The following poem was quoted on my friend Cindy Swanson's blog. What an excellent tribute to a Soldier of the Cross who has received the call to "come home". May we live our lives for Christ in such a way that we will hear the Father's "well done" when we come to the end of this earthly pilgrimage.
"Servant of God, well done,
Rest from thy loved employ;
The battle is fought, the vict'ry won,
Enter thy Master's joy.
The voice at midnight came
He started up to hear
A mortal arrow pierced his frame
He fell--but felt no fear.
The pains of death are past,
Labor and sorrow cease;
And life's long warfare closed at last,
His soul is found in peace.
Soldier of Christ, well done!
Begin thy new employ;
And while eternal ages run,
Rest in thy Savior's joy."
- James Montgomery
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Nathan's Countdown
Our son Matthew recorded an audio post last week so Nathan felt it was his turn tonight as we drove home from Elim Lodge. Here's Nathan's rendition of the chorus, COUNTDOWN.
This chorus was taught to Matthew and Nathan by their teacher, Paula Kirkland, at Grace Christian Academy. The interesting thing about this is that Paula first heard the song when she was a little girl when I conducted a Kid's Krusade one week at her home church in Havelock, many years ago.
The COUNTDOWN is a lot closer today than it was way back then. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
This chorus was taught to Matthew and Nathan by their teacher, Paula Kirkland, at Grace Christian Academy. The interesting thing about this is that Paula first heard the song when she was a little girl when I conducted a Kid's Krusade one week at her home church in Havelock, many years ago.
The COUNTDOWN is a lot closer today than it was way back then. Even so, come Lord Jesus!
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Soccer Heroes...
Worth Repeating
As I re-read the "post" Truth and Blogging, the verse at the close of the article hit me in a way that it hadn't before. It's certainly worth repeating and highlighting.
May this be the prayer of the hearts of all my fellow pilgrims today as we continue our journey hand in hand with the Great Shepherd of the Sheep:
"Teach me Your way, O LORD, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name." (Psalm 86:11)
May this be the prayer of the hearts of all my fellow pilgrims today as we continue our journey hand in hand with the Great Shepherd of the Sheep:
"Teach me Your way, O LORD, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name." (Psalm 86:11)
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Truth and Blogging
This excellent "post" appeared recently on the Under the Acacias site. Good stuff! Lots to think about! I don't want to be a hypocrite! Being too judgmental is always a fear of mine! Passing judgment comes far too easily for me. Read this editorial and be challenged. - David
Truth and Blogging
How often have we been at fault in this - to be, at the same instant, both right and wrong: having the "right" arguments but the wrong attitude, the right beliefs but the wrong heart... Sadly, I suspect many of us have seen this on too many "Christian" blogs. And, if we are honest, we have probably been guilty of it ourselves.
Two kinds of truth think this highlights the two main aspects of truth - "facts," or "statements about truth" and "reality" or "truth lived out". The highest revelation of truth is of course not a series of statements, but a person, Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6). John tells us that, while Moses brought the truths of the Law, truth itself came in the person of Jesus (Jn 1:17). The Law made true statements about God and his holiness and requirements, but words in themselves could neither fully communicate, nor make available to us the truth of God. What was needed was for the Word of truth to become flesh.
We need both of course. Hypocrisy is asserting the right truths without them being reality in our own lives. If Christ is the ultimate truth, then Christlikeness as seen by the fruit of the Spirit in our lives must be a measure of our adherence to truth. The scandal of the evangelical conscience is surely this - that we proclaim faith in Christ, we hold to all the "right" truths, and yet we are often arrogant, greedy, self-centred, inconsiderate, and proud. We may even be diligent in obeying truths such as tithing, yet neglect the "more important" matters of justice and mercy (Matt 23:33). Our claims of truth are proved false if not worked out in our lives (1Jn 1:6).
On the other hand, it's not just about being nice. Niceness is okay, but has no power to actually set people free. Only knowing truth does that. And we know truth through Jesus' teaching (Jn 8:32). What we believe about things does matter. We do need to see the world and our place in it the way it is. Living in God's freedom, and offering it to others is only possible because the story of Jesus, the good news of the kingdom, the message of the cross, and the promises of God are true. It is by agreeing with God that we have the possibility to participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires (2Pet 1:4).
It is sometimes said that "what you believe determines what you do." There is a certain amount of truth in that, but the discord between our proclamation of faith and the reality of our lives is then a conundrum. It might be better said: "what you do shows what you really believe." Or, as Jesus said: "a tree is known by its fruit".
The Dangers of Blogging:
The online fellowship of bloggers is of course an artificial community, for it allows us to pontificate about "truths", without the accountability of relationships in the body, and without any cost of the cross. It is an easy way for us into hypocrisy, and for lyrical and opinionated people to hold sway. We do need rigorous discussion, and there is nothing wrong with lyricism. But may I suggest some notes of caution:
* Firstly, we need to examine our own hearts as we blog and comment, to do all to the glory of God (1Cor 10:31). We must allow Jesus to rule over our blogs, and to blog with love, humility, grace, and gentleness. We must also avoid dividing the body over disputable matters. For some guidelines, you might want to look at a post I wrote some time ago on some Biblical guidelines for bloggers.
* Secondly, we need to go back to the teaching of Jesus and the Scriptures. We should be wary of taking entrenched positions on beliefs which are not central to a Biblical faith. We all do it - our perspectives are so moulded by our own cultural context. We need humility to learn and allow ourselves to be changed by God's truth.
* Thirdly, relationship and accountability. We do need to find ways to incorporate these into our blogging life. While I'm sure there are many who have good reason to blog anonymously, it is also a danger in freeing us from accountability. When commenting on someone's blog for the first time - especially if you disagree with what they say - try and establish the bond of peace that we have as fellow believers. I have seen some great examples of this. Maybe meeting fellow bloggers in real life, such as at GodBlogCon will also help.
* Finally, we should be careful whom we read. I read some people who I disagree with strongly on some aspects of what we believe, but they are men and women who have a respect for God's word, and who demonstrate that grace, gentleness, and humility that is the fruit of the Spirit. We should pay heed to such people. I also like to read those who are "practitioners", and are not just preaching from behind a comfortable desk. At the same time, I have stopped reading others, because of what seems an unhealthy tone, or because their writing stirs up ungodly reactions in me. In particular, may I suggest we need to be careful to avoid divisive people (Prov 6:19, Rom 16:17, Tit 3:10), and to honour the unity of the body of Christ.
Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. (Ps 86:11)
Truth and Blogging
How often have we been at fault in this - to be, at the same instant, both right and wrong: having the "right" arguments but the wrong attitude, the right beliefs but the wrong heart... Sadly, I suspect many of us have seen this on too many "Christian" blogs. And, if we are honest, we have probably been guilty of it ourselves.
Two kinds of truth think this highlights the two main aspects of truth - "facts," or "statements about truth" and "reality" or "truth lived out". The highest revelation of truth is of course not a series of statements, but a person, Jesus Christ (Jn 14:6). John tells us that, while Moses brought the truths of the Law, truth itself came in the person of Jesus (Jn 1:17). The Law made true statements about God and his holiness and requirements, but words in themselves could neither fully communicate, nor make available to us the truth of God. What was needed was for the Word of truth to become flesh.
We need both of course. Hypocrisy is asserting the right truths without them being reality in our own lives. If Christ is the ultimate truth, then Christlikeness as seen by the fruit of the Spirit in our lives must be a measure of our adherence to truth. The scandal of the evangelical conscience is surely this - that we proclaim faith in Christ, we hold to all the "right" truths, and yet we are often arrogant, greedy, self-centred, inconsiderate, and proud. We may even be diligent in obeying truths such as tithing, yet neglect the "more important" matters of justice and mercy (Matt 23:33). Our claims of truth are proved false if not worked out in our lives (1Jn 1:6).
On the other hand, it's not just about being nice. Niceness is okay, but has no power to actually set people free. Only knowing truth does that. And we know truth through Jesus' teaching (Jn 8:32). What we believe about things does matter. We do need to see the world and our place in it the way it is. Living in God's freedom, and offering it to others is only possible because the story of Jesus, the good news of the kingdom, the message of the cross, and the promises of God are true. It is by agreeing with God that we have the possibility to participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires (2Pet 1:4).
It is sometimes said that "what you believe determines what you do." There is a certain amount of truth in that, but the discord between our proclamation of faith and the reality of our lives is then a conundrum. It might be better said: "what you do shows what you really believe." Or, as Jesus said: "a tree is known by its fruit".
The Dangers of Blogging:
The online fellowship of bloggers is of course an artificial community, for it allows us to pontificate about "truths", without the accountability of relationships in the body, and without any cost of the cross. It is an easy way for us into hypocrisy, and for lyrical and opinionated people to hold sway. We do need rigorous discussion, and there is nothing wrong with lyricism. But may I suggest some notes of caution:
* Firstly, we need to examine our own hearts as we blog and comment, to do all to the glory of God (1Cor 10:31). We must allow Jesus to rule over our blogs, and to blog with love, humility, grace, and gentleness. We must also avoid dividing the body over disputable matters. For some guidelines, you might want to look at a post I wrote some time ago on some Biblical guidelines for bloggers.
* Secondly, we need to go back to the teaching of Jesus and the Scriptures. We should be wary of taking entrenched positions on beliefs which are not central to a Biblical faith. We all do it - our perspectives are so moulded by our own cultural context. We need humility to learn and allow ourselves to be changed by God's truth.
* Thirdly, relationship and accountability. We do need to find ways to incorporate these into our blogging life. While I'm sure there are many who have good reason to blog anonymously, it is also a danger in freeing us from accountability. When commenting on someone's blog for the first time - especially if you disagree with what they say - try and establish the bond of peace that we have as fellow believers. I have seen some great examples of this. Maybe meeting fellow bloggers in real life, such as at GodBlogCon will also help.
* Finally, we should be careful whom we read. I read some people who I disagree with strongly on some aspects of what we believe, but they are men and women who have a respect for God's word, and who demonstrate that grace, gentleness, and humility that is the fruit of the Spirit. We should pay heed to such people. I also like to read those who are "practitioners", and are not just preaching from behind a comfortable desk. At the same time, I have stopped reading others, because of what seems an unhealthy tone, or because their writing stirs up ungodly reactions in me. In particular, may I suggest we need to be careful to avoid divisive people (Prov 6:19, Rom 16:17, Tit 3:10), and to honour the unity of the body of Christ.
Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. (Ps 86:11)
It's A Zoo Around Here
Here's a recent picture of our grandchildren, Rebecca (3) and Michael (1) taken at the zoo. Proud parents are Stephen and Denise Fisher. Our son and his family live in Burlington, Ontario.

Rebecca & Michael at the zoo
There's already one famous Mike Fisher (we think anyways) but another great Mike Fisher is following in his footsteps.
We'll keep adding pictures of the grandchildren as we receive them. It makes us feel even older.
Lots of love from Grandpa & Grandma!
David & Carol

Rebecca & Michael at the zoo
There's already one famous Mike Fisher (we think anyways) but another great Mike Fisher is following in his footsteps.
We'll keep adding pictures of the grandchildren as we receive them. It makes us feel even older.
Lots of love from Grandpa & Grandma!
David & Carol
Monday, July 25, 2005
Chuck Is Not Done Yet!
Chuck Obremski just keeps on amazing me and many others. The loving community of believers at his church, Kindred Community Church, continue to be ministered to powerfully by Chuck's annointed preaching. We should not be surprised! God has promised to give strength to those who wait on Him.
Rather than reprinting several "posts" from my friend Susan's blog, please visit her site and read an outline of last Sunday's sermon by Chuck, an update and a poem written by Susan Bunts.
Rather than reprinting several "posts" from my friend Susan's blog, please visit her site and read an outline of last Sunday's sermon by Chuck, an update and a poem written by Susan Bunts.
Thanks so much for your ongoing prayer support for Chuck, Linda and their family. God hears and answers prayer!
Pray on, dear friends! THANK YOU!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Yikes...What a Trip!
Wow! Our trip to Corning, NY has been quite the adventure. I'll fill you in more later. I'm sitting here at the computer in the lobby of the Days Inn in Watertown, NY on Sunday night at 11:30. At noon today I had lunch with Corey Koskie and Gabe Gross in Syracuse, attended the chapels there and then drove north to Watertown.
Nathan (check out my earlier post) is doing much better although his face is black and blue. Thanks for your prayers.
I'll give you more of an update tomorrow evening.
'Til then, keep trusting Him!
Nathan (check out my earlier post) is doing much better although his face is black and blue. Thanks for your prayers.
I'll give you more of an update tomorrow evening.
'Til then, keep trusting Him!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Nathan's Nosedive
The following audio post was sent from Corning, NY on Saturday following our son Nathan's mishap at the wedding rehersal. He's doing much better now (Monday, July 25) but his face is black and blue. No broken bones. No concussion. We have much to be grateful for.
Thank you to those who prayed for Nathan after you heard this audio post. We appreciate your faithfulness so much. Thanks, Brodie, for your love and concern.
Thank you to those who prayed for Nathan after you heard this audio post. We appreciate your faithfulness so much. Thanks, Brodie, for your love and concern.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Blogging Break
Well friends, it's time to take a wee break from my enjoyable blogging ministry/hobby. I won't be "scribbling" until Monday evening but I'll be "pilgrimming" (is that a word?) all weekend. Apart from an audio blog that I may "post" this is it until early next week. Have a great weekend!
Thanks for your encouragagement, fellow pilgrims and fellow bloggers! It's great to travel together on our journey "home" isn't it!
May the Lord bless you and make you a blessing to others for His name's sake!
In His embrace,
P. S. Did you listen to Matthew's song? Pretty good for a 9 year old with Asperger's Syndrome, an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Of course I'm a proud father!
Thanks for your encouragagement, fellow pilgrims and fellow bloggers! It's great to travel together on our journey "home" isn't it!
May the Lord bless you and make you a blessing to others for His name's sake!
In His embrace,
P. S. Did you listen to Matthew's song? Pretty good for a 9 year old with Asperger's Syndrome, an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Of course I'm a proud father!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Matthew's Song
Here's a song, Only You, by our son Matthew (9)! He loves to sing and listen to music when we're driving and, living in the country, we're in the car a lot! Matthew learned this song at our school, Grace Christian Academy, and it's one of his favorites.

Our Matthew, beside the counselor on the left at Camp Medeba

Our Matthew, beside the counselor on the left at Camp Medeba
More Conservative...
Listening to Dr. David Jeremiah today on his Turning Point broadcast, I heard the following quote (or something very close to this):
"It's hard to become more conservative than we were..."
What he was saying is that there is a slippery slope that many individuals and churches find themselves on. We're slipping...not climbing. We're going in the wrong direction more often than not.
Something to think about...
Something to mull over...
What do you think?
I agree!
"It's hard to become more conservative than we were..."
What he was saying is that there is a slippery slope that many individuals and churches find themselves on. We're slipping...not climbing. We're going in the wrong direction more often than not.
Something to think about...
Something to mull over...
What do you think?
I agree!
Divine Intervention?
Today I received the following "forward" in my e-mail box. After spending 20 minutes deleting all those frustrating <<<'s, I'm adding this to my blog because I feel there is much merit in what was written. So often we get upset with the litany of interruptions in our day. Perhaps there is a reason for many of them...a divine purpose. I liked this e-mail because there wasn't the customary promise at the end..."send this to 5 friends and you'll have good luck, win the lottery, get a new car and be blessed by God." NONSENSE! - David
Here's that e-mail:
YOU MAY NOT KNOW (regarding 9/11)…
The head of a company survived 9/11 because his son started kindergarten.
Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts.
One woman was late because her alarm clock didn't go off on time.
One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike due to an auto accident.
One of them missed the bus.
One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change.
One's car wouldn't start.One went back to answer the telephone.
One had a child that dawdled and didn't get ready as soon as he should have.
One couldn't get a taxi.
The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today.
Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone, all the little things that annoy me, I think to myself, this is exactly where God wants me to be at this very moment. Next time your morning seems to be going wrong, the children are slow getting dressed, you can't seem to find the car keys, you hit every traffic light, don't get mad or frustrated…God is at work watching over you.
May God continue to bless you with all those annoying little things and may you remember their possible purpose.
Pass this on to someone else, if you'd like. There is NO LUCK attached. If you delete this, it's okay. God's love and blessing is not dependant on e-mails. AMEN!
Here's that e-mail:
YOU MAY NOT KNOW (regarding 9/11)…
The head of a company survived 9/11 because his son started kindergarten.
Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts.
One woman was late because her alarm clock didn't go off on time.
One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike due to an auto accident.
One of them missed the bus.
One spilled food on her clothes and had to take time to change.
One's car wouldn't start.One went back to answer the telephone.
One had a child that dawdled and didn't get ready as soon as he should have.
One couldn't get a taxi.
The one that struck me was the man who put on a new pair of shoes that morning, took the various means to get to work but before he got there, he developed a blister on his foot. He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. That is why he is alive today.
Now when I am stuck in traffic, miss an elevator, turn back to answer a ringing telephone, all the little things that annoy me, I think to myself, this is exactly where God wants me to be at this very moment. Next time your morning seems to be going wrong, the children are slow getting dressed, you can't seem to find the car keys, you hit every traffic light, don't get mad or frustrated…God is at work watching over you.
May God continue to bless you with all those annoying little things and may you remember their possible purpose.
Pass this on to someone else, if you'd like. There is NO LUCK attached. If you delete this, it's okay. God's love and blessing is not dependant on e-mails. AMEN!
New Mercies
"Morning by morning new mercies I see." (from Great is Thy Faithfulness)
This morning, as I drive to two doctor's appointments in Toronto, I will be looking for (and finding) new, untapped, previously undiscovered, fresh, wonderful, encouraging "mercies" from the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Why not join me this morning as we eagerly await another demonstration of God's eternal faithfulness.
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22,23
This morning, as I drive to two doctor's appointments in Toronto, I will be looking for (and finding) new, untapped, previously undiscovered, fresh, wonderful, encouraging "mercies" from the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Why not join me this morning as we eagerly await another demonstration of God's eternal faithfulness.
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." - Lamentations 3:22,23
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
A Corny Picture
My friend Stephen Weber of Daily Encouragement sent me this picture earlier this week. I'm thankful that the corn in Lancaster County, PA is as tall as it is. Here in Ontario the corn in some fields is barely 2 feet tall due to the severe drought we've had.
Seeing Stephen's picture and later driving down a country road near our home, I was reminded of the verse in Habakkuk which has been such an encouragement to me over the years.
The prophet wrote, "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will be joyful in God my Savior. The sovereign Lord is my strength..." - Habakkuk 3:17,18,19(b)
May the Lord meet the needs of every reader of Pilgrim Scribblings today. He is the Lord of every situation and I'm reminding myself of this timeless truth as I type this message. God bless you richly!

The prophet wrote, "Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will be joyful in God my Savior. The sovereign Lord is my strength..." - Habakkuk 3:17,18,19(b)
May the Lord meet the needs of every reader of Pilgrim Scribblings today. He is the Lord of every situation and I'm reminding myself of this timeless truth as I type this message. God bless you richly!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Personal Note and Prayer
Please join me as I pray for Chuck Obremski. Click on the link below and thanks again for your ongoing visits to Pilgrim Scribblings!
Please encourage others to visit this site. We want it to be a blessing and an encouragement to our fellow pilgrims as we journey "home".
May the Lord bless you richly today and in the days to come!
Please encourage others to visit this site. We want it to be a blessing and an encouragement to our fellow pilgrims as we journey "home".
May the Lord bless you richly today and in the days to come!
Two Guys Missed Church
Yesterday (Sunday, July 17th) was the first time I had missed being at the ballpark in Toronto for medical reasons in the 29 years that I've been serving with Baseball Chapel. It felt awfully strange knowing that the Blue Jays were in town and I wasn't there conducting the chapel services. Instead, I was being treated at a Walk-In Clinic in a nearby town for an eye condition known as Keratitis or an abrasion and subsequent infection of the cornea. My eye was so bad yesterday morning that I could barely see to drive home from my overnight shift with Christian Horizons.
During the morning, while feeling sorry for myself, I wondered if Chuck Obremski was faithfully preaching God's Word at his church in spite of the cancer that is ravaging his body. Here I am with a red eye that won't open and Chuck is standing before his God and His people, declaring God's inerrant Word. Later in the day I received the following update from Susan Bunts, a member of Chuck's congregation at Kindred Community Church. It's been an absolutely unbelievable feat, from a human perspective, for Chuck to carry on so faithfully especially over the last few months. Let's lift up Chuck and Linda before the Lord during these critical days. And, by the way, my eye is much better today after taking eye drops every two hours since yesterday afternoon.
Our God is an awesome God!
Susan writes:
Today was the first Sunday that my beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski has not preached since we started our church 2 1/2 years ago. Think about many regular, healthy pastors do you know that you can say have not missed one Sunday in 2 1/2 years? That in itself would be amazing...but with's nothing short of a miracle from God.
We remain ever hopeful and prayerful that our great God and Savior Jesus Christ will see fit to heal Chuck. We continue to lift him up in prayer...and have stood back amazed to see God at work in his life. Sustaining him, strengthening him, filling him with His Holy Spirit, enabling him to powerfully preach His Word, week after the face of a devastating illness. He has given him faith and trust when many would doubt and be filled with anger. He filled him with the desire to be obedient and continue to teach God's Word...when most would go turn and go their own way.
In turn...God has been able to use this wretched disease for something beautiful. The powerful witness for the love of God...and his ability to help in your most desperate of circumstances. This message has reached out and touched so very many people. People who themselves are sick or in desperate circumstances...or family and friends who are effected by seeing their loved one in such a difficult place.God has used this to grow us up and strengthen us as a congregation...and enable us to walk in love. Love for our for each other and love for the lost.Through this all God has provided. Today is no different.
Dave Dunn, an Elder at Kindred, preached this mornings message. He is a godly man...who loves his Savior and God's Word. I consider it a privilege to attend Dave's Bible study during the week.We continue to be desperate and dependent on our he lovingly cares for his sheep. Praise God!
During the morning, while feeling sorry for myself, I wondered if Chuck Obremski was faithfully preaching God's Word at his church in spite of the cancer that is ravaging his body. Here I am with a red eye that won't open and Chuck is standing before his God and His people, declaring God's inerrant Word. Later in the day I received the following update from Susan Bunts, a member of Chuck's congregation at Kindred Community Church. It's been an absolutely unbelievable feat, from a human perspective, for Chuck to carry on so faithfully especially over the last few months. Let's lift up Chuck and Linda before the Lord during these critical days. And, by the way, my eye is much better today after taking eye drops every two hours since yesterday afternoon.
Our God is an awesome God!
Susan writes:
Today was the first Sunday that my beloved Pastor, Chuck Obremski has not preached since we started our church 2 1/2 years ago. Think about many regular, healthy pastors do you know that you can say have not missed one Sunday in 2 1/2 years? That in itself would be amazing...but with's nothing short of a miracle from God.
We remain ever hopeful and prayerful that our great God and Savior Jesus Christ will see fit to heal Chuck. We continue to lift him up in prayer...and have stood back amazed to see God at work in his life. Sustaining him, strengthening him, filling him with His Holy Spirit, enabling him to powerfully preach His Word, week after the face of a devastating illness. He has given him faith and trust when many would doubt and be filled with anger. He filled him with the desire to be obedient and continue to teach God's Word...when most would go turn and go their own way.
In turn...God has been able to use this wretched disease for something beautiful. The powerful witness for the love of God...and his ability to help in your most desperate of circumstances. This message has reached out and touched so very many people. People who themselves are sick or in desperate circumstances...or family and friends who are effected by seeing their loved one in such a difficult place.God has used this to grow us up and strengthen us as a congregation...and enable us to walk in love. Love for our for each other and love for the lost.Through this all God has provided. Today is no different.
Dave Dunn, an Elder at Kindred, preached this mornings message. He is a godly man...who loves his Savior and God's Word. I consider it a privilege to attend Dave's Bible study during the week.We continue to be desperate and dependent on our he lovingly cares for his sheep. Praise God!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Whole Lotta Shakin'
As always my friend Greg Asimakoupoulos has penned a timely poem about the troublesome times in which we're living. Enjoy it but be reminded of the One on whose everlasting arms we are leaning. - David
There's a Whole Lot of Shaking Going On...Faith lessons in the face of impending natural disasters.
by Greg Asimakoupoulos - July 15, 2005

Greg A-----------------
How do you pronounce that, Greg?
The conflict over in Iraq
is not the only war.
The frontlines on the weather map
show skirmishes galore.
The right coast reels from hurricanes.
The left coast burns and quakes.
The Midwest is Tornado-ville
and in the South it bakes.
We're all on edge this time of year.
And though we think we're strong,
it only takes the things we fear
to prove to us we're wrong.
We like to think we're in control
and do the things we please.
But it's a wake up call of sorts
to hear Mom Nature sneeze.
From coast to coast we run the risk
of suffering real harm.
So why not learn to walk by faith
while leaning on God's arm?
This column appears every Friday only in The Partial Observer.
This article was printed from
Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved.
There's a Whole Lot of Shaking Going On...Faith lessons in the face of impending natural disasters.
by Greg Asimakoupoulos - July 15, 2005

Greg A-----------------
How do you pronounce that, Greg?
The conflict over in Iraq
is not the only war.
The frontlines on the weather map
show skirmishes galore.
The right coast reels from hurricanes.
The left coast burns and quakes.
The Midwest is Tornado-ville
and in the South it bakes.
We're all on edge this time of year.
And though we think we're strong,
it only takes the things we fear
to prove to us we're wrong.
We like to think we're in control
and do the things we please.
But it's a wake up call of sorts
to hear Mom Nature sneeze.
From coast to coast we run the risk
of suffering real harm.
So why not learn to walk by faith
while leaning on God's arm?
This column appears every Friday only in The Partial Observer.
This article was printed from
Copyright © 2005 All rights reserved.
In the Morning...
My long-time friend and blogging buddy, Diana Johnson, posted the following quote and scripture verse on her site today. I've heard this quote many times and agree 100% but I'm a morning person and some people aren't.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee!
"Do not have your concert first and tune your instrument afterward. Begin each day with God."
- James Hudson Taylor.
"But as for me, I shall sing of Thy strength;
Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Thy lovingkindness
in the morning, For Thou hast been my stronghold,
And a refuge in the day of my distress.
O my strength, I will sing praises to Thee;
For God is my stronghold,
the God who shows me lovingkindness."
- a Psalm of David (59:16,17)

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee!
"Do not have your concert first and tune your instrument afterward. Begin each day with God."
- James Hudson Taylor.
"But as for me, I shall sing of Thy strength;
Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Thy lovingkindness
in the morning, For Thou hast been my stronghold,
And a refuge in the day of my distress.
O my strength, I will sing praises to Thee;
For God is my stronghold,
the God who shows me lovingkindness."
- a Psalm of David (59:16,17)
Twelve Random Revelations
Some things about me that you may not have known and now that I’ve “let the cat out of the bag” you may wish you still didn’t know. Beware…there will be more revelations from time to time. Personal note to Brodie: If we sit up late at Christian Horizons and talk long enough, you'll hear all these stories.
My Biggest Sports Hero (that I’ve met and conversed with): Julius Erving (Dr. J)
The Meeting I Was Looking Forward To (but got lost en route): A meeting with Dr. Billy Graham in Toronto in 1995. As a committee member of Mission Ontario I was scheduled to meet Dr. Graham at a reception at the Marriott Hotel with the rest of the committee and their spouses but we got lost trying to find a park where our foster daughter was having a picnic.
Sports Hero I Would Like to Meet But Never Did: David Robinson, now retired from the NBA’s San Antonio Spurs
Favorite Southern Gospel Song Writer: Rodney Griffin of Greater Vision
Favorite Soft Drink (or soda for my American friends): Diet Pepsi (I know, it’s not good for me)
Favorite Vacation Place in the United States: Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Favorite Preacher Who I Heard Speak in His Home Church: James Montgomery Boice at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA
Favorite Place I Would Like to Visit: Bristol, England, the site of George Muller’s Orphanages. I was scheduled to visit the British Isles several years ago but plans fell through.
Favorite Historical Site I’ve Visited: Some of the cathedrals in Vienna, Austria
Most Embarrassing Moment: There are several but one of them was driving author and preacher Hal Lindsey from his hotel to The Peoples Church in Toronto in my Honda Accord with a blown muffler. It must have sounded like the Apocalypse had already arrived.
Favorite Television Series: Little House on the Prairie
Man I’d Most Like to Meet: The late Jim Elliot who was martyred in Ecuador in 1956.
Note to my blogging friends: I'd be thrilled if you took these headings and sent me your "favorites". I'd even post some of them on Pilgrim Scribblings.
My Biggest Sports Hero (that I’ve met and conversed with): Julius Erving (Dr. J)
The Meeting I Was Looking Forward To (but got lost en route): A meeting with Dr. Billy Graham in Toronto in 1995. As a committee member of Mission Ontario I was scheduled to meet Dr. Graham at a reception at the Marriott Hotel with the rest of the committee and their spouses but we got lost trying to find a park where our foster daughter was having a picnic.
Sports Hero I Would Like to Meet But Never Did: David Robinson, now retired from the NBA’s San Antonio Spurs
Favorite Southern Gospel Song Writer: Rodney Griffin of Greater Vision
Favorite Soft Drink (or soda for my American friends): Diet Pepsi (I know, it’s not good for me)
Favorite Vacation Place in the United States: Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Favorite Preacher Who I Heard Speak in His Home Church: James Montgomery Boice at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA
Favorite Place I Would Like to Visit: Bristol, England, the site of George Muller’s Orphanages. I was scheduled to visit the British Isles several years ago but plans fell through.
Favorite Historical Site I’ve Visited: Some of the cathedrals in Vienna, Austria
Most Embarrassing Moment: There are several but one of them was driving author and preacher Hal Lindsey from his hotel to The Peoples Church in Toronto in my Honda Accord with a blown muffler. It must have sounded like the Apocalypse had already arrived.
Favorite Television Series: Little House on the Prairie
Man I’d Most Like to Meet: The late Jim Elliot who was martyred in Ecuador in 1956.
Note to my blogging friends: I'd be thrilled if you took these headings and sent me your "favorites". I'd even post some of them on Pilgrim Scribblings.
Proud Grandparents
Carol and I just received this picture of our daughter Tammy's two little girls. Ross is the proud father, husband and son-in-law, by the way. Natalie is in front and Madeline is behind her.

Our granddaughters Natalie and Madeline
FYI, we have nine (9) grandchildren...
Tim & Nicole: Carissa, Daynica & Josiah (The Foxhill Trio)
Stephen & Denise: Rebecca & Michael
Brad: Victoria & Jack
Tammy & Ross: Madeline & Natalie
Grandma & Grandpa are proud but feeling weary. We just came in from weeding the garden and were reminded, again, that we're not as young as we used to be.

Our granddaughters Natalie and Madeline
FYI, we have nine (9) grandchildren...
Tim & Nicole: Carissa, Daynica & Josiah (The Foxhill Trio)
Stephen & Denise: Rebecca & Michael
Brad: Victoria & Jack
Tammy & Ross: Madeline & Natalie
Grandma & Grandpa are proud but feeling weary. We just came in from weeding the garden and were reminded, again, that we're not as young as we used to be.
Borden's Three "No's"
These challenging thoughts appeared on today's on-line devotional from Promise Keepers. The author, James Emery White, is one of my favorites. - David
DANGER!!! - Reading this, and allowing the Holy Spirit to shake you up, may be injurious to one's complacency!
When William Borden, heir to the Borden Dairy estate, graduated from high school, his gift was an around-the-world trip. Touring Asia and the Middle East, he experienced a growing concern for the lost. He wrote home, "I'm going to give my life to prepare for the mission field." In the back of his Bible he wrote two words: "NO RESERVES."
Enrolling at Yale University, Borden promptly began a student movement. By the end of his first year, 150 freshmen were meeting for weekly Bible study and prayer. By his senior year, 1,000 out of Yale's 1,300 students were in these groups! Beyond campus, he founded the Yale Hope Mission to reach out to those on New Haven's streets. After graduation in the class of 1909, Borden declined numerous offers of high-paying jobs to pursue his call to mission, now focused on Muslims in China. He wrote in his Bible: "NO RETREATS."
Borden next went to Princeton Seminary, then set sail for China, stopping first in Egypt to study Arabic. While there, he contracted cerebro-spinal meningitis. In less than a month, Borden was dead at age 26. But before his death he'd written two more words in his Bible: "NO REGRETS."
James Emery White in "Serious Times"
My Response: What "no's" must I declare if I'm to be fully available to my Lord?
DANGER!!! - Reading this, and allowing the Holy Spirit to shake you up, may be injurious to one's complacency!
When William Borden, heir to the Borden Dairy estate, graduated from high school, his gift was an around-the-world trip. Touring Asia and the Middle East, he experienced a growing concern for the lost. He wrote home, "I'm going to give my life to prepare for the mission field." In the back of his Bible he wrote two words: "NO RESERVES."
Enrolling at Yale University, Borden promptly began a student movement. By the end of his first year, 150 freshmen were meeting for weekly Bible study and prayer. By his senior year, 1,000 out of Yale's 1,300 students were in these groups! Beyond campus, he founded the Yale Hope Mission to reach out to those on New Haven's streets. After graduation in the class of 1909, Borden declined numerous offers of high-paying jobs to pursue his call to mission, now focused on Muslims in China. He wrote in his Bible: "NO RETREATS."
Borden next went to Princeton Seminary, then set sail for China, stopping first in Egypt to study Arabic. While there, he contracted cerebro-spinal meningitis. In less than a month, Borden was dead at age 26. But before his death he'd written two more words in his Bible: "NO REGRETS."
James Emery White in "Serious Times"
My Response: What "no's" must I declare if I'm to be fully available to my Lord?
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Safely Home
The prayer and desire of every pilgrim is to arrive "home" safely. That is why we write these Pilgrim Scribblings. To encourage and bless our fellow pilgrims as we journey towards heaven. My friend, Stephen Weber, of Daily Encouragement, posted this graphic picture by artist Ron DiCianni depicting the arrival in heaven of a weary pilgrim. Waiting to greet each redeemed sinner will be the King of kings and Lord of lords, the One who gave His life so willingly to bring us home. Hallelujah!

It Will Be Worth It All When We See Jesus
"It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus. Life's trials will seem so small when we see Him. One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase, so bravely run the race, 'til we see Christ." AMEN!

It Will Be Worth It All When We See Jesus
"It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus. Life's trials will seem so small when we see Him. One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will erase, so bravely run the race, 'til we see Christ." AMEN!
I'm Not "That" Old
Blogging friend, Cindy, sends along the following story for Today's Laugh:
Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Florida, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore.
Jacob suggests they go in. Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: "Are you the owner?"The pharmacist answers, "Yes."
Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?"
Pharmacist: "Of course we do."
Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"
Pharmacist: "All kinds."
Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism and scoliosis?"
Pharmacist: "Definitely."
Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, jaundice?"
Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The works."
Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?"
Pharmacist: "Absolutely."
Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers?"
Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes."
Jacob: "We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry.”
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Florida, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore.
Jacob suggests they go in. Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: "Are you the owner?"The pharmacist answers, "Yes."
Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?"
Pharmacist: "Of course we do."
Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"
Pharmacist: "All kinds."
Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism and scoliosis?"
Pharmacist: "Definitely."
Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, jaundice?"
Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The works."
Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?"
Pharmacist: "Absolutely."
Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers?"
Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes."
Jacob: "We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry.”
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Your Memory...
Are You Losing It?

What was the name of that restaurant ?
An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen. The two gentlemen were talking, and one said, "Last night we went out to a new restaurant and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly."
The other man said, "What is the name of the restaurant?" The first man thought and thought and finally said, "What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love? You know... the one that's red and has thorns."
"Do you mean a rose?" "Yes, that's the one," replied the man.
He then turned towards the kitchen and yelled, "Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to last night?"

What was the name of that restaurant ?
An elderly couple had dinner at another couple's house, and after eating, the wives left the table and went into the kitchen. The two gentlemen were talking, and one said, "Last night we went out to a new restaurant and it was really great. I would recommend it very highly."
The other man said, "What is the name of the restaurant?" The first man thought and thought and finally said, "What is the name of that flower you give to someone you love? You know... the one that's red and has thorns."
"Do you mean a rose?" "Yes, that's the one," replied the man.
He then turned towards the kitchen and yelled, "Rose, what's the name of that restaurant we went to last night?"
Monday, July 11, 2005
A Rock Above the Storm
picture and quote on her blog recently. Robert
Murray M'Cheyne was powerfully used by God
in his native Scotland but passed away when
he was only 29 years of age. His writing
and preaching have impacted hundreds
of thousands of people over the years.
A Rock Above the Storm
"You will never find Jesus so precious
"You will never find Jesus so precious
as when the world is one vast howling
wilderness. Then he is like a rose
blooming in the midst of the desolation,
a rock rising above the storm.”
- Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Matthew at Camp Medeba
Our son Matthew (9) spent a week at Camp Medeba, a Christian summer camp near Haliburton, Ontario. His best friend Alex Chapman went with him and that made his time away even more enjoyable. Matthew and his younger brother Nathan (8) were both adopted when they were about a year old and have been both a blessing and a challenge to Carol and me.
Matthew has a high-functioning form of Autism called Asperger's Syndrome and consequently has some social and sensory challenges. Being away at camp for a week was a good thing for Matt but Carol and I certainly missed him a lot. If any of the Pilgrim Scribblings readers have children or know of children (or adults) with Asperger's Syndrome we would love to hear from you. Needless to say, I was anxiously looking forward to picking Matthew up at camp last Saturday.
God has blessed us with two special young boys in addition to our five (5) grown children all in their 30's. So you think we're crazy eh? Maybe so but the blessings have outweighed the difficulties so far (we think).

Our Matthew, beside the counselor on the left.
Alex, with the red hair is standing beside Matthew.
Matthew has a high-functioning form of Autism called Asperger's Syndrome and consequently has some social and sensory challenges. Being away at camp for a week was a good thing for Matt but Carol and I certainly missed him a lot. If any of the Pilgrim Scribblings readers have children or know of children (or adults) with Asperger's Syndrome we would love to hear from you. Needless to say, I was anxiously looking forward to picking Matthew up at camp last Saturday.
God has blessed us with two special young boys in addition to our five (5) grown children all in their 30's. So you think we're crazy eh? Maybe so but the blessings have outweighed the difficulties so far (we think).

Our Matthew, beside the counselor on the left.
Alex, with the red hair is standing beside Matthew.
Syd's Book is HERE!!!
Syd Birrell's long-awaited compilation of e-mails written during their son James' valiant battle with neuroblastoma is finally available. I received my autographed copy from Syd (thanks, friend) the other day and I can't put it down. Check out Syd's site for more news and order your copy. You won't be disappointed!

Syd's Book About James
Notes from the site:
This is a book about a family who chose to make their dreams a reality every day, because they never knew if there would be another day for their young son James as he fought cancer. Some dreams were easy to fulfill (going to the farm, or dinner at the top of the CN Tower) and others were outrageous (Dad, I'd like to drive a freight train that's pulling a hundred cars!), but the result was life lived to the fullest – and an inspirational book called “Ya Can’t Let Cancer Ruin Your Day – The James Emails” by Syd Birrell.
"I began writing emails to family and close friends to keep them up to date on James' condition," said Syd, "but soon I found myself drifting away from stark summaries of the medical challenges of the day, and instead began writing about our adventures in living. Our young daughter Rebecca said 'Just because you have cancer doesn’t mean you stop having good times.' So we put aside our grief and fear, and every day we looked for opportunities to live our dreams." Syd Birrell
"Reading these letters is an extraordinary experience. What can a parent say as he watches his child battle with a deadly disease? Syd's words take us into an intimate engagement with that challenge. Perhaps a more intimate engagement than most of us are prepared for. But what we discover here is not only the anguish and fear we might expect. The steady recognition of pain and vulnerability gives us the necessary background for the astonishing discoveries that these letters convey. The real point is how much else is discovered in this candid facing of a child's (and of our own) mortality. We still have no cure for neuroblastoma. But in the courage and the honesty and the love and the generosity of others and the sense of community and the workings of faith that Syd discovers--and so movingly explores-- in theses letters, we discover that which enables and encourages us to live and work in hope and joy. Prof. David Glassco, Trent University

Syd's Book About James
Notes from the site:
This is a book about a family who chose to make their dreams a reality every day, because they never knew if there would be another day for their young son James as he fought cancer. Some dreams were easy to fulfill (going to the farm, or dinner at the top of the CN Tower) and others were outrageous (Dad, I'd like to drive a freight train that's pulling a hundred cars!), but the result was life lived to the fullest – and an inspirational book called “Ya Can’t Let Cancer Ruin Your Day – The James Emails” by Syd Birrell.
"I began writing emails to family and close friends to keep them up to date on James' condition," said Syd, "but soon I found myself drifting away from stark summaries of the medical challenges of the day, and instead began writing about our adventures in living. Our young daughter Rebecca said 'Just because you have cancer doesn’t mean you stop having good times.' So we put aside our grief and fear, and every day we looked for opportunities to live our dreams." Syd Birrell
"Reading these letters is an extraordinary experience. What can a parent say as he watches his child battle with a deadly disease? Syd's words take us into an intimate engagement with that challenge. Perhaps a more intimate engagement than most of us are prepared for. But what we discover here is not only the anguish and fear we might expect. The steady recognition of pain and vulnerability gives us the necessary background for the astonishing discoveries that these letters convey. The real point is how much else is discovered in this candid facing of a child's (and of our own) mortality. We still have no cure for neuroblastoma. But in the courage and the honesty and the love and the generosity of others and the sense of community and the workings of faith that Syd discovers--and so movingly explores-- in theses letters, we discover that which enables and encourages us to live and work in hope and joy. Prof. David Glassco, Trent University
Tears, Faith & Trust
My friend and co-worker Chuck Obremski is such an
inspiration to the rest of us. Here's a poem and a comment
from my blogging friend, Susan, who attends Chuck's church
and has witnessed his valiant fight against cancer! Keep
battling Chuck & Linda! We love you both! - David

Chuck & Linda Obremski
Tears, Faith & Trust
A time for tears,
A time for faith,
A time for trust.
Broken hearts,
United hearts,
One in spirit.
No questioning why,
No asking when,
Knowing all our days, have been ordained.
Time for a sit down,
For a heart to heart,
Time to share, before one departs.
Love that will never die,
That can not be extinguished,
That will one day, reunite.
Time for tears,
Entrusted to our Savior,
Who redeemed us with His blood.
Time for faith,
In the Holy Spirit,
Who will enable us from within.
Time for trust,
In our Heavenly Father,
Who loves with an infinite love.
Susan Bunts 7/10/05
Today's service was one that broke everyone's heart.

Chuck & Linda Obremski
Tears, Faith & Trust
A time for tears,
A time for faith,
A time for trust.
Broken hearts,
United hearts,
One in spirit.
No questioning why,
No asking when,
Knowing all our days, have been ordained.
Time for a sit down,
For a heart to heart,
Time to share, before one departs.
Love that will never die,
That can not be extinguished,
That will one day, reunite.
Time for tears,
Entrusted to our Savior,
Who redeemed us with His blood.
Time for faith,
In the Holy Spirit,
Who will enable us from within.
Time for trust,
In our Heavenly Father,
Who loves with an infinite love.
Susan Bunts 7/10/05
Today's service was one that broke everyone's heart.
We continue to see our beloved Pastor Chuck Obremski be
devastated by an unrelenting disease. Yet at each stage, he and
his wife Linda have been an example to us all. Trusting God and
knowing that He has a purpose and plan in allowing this cancer
in Chuck's life. Because of this living example...we as a congreg-
ation have been able to trust God, praise God and worship Him
at every step. In the midst of tears...we are able to say "Praise
God from whom all blessings flow". We are able to thank Him
for his unending grace and mercy sufficient for all
circumstances that He allows in our life. - Susan
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Sanctuary of the Heart
Today as we drove to an outing about 80 miles north of our home, I was again impressed by the majestic splendor of God's creative work. Feeling disappointed that we could not attend our local church this morning I composed the following poem/chorus/ I viewed the forests and lakes. I'll add some pictures later but wanted to get this "posted" while it was still fresh on my mind.

Tow'ring Steeples
Sanctuary of the Heart
We worship in cathedrals
Tow’ring steeples, organs grand,
Or as the desert mystics
On the wastelands swept with sand.
We hear His voice in forests
As leaves rustle in the breeze
Or pray in tiny closets
In the darkness…on our knees.
We stand beside the ocean
As the mighty billows roll,
Or stand in awe as sunset
Brings deep pleasure to our soul;
We listen to the preacher
As God’s Word he does impart,
But the source of all true worship…
The sanctuary of the heart!
- David W. Fisher

Tow'ring Steeples
Sanctuary of the Heart
We worship in cathedrals
Tow’ring steeples, organs grand,
Or as the desert mystics
On the wastelands swept with sand.
We hear His voice in forests
As leaves rustle in the breeze
Or pray in tiny closets
In the darkness…on our knees.
We stand beside the ocean
As the mighty billows roll,
Or stand in awe as sunset
Brings deep pleasure to our soul;
We listen to the preacher
As God’s Word he does impart,
But the source of all true worship…
The sanctuary of the heart!
- David W. Fisher
"Above all guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." - Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Gross Injustice
The roller coaster ride for my good friend Gabe Gross continues. The "ups and downs" of a professional ballplayer's lifestyle can drive you crazy if you let them. Fortunately Gabe & Kelly have good, mature heads on their shoulders and they will take this latest demotion to Syracuse in a professional, godly manner. They will be back!

Gabe Gross
They were searching for a place to stay in Toronto. Check out Kelly's journaling of their comings and goings. Regardless of what happens Gabe and Kelly know that their fortunes and futures are in the strong, mighty hands of a sovereign, loving God. We love you guys!

Gabe Gross
They were searching for a place to stay in Toronto. Check out Kelly's journaling of their comings and goings. Regardless of what happens Gabe and Kelly know that their fortunes and futures are in the strong, mighty hands of a sovereign, loving God. We love you guys!
Friday, July 08, 2005
A Brother and Three Brothers
What a privilege to have family and friends with me this morning at my "birthday breakfast"!

A Brother and Three Brothers
Among those who joined me this morning were my brother in the Lord, Steve Kennedy (deep in thought, as always), and my natural (and spiritual) brothers, Mark, Jon and Jim.

A Brother and Three Brothers
Among those who joined me this morning were my brother in the Lord, Steve Kennedy (deep in thought, as always), and my natural (and spiritual) brothers, Mark, Jon and Jim.
The Big Six-O
Shortly after World War II ended, Marjorie Jean Fisher gave birth to a sweet, little, red-headed baby On July 9th, 1945 around 3 in the afternoon I made my grand entrance. Ha! Ha! If you can compute that...I'm going to be 60 years old! Wow! An old geezer!

When Do I Get My Old Age Pension?
One scripture verse comes to mind... "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." - Psalm 37:25 (NIV) God has been faithful and He will continue to be! Praise His name!
This morning several friends joined me for my "birthday breakfast". It was a good time to reminisce and recall God's faithfulness.

My mentor, Paul Collet, and "The Big Ol' Fish

When Do I Get My Old Age Pension?
One scripture verse comes to mind... "I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." - Psalm 37:25 (NIV) God has been faithful and He will continue to be! Praise His name!
This morning several friends joined me for my "birthday breakfast". It was a good time to reminisce and recall God's faithfulness.

My mentor, Paul Collet, and "The Big Ol' Fish
I Held the Hammer
The other day I unearthed an old "gem" I
had written a couple of years ago. It had
been saved in some obscure location on
my computer. I trust it will remind you
of the great cost of our salvation.

by Thomas Blackshear
I Held the Hammer
I held the hammer
He ransomed me;
I caused Him so much pain
He set me free.
I mocked His holy name,
He still loved me;
My sin had nailed Him there
On Calv’ry’s tree.
Then one day by faith,
I saw Him there;
Bearing my sin and shame
My load of care.
His kind and loving glance
Had caught my eye;
It should have been me
Condemned to die.
He spoke so tenderly,
It pierced my soul;
Why did He care so much
To make me whole?
With tender, loving arms
He embraced me,
Gently He whispered soft…
“Son, come to me.”
Grace so amazing
How sweet the sound!
The hammer that I held
Fell to the ground.
He took the nail from me,
Showed me His hand;
It was for you I died
Redemption’s plan.
Love so amazing
How can it be!
That you my sovereign Lord
Would die for me.
That day I trusted Him
Gave Him my all
And now I follow Him
Heeding His call.
And now the question is…
What will you do?
When Jesus shed His blood,
It was for you.
Now as I bid farewell
My earnest plea?
Give Him your heart today
He’ll set you free.
- David W. Fisher

by Thomas Blackshear
I Held the Hammer
I held the hammer
He ransomed me;
I caused Him so much pain
He set me free.
I mocked His holy name,
He still loved me;
My sin had nailed Him there
On Calv’ry’s tree.
Then one day by faith,
I saw Him there;
Bearing my sin and shame
My load of care.
His kind and loving glance
Had caught my eye;
It should have been me
Condemned to die.
He spoke so tenderly,
It pierced my soul;
Why did He care so much
To make me whole?
With tender, loving arms
He embraced me,
Gently He whispered soft…
“Son, come to me.”
Grace so amazing
How sweet the sound!
The hammer that I held
Fell to the ground.
He took the nail from me,
Showed me His hand;
It was for you I died
Redemption’s plan.
Love so amazing
How can it be!
That you my sovereign Lord
Would die for me.
That day I trusted Him
Gave Him my all
And now I follow Him
Heeding His call.
And now the question is…
What will you do?
When Jesus shed His blood,
It was for you.
Now as I bid farewell
My earnest plea?
Give Him your heart today
He’ll set you free.
- David W. Fisher
A Big Ol' Fish
Curious? Story at 11
To be honest, there is no story. This picture was on the front of the birthday card that Steve Kennedy gave me today.

A Big Ol' Fish
Most people (like the boy in the picture) have to look up to this ol' fish (me) because I'm 6'5" tall. More important, I pray that they will look up to me because they see Jesus in me.
Have a great weekend!
The Fisher of Men,
To be honest, there is no story. This picture was on the front of the birthday card that Steve Kennedy gave me today.

A Big Ol' Fish
Most people (like the boy in the picture) have to look up to this ol' fish (me) because I'm 6'5" tall. More important, I pray that they will look up to me because they see Jesus in me.
Have a great weekend!
The Fisher of Men,
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Who else but our Mighty God could paint a scene like this? As I looked at this picture I marveled at the creative power of our great and awesome God! How can people deny His existence? Paul, writing to the Romans, stated, "Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." - Romans 1:19,20 (NIV)

The Divine Artist
"Father, thank You for the beauty of the world which You have created. Your handiwork is displayed in a panoramic view everywhere I look. Every day I marvel at Your creative power. Thank You most of all for revealing Yourself in Your Son Jesus Christ...for sending Him to pay the price for my sin. Today I give myself afresh to You. Use me in some small way to point others to You. I thank You for every good and perfect gift which comes down from You. Through Jesus Christ my Lord I pray, AMEN!"

The Divine Artist
"Father, thank You for the beauty of the world which You have created. Your handiwork is displayed in a panoramic view everywhere I look. Every day I marvel at Your creative power. Thank You most of all for revealing Yourself in Your Son Jesus Christ...for sending Him to pay the price for my sin. Today I give myself afresh to You. Use me in some small way to point others to You. I thank You for every good and perfect gift which comes down from You. Through Jesus Christ my Lord I pray, AMEN!"
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Run To Him
One of my favorite popular singers back in the early 60's was Bobby Vee. His best songs, in my opinion, were The Night Has 1,000 Eyes and Take Good Care of My Baby. Rubber Ball was another hit! A song which didn't rise as high on the charts was entitled Run to Him. Today I received something from my writer friend Mitzi, by the same title, which I have shared below. I trust that you will be challenged as you read this. As the oft-seen bumper sticker says, "Feeling Far From God...Who Moved?" Of course He didn't!

The Shadow of the Almighty...A Safe Place
Here's that thought-provoking piece of writing from Mitzi:
"Run to Him! He has not forsaken you. He is right where He was when the darkness overtook you, when the clouds of adversity settled above you. He will run to you. Remember the things long ago that He spoke to you. They are still true.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. His Light will dispel all the darkness. Light and darkness cannot exist together as Light shatters the darkness. He has been there this entire time.
He has not kept silent, nor left you. The pain has blocked your sight and hearing. He will remove the veil from your eyes and the fog of all the turmoil. He is sending showers of Love and Peace to you.
Be comforted by His Spirit. Find strength in the shadow of His mighty wings. He will wrap you in calm assurance. He will rock you and sing a lullaby of peace to you, His child, now and forever. Rest in Him. Rest in Him."

The Shadow of the Almighty...A Safe Place
Here's that thought-provoking piece of writing from Mitzi:
"Run to Him! He has not forsaken you. He is right where He was when the darkness overtook you, when the clouds of adversity settled above you. He will run to you. Remember the things long ago that He spoke to you. They are still true.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. His Light will dispel all the darkness. Light and darkness cannot exist together as Light shatters the darkness. He has been there this entire time.
He has not kept silent, nor left you. The pain has blocked your sight and hearing. He will remove the veil from your eyes and the fog of all the turmoil. He is sending showers of Love and Peace to you.
Be comforted by His Spirit. Find strength in the shadow of His mighty wings. He will wrap you in calm assurance. He will rock you and sing a lullaby of peace to you, His child, now and forever. Rest in Him. Rest in Him."
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Worth Repeating
One of my earliest "posts" last November when I first started the Pilgrim Scribblings blog was the following prayer. I often whisper it to the Lord and felt it was worth repeating here on this site. I trust that these words are also the expression of your heart to the "King of Glory".
King of Glory - A Poem/A Prayer
The Lord gave me this poem during a particularly difficult time on my pilgrimage "home". May the following prayer be yours as well as we travel together.
“King of Glory, Friend Divine,
Lover of this heart of mine.
Come this moment, whisper ‘peace’,
And may all my striving cease.
Teach me more of Your great love,
Cleanse me, fill me,
Heavenly Dove.”
- David
King of Glory - A Poem/A Prayer
The Lord gave me this poem during a particularly difficult time on my pilgrimage "home". May the following prayer be yours as well as we travel together.
“King of Glory, Friend Divine,
Lover of this heart of mine.
Come this moment, whisper ‘peace’,
And may all my striving cease.
Teach me more of Your great love,
Cleanse me, fill me,
Heavenly Dove.”
- David
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