first, I shall endeavour to show the folly of secret sins, the misery of secret sins, the guilt of secret sins and the danger of secret sins. There is no hiding it from God. Thy sin is photographed in high heaven; the deed when it was done was photographed upon the sky, and there it shall remain, and thou shalt see thyself one day revealed to the gazing eyes of all men, a hypocrite, a pretender, who didst sin in fancied secret, observed in all thine acts by the all-seeing Jehovah.”
“O what fools men are, to think they can do anything in secret.”
“It may be a secret sin on earth, but it is open scandal in heaven.” - Lewis Sperry Chafer
Five Characteristics of a Secret Sin . . .
- A secret sin is a sin that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention. It is that practice or habit that we try to not have found out and when it is exposed we are humiliated and embarrassed.
- A secret sin is a sin that we fear those who wish to damage our reputation will spread notice of when it is found out.
- A secret sin is a sin that we are most hesitant to leave. It is that which we often find tempting us and worse still yielding to the temptation. It is often that which we have the least power to resist. It is that which keeps us most from the Word of God and prayer.
- A secret sin is that sin which we most seek to cover up. We justify it by making excuses, explain the extenuating circumstances, define distinctions in our favor, and evade the real problem.
- A secret sin is a sin that we fear the chapel leader might address in his sermon. Is he talking to me? Does he know? Have I been found out?
Your secret sin can be anything from pornography to bitter and hateful thoughts. One may not be any worse in God’s eyes but the consequences can be devastating. Sexual secret sins are epidemic in the lives of non-believers and Christian alike and run the gamut including:
- Pornography
- Adultery/Fornication
- Lustful thoughts
- Homosexuality
- And others too gross to mention
Other non-sexual secret sins include:
- Alcohol abuse
- Drug abuse
- Gambling
How many marriages of ballplayers have been destroyed by one or more of these so-called secret sins! This morning we need to deal with whatever “secret sin” is destroying you and making you ineffective as an athlete, a husband, a father, a son!
These Five Steps for Overcoming Secret Sins can help YOU today:
- Renounce your sins and embrace God's forgiveness.
- Make yourself accountable to your pastor or a trusted Christian friend or teammate. Confess your secret sin to him. (see James 5:16)
- Make whatever changes are necessary to cut off all contact with the persons and places where your secret sin flourished. (see Eph. 5:11)
- Recognize your limitations and live accordingly. (see 1 Cor. 10:12-13)
- Meditate on the scriptures, and ask God to reveal His truth through them. (see Ps. 119:11)
May this be your prayer today as you determine of rid your life of the secret sins that will ultimately destroy you, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” - Psalm 51:10 (NIV)
Voicing Disapproval
Let's let our voice be heard when those who are supposedly representing us are going against biblical standards.
Here's that letter:
Dear Mr. Adams:
Greetings! I've always enjoyed my brief conversations with you and I believe you have represented our riding well but I'm surprised and disappointed by the comments attributed to you in today's Peterborough Examiner. I certainly hope that the majority of your constituents are NOT in favour of same-sex marriage. How far we have strayed from the traditional, biblical values that this nation was built upon! I've e-mailed our Prime Minister and urged him to re-think his position and go back to the beliefs and standards he was raised to uphold. I'm embarrassed to be called a Canadian these days and I'm disappointed that someone of your stature would condone same-sex marriage.
I can only pray that sane-thinking, morally-sound, common-sense Canadians and Peterburians will rise up and let you know, in no uncertain terms, that they wholeheartedly disagree with your stand. You certainly are not speaking for me and thousands of others when you make the statements you've made!
God have mercy on us as a nation! Please think about the ramifications of what you're doing! We need a referendum so the voice of the people can be heard!
Praying for you,
David Fisher
A Hive of B's
Mark Twain once said, “It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand.” Yes, there’s much that we don’t understand but what are we going to do with the verses in God’s word that are straightforward and need no interpretation as to what God is asking us to do? In an OUR DAILY BREAD devotional, the author wrote, “I also have learned that what matters most is not gaining more knowledge about life’s mysteries but putting unto practice what God has clearly told me. As I do that, I will become the kind of person He wants me to be.”
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” - Ephesians 4:2,3
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” - Ephesians 4:32
”Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love; just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” - Ephesians 5:1,2
“Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” - Ephesians 5:15-17
“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” - Ephesians 5:18
“Finally be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the whole armor of God.” - Ephesians 6:10,11
HOW AM I DOING? - Here's a personal checklist.
My Personal Checklist. . . Put a check mark where you're making progress. Mark an X where you really need some work.
In God We Trust...Or Do We?
TRUST . . . a definition – “assured reliance on the character, strength or truth in someone or something. Confident hope. Confidence, dependence, faith, reliance. Webster’s Dictionary
THE MIDDLE VERSE IN THE BIBLE IS: “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”
(Psalm 118:9)
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)
“When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” (Psalm 56:3)
“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song.” (Isaiah 12:2)
D. L. Moody’s favorite verse was Isaiah 12:2. He used to say, “You can travel to heaven either 1st class or 2nd class. It’s your choice.
1st class - “ I will trust and NOT be afraid.”
2nd class – “When I am afraid, I will trust you.”
Moody chose to ride FIRST CLASS.
A preacher, traveling through Africa, was forced to sleep outside under the trees, due to all the hotels being full. Wild animals prowled nearby. He thought of the words of Isaiah 12:2 and said to God, “there is no use in both of us being awake tonight” so he laid his head down, trusted God, and had a good night’s rest.
We can and should TRUST GOD for:
Daily Bread – our physical needs
Direction – what path should we take
Discernment - wisdom
Destiny – in this life and for eternity
Family background, skills, gifts, talents, reputation, money?
OR, ARE YOU TRUSTING IN THE LIVING GOD? He alone is worthy of our trust! You can count on Him. He’ll never let you down. Can you honestly say, In God We Trust?
Fires of Adversity
She writes:
I have walked through the fire and although I am singed, because of God's grace I appear to be intact. I have just had two (2) of the most heartbreaking days I have ever had. And yet, here I sit full of God's love and wrapped in His mercy.

I can see more fires smoldering and burning in the distance and I should be afraid, I should feel powerless, I should feel hopeless...but I do not, because God is fearless, God is all powerful and God is the source of all hope . And because Christ lives in me, I have access to the Father and all He has is mine!
Psalm 18:32 "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."
Colossians 1:11 "...being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance."
And finally, this verse which I think will be my theme as I face the fires to come: Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."
Be sure to check out Becky's ongoing account of God's faithfulness and grace at her encouraging and uplifting site: http://www.chinsup.blogspot.com
God Spilled the Paint
The Carrizo plain, in the Temblor Range, 50 miles west of Bakersfield, CA
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." - Romans 1:20
Note: A visitor to my blog sent along the following note:
Quote from Frank Kee on DesertUSA.net "Carrizo Plains Trip, Mar 27, 2005. Of all the places my wife and I have been hunting wildflowers in the last few weeks (Death Valley, Mojave, Antelope Valley) this location on the East side of Carrizo plains in the Temblor range (which I will name 7th heaven) was the absolute exquisite winner. Saturated with orange & yellow daisies and blue phacelia. You'll cry! Near GPS Way Point N35,13.816" W119,44.290' elevation 2376 ft . Location Temblor Range on East side of Carrizo Plains approx 9 mi south from 58 on Elkhorn Rd"
Note: The Photo was taken by Frank Kee
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Bush League

Tonight I signed up for the Presidential Prayer Team. Yes, I'm a Canadian but I'm a Christian and God has called us to prayer for our leaders.
If you'd like to sign up, check out this link: The Presidential Prayer Team
Thanks for praying! Without the support of our neighbors to the south, how could we defend ourselves with a broken down helicopter, two leaking submarines, a canoe and an old DC3?
Here's some of the text from the Presidential Prayer Team site:
Terrorists. War. Nuclear warheads that can now reach America’s shores. Social Security reform. Supreme Court nominations.
These are just a few of the challenges facing the President today. How many more will he face tomorrow? And what does it mean to your family?
When you become a Presidential Prayer Team member, you will join 3 million prayer participants who receive weekly prayer requests along with insightful and inspiring information to help you uphold our President, our nation and our Armed Forces in daily prayer.
Membership is free and open to anyone who will commit to pray. Join right now and get a free window decal to help spread the word.
Prayer makes a difference your prayers can turn the tide in the direction our nation is headed. Enroll now.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Staal Scores

Jordan Staal of the Peterborough Petes, one of our faithful "Monday We Have Fish" attendees scored a goal today in Canada's 4-0 win over Sweden at the Under-18 Junior World Cup. CONGRATULATIONS, Jordan!
Here's the press release:
Canada 4 Sweden 0
Under-18 Junior World Cup August 10, 2005 Breclav, CZE
Team Canada came out strong by playing a very physical game right from the opening whistle. Canada got into some penalty trouble, but was able to kill off all the Swedish power plays. Canada’s Zach Hamill had an outstanding game scoring once on a great effort driving to the net, and fed Jonathan Toews on a slick cross ice pass for a power play goal. Canadian goalie Leland Irving played very well, stopping all 26 shots for the shutout. Other Canadian goals were scored by Cory Emmerton and Jordan Staal who notched a short handed breakaway goal.
Di's Journal
Keep writing, Diana! You do a great job!
Senators Land Big Fish

As the proud uncle of Mike Fisher, I was pleased that the Ottawa Senators signed him today to a new, three-year contract. CONGRATULATIONS, Little Fish from your uncle, Big Fish!
Here's the Senators' Press Release:
OTTAWA - The Ottawa Senators today announced they have re-signed centre Mike Fisher to a three-year contract.
In 2004-05, Fisher played with EV Zug of the Swiss National League, where he recorded nine goals and 18 assists for 27 points in 21 games. He later joined Team Canada for the 2005 world championships in Austria for his first national team experience. The Peterborough, Ont., native saw action in nine games in Austria, and collected one assist and four penalty minutes.
In 2003-04, Fisher was limited to 24 games with Ottawa due to a right elbow injury and subsequent surgery. He recorded four goals and six assists in the regular season and also recorded one goal — the overtime winner in Game 6 of the Eastern Conference quarter-final against Toronto.
Following the 2003-04 season, Fisher was nominated by the Professional Hockey Writers Association (Ottawa Chapter) for the 2003-04 Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy. The award is presented annually to the player who best exemplifies the qualities of perseverance, sportsmanship and dedication to hockey.
In 248 career games with Ottawa, Fisher has recorded 48 goals and 52 assists for 100 points. He recorded career highs with 18 goals, 20 assists, 38 points and 74 games played during the 2002-03 season.
An Unfading Hope

And so, my friends, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." - Romans 12:12
Your fellow pilgrim,
Bearing Burdens
I've been blessed immeasurably by the writings and prayers of my blogging friends. Thanks so much for sharing your gifts with others. Friends like Diana, Susan, Cindy, Gayla, Becky, Debra, David, Shawn, Kelly, Rodney and others have enriched my life. Keep writing my friends!
The following "post" was recorded as I drove to the ballpark in Toronto today. I trust it will be an encouragement to you!
Much love in Christ,
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Father Stands Behind Me

Dad has gone "home" to be with our heavenly Father so I don't have him to stand behind me anymore but "my heavenly Father watches over me".
Reminds me of the words of a chorus I wrote way back in the 70's.
"Before me, behind me, Thy hand shall be upon me,
Thy right hand shall lead me and guide me always..."
Fall back into Father's arms and rest in Him. He'll stand behind you and strengthen you as you journey on.
"The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms." - Deuteronomy 33:27
Compelled To Go
Mitzi writes:
I heard Him calling, drawing me to come away with Him. I felt compelled to gather my things and begin the long journey up the mountain. With every rise in elevation, the scenery grew more beautiful. Although tired, I pressed on to get to the destination, the place where I would commune with My Father.
The quiet stillness took over and a calm peace settled over me in my journey. “Come away with me by yourself and get some rest,” I heard Him call (Mark 6:31). I had approached My Refuge, My Shelter and My Security. My Eternal Father was waiting there for me to draw near. I had felt compelled to join Him on His mountain. I poured my heart out before Him, “Lord of heaven and earth and of all creation, You are the only pure Love that I have ever known. I breathe in deep and You wash away all that the world has thrown upon these weary shoulders."
“Be still and know that I Am God,” He replied (Ps. 46:10). I felt a gentle ease come over me. Oh, His presence and His peace washed over me from head to toe. “I will bring you near and you will come close, for who are you that you will devote yourself to me?” declared the Lord (Jer.30:21). Oh Lord, “Send forth Your Light and Your Truth, let them guide me” (Ps 43:3).
I felt Him speaking that it was time to awake. “Arise, shine,” he said. I had a revelation of how He inhabits the praises of His people. He is enthroned upon our praises causing us to shine with His glory as we lift His Name up higher. As He searches the landscape to and fro for one whose heart is pure towards Him, I want to get His attention. “I long to bless you, My Child” (Is.30:18).
My Father, I will actively accept and receive all that I can handle from You. I will arise and shine and take Your Light to the dying world.
“It is time to rebuild. See, I Am doing a new thing. It is time for you to contend for all that I have for you as Daniel did long ago. A new work is being birthed. I have called you to action. Take the first steps and I will guide you in all Truth toward the goal. There will be much labor, but the blessings will also be great. Trust me, My Child. Rest in Me. Abide in the Secret Place with Me, in the Shadow of My Wings. You are safe in Me, all of your needs are provided. I long to give you the desires of your heart, Little One.”

Mitzi Smith
Sunday at Bridlewood

Shawn & Hayley Cuthill & Family
Shawn posted the following on his blog:
OK Blue Jays, Let's Pray Ball
Hayley and I had the privilege of hearing David Fisher - click here speak on Sunday night at Bridlewood Presbyterian Church. David attends Auburn Bible Chapel in Peterborough, and is the chaplain for the Toronto Blue Jays and Peterborough Petes! It was great hearing about all the Christians in the Jays organization, like Corey Koskie, and how even the coach and GM will call Dave into their office and ask him to pray about decisions they have to make. God has people in all kinds of places!

Astounding Them
Chapter Six is entitled "Astounding Them by Our Way of Life...What Friends of God Can Offer the World".
Wadell writes, "In a homily based on 1 Corinthians, John Chrysostom, fourth-century theologian and renowned preacher, exhorts his congregation to win over the unbelievers in their midst not by the force of weapons, nor by wordy arguments, but by the overpowering witness of their lives."
Chrysostom said:
'Let this, I say, be our way of overpowering them, and of conducting our warfare against them, and let us, before all words, astound them by our way of life. For this is the main battle, this is the unanswerable argument, the argument from actions. For though we give them ten thousand precepts of philosophy in words, if we do not exhibit a life better than theirs, the gain is nothing. For it is not what is said that draws their attention, but their enquiry is, what we do...Let us win them therefore by our life.'
"This is one of the most insightful and challenging descriptions of how Christians should see themselves in the world." - Wadell
I agree wholeheartedly with Wadell! Let's astound the skeptics, the seekers, the non-believers by a holy, godly, authentic, compassionate way of life. It works!
Matthew's First Story
The boy is playing in the water.
He is 10 years old. He has a cat and a dog.
He has a lot of candy. His favorite food
is tacos & pizza. He has a brother named
Tom. His cat's name is Willow. His dog's
These are the colors Matthew used in his original composition. I'm not sure why he picked these but knowing Matthew, he'd have a good explanation!
Monday, August 08, 2005
E-Mail Address
Thanks for your ongoing visits to Pilgrim Scribblings!
In His love,
David W. Fisher
Epistle Sports Ministries/Pilgrim Scribblings