Monday, May 30, 2005

Thy Strength and My Day

Another special "find" at a recent garage sale was the book "The Making of the Beautiful", a biographical sketch of Annie Johnson Flint. What a choice little volume! Flint's poems have been such a blessing to me over the years.

Her Poems Still Speak Loud and Clear

Here's one I hadn't read before:

Thy Strength and My Day

"Give me Thy strength for my day, Lord,
That whersoe'er I go,
There shall no danger daunt me
And I shall fear no foe;
So shall no task o'ercome me,
So shall no trial fret,
So shall I walk unwearied
The path where my feet are set;
So shall I find no burden
Greater than I can bear,
So shall I have a courage
Equal to all my care;
So shall no grief o'erwhelm me,
So shall no wave o'erflow;
Give me Thy strength for my day, Lord,
Cover my weakness so."

Keep Me Still

One of the treasures I picked up recently at a garage sale is a book by V. Raymond Edman entitled "Storms and Starlight". What a gem of a book! At one time Edman was the President of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. He has been "home" for many years and died while preaching in the pulpit.

The following poem was written by an unknown author but it was written for me, I'm sure. It's just one of many great poems including in the book:

Keep Me Still

Lord, keep me still,
Though stormy winds may blow,
And waves my little bark may overflow,
Or even if in darkness I must go,
Yet keep me still, yes keep me still.

Lord, keep me still;
The waves are in Thy hand,
The roughest winds subside at Thy command,
Steer Thou my bark in safety to the land,
And keep me still, and keep me still.

- Author Unknown

He Speaks Peace to Your Storm

Sunday, May 29, 2005

More on George Muller

As you know George Muller is one of my heroes. His life of complete dependence on God has inspired many over the years. Maybe few people realize how much Muller influenced another great man of faith, J. Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission, now known as the Overseas Missionary Fellowship.

Muller undertook to support Taylor and many other missionaries with the China Inland Mission back in the 1800's.

Muller wrote a letter which accompanied his generous gifts to these missionaries. Here's what he wrote to these servants of the Lord on one occasion:

"My chief object is to tell you that I love you in the Lord; that I feel deeply interested about the Lord's work in China, and that I pray daily for you. I thought it might be a little encouragement to hear of one more who felt for you and who remembered you before the Lord. But were it otherwise, had you even no one to care for you, or did you a least seem to be in a position as if no one cared you you, you will always have the Lord to be with you. Remember Paul's case at Rome (2 Timothy 4:16-18). On Him then reckon, to Him look, on Him depend; and be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you. An older brother who has known the Lord forty-four years, who writes this, says to you for your encouragement that He has never failed him. In the greatest difficulties, in the heaviest trials, in the deepest poverty and necessities, He has never failed me; but, because I was enabled by His grace to trust in Him, He has always appeared for my help. I delight in speaking well of His Name."

- George Muller

Let's learn to trust Him wholly..."for those who trust Him wholly, find Him wholly true."

No Ordinary Joe

The following outline was used in my Baseball Chapel messages to the Minnesota Twins and Toronto Blue Jays on Sunday, May 29th, 2005:

Winning the War Against Temptation

The ups and downs of Joseph, Jacob’s favorite son, are well documented in the Bible. He took the following progression of steps during his lifetime:

1. Papa’s Boy (Jacob's favorite son...his brothers were jealous)

2. Pit (left to die by his brothers, then sold to the Ishmaelites)

3. Potiphar's House (bought from the Ishmaelites)

4. Prison (falsely accused of seducing Potiphar's wife)

5. Prime Minister Under Pharaoh

Key verses and phrases from Genesis Chapter 39:

The Blessing of God:
- The Lord was with Joseph and he prospered! – vs. 2

- When Potiphar saw this, Joseph found favor in his eyes and became his attendant. – vs. 3
- This blessing that Joseph enjoyed was passed along to the household of Potiphar. – vs. 5

The Body Beautiful:
“Now Joseph was well-built and handsome and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me.” – vs. 6(b) & 7

The Blatant Refusal:
“But he refused…and said, ‘How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?’ And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her.” - vs. 8

The Bold Advance:
“She caught him by his cloak and said, ‘Come to bed with me!” - vs.12

The Unsuccessful Seduction of Joseph

The Best Response:
“But he left his cloak in her hand and RAN out of the house.” - vs. 12
When temptation rears its seductive head, the best response by any Christian is to

“He who lingers will likely lose the battle with lust!”

God’s Provision: “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so you can stand up against it.” – 1 Cor. 10:13

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Two Thumbs Up For Koskie

UPDATE...May 27th - Today's Toronto papers report that there was also ligament damage in Koskie's hand and the prognosis is now 6 - 8 weeks before returning to the lineup. More need to pray than ever! THANKS!

Corey Koskie has been a great addition to the Toronto Blue Jays' roster. He, along with Reed Johnson, serves as a Baseball Chapel player rep with the Jays. Recently Corey broke his thumb on a return visit to Minnesota where he had played all his major league career. Corey had surgery on his thumb yesterday (May 25th) and is expected to be out of the Jays' lineup for 4 - 6 weeks.

Corey Koskie Slugs a Home Run

Please pray for a speedy and complete recovery for Corey as he heals from this setback. Pray too for his wife as she is expecting a baby real soon! Corey is such a critical component of the Jays' lineup and has been and will be an invaluable addition to our chapel program.

Thanks for your prayerful concern!


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Gaither Girl

My friends Bruce & Tanya Mackay welcomed a brand new little girl into their family yesterday morning (May 24th). Eva Vivian Hannah Mackay made her grand entrance weighing in at 8 lbs. 9 1/2 oz. Proud uncle is my friend Paul Mackay and excited grandparents are Dave & Margaret Mackay. Big brother is in grandpa's arms (see below).

Bruce and I have an ongoing feud regarding music tastes. He is NOT a fan of the Gaither videos and Southern Gospel music. Bruce has a program on the Christian radio station in Belleville and is a great radio man and music lover but our tastes differ drastically. Check out the on-air team for UCB Canada and you'll see Bruce with his Expos hat on. Their address is:

Grandma and Grandma and Uncle Paul enjoy the same type of music that I love and we often are at concerts together. Paul sings with a group called the Chapelaires. Check out their web site at:

In this photo, Grandpa & Grandma Mackay are whisking off Eva to her first Gaither Homecoming Concert only hours after her birth. Bruce and Tanya had slipped out for a moment and when they came back, the room was empty.

Getting Ready for Gaither

Well I better take my tongue out of my cheek and congratulate Bruce & Tanya. Who knows? Eva Vivian Hannah Mackay might be the next Southern Gospel prodigy much to Bruce's dismay!

CONGRATULATIONS to all the Mackays!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Solitude...A Rare Commodity

I just came in from cutting our lawn because I needed a break. It gets noisy riding the ol' John Deere for several hours. This placid photo from Debra's web site made me think of how much I love and need times of solitude. The older I get the busier I seem to get and I need to slow down. I can just imagine sitting by this quiet lake and listening to the loons calling as the sun disappears on the western horizon. Nice thoughts but I better finish the lawn. Hope you make some time for solitude in your busy life. Don't get trapped, like I have so often, by the Tyranny of the Urgent.


Thanks, Debra, for the photo...and for your stories!
Check out Debra's site at:

"Be still and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10

A Thankful Heart

Thanks, Saija, for these graphics and for the reminder that we should have a thankful heart. We have so much to be thankful for as followers of Jesus. He has given us His life!

A Thankful Heart

Have a great day, friends!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

A Church on Legs

This morning I called my mentor, Paul Collet, on my way to the ballpark in Toronto. Something in our conversation reminded me of a humorous note I received from a public school student a number of years ago. I had been asked by a Christian teacher to come to a school in Toronto to speak to the students about my work with professional athletes and, in particular, the Toronto Blue Jays.

I told them that, in reality, I am taking Jesus to the ballpark each Sunday because the ballplayers can't get to a regular Sunday service at a local church.

After my visit the teacher had asked her students to each send a note of encouragement to me. In one of those notes the young girl who wrote it referred to me as "a church on legs". I've often thought back to that note. There's a lot of truth in those words when you realize that I'm 6' 5" tall and I "do" take "church" to the ballpark.

Of all the names I could be called, I think "a church on legs" is a real compliment. Are you taking the "good news" of Jesus' love with you wherever you go? I hope so!

A Church on Legs ???

Raising the Roof

Just thought I'd share the outline that I used this morning with the Washington Nationals and the Toronto Blue Jays. The chapels went well although the attendance was less than I would have liked. Here's the outline and ten (10) questions derived from the passage in Mark chapter 2:

Who’s Carrying Your Mat and Other Questions...

“So many gathered that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and He preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to Him a paralytic, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus and, after digging through it, lowered the mat the paralyzed man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son your sins are forgiven. …He said to the paralytic, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” – Mark 2:3-5,10

The Popularity of the Savior / His Magnetism

1. Were the people there to worship Him or just to investigate and check Him out? Why the crowd?
2. Why are you here in chapel today?

The Paralysis of the Man / His Malady

3. What was the greater need of the sick man, His need for healing of body or forgiveness of sin?
4. What about you? What’s your greatest need today?

The Purpose of the Mat Bearers / Their Mission

5. Were the 4 mat bearers there to genuinely assist this man or were they using this as an opportunity to look good in Jesus’ eyes and be the center of attention?
6. What is our motivation for helping others?
7. Whose mat are you carrying…are you concerned about others or is it all about YOU?
8. Who do you have in your life that carry you when you are in need of a lift? Have you cultivated a support team?

The Power of Jesus’ Word / His Mastery

Jesus had the power and authority to both heal the body and forgive sin. He was the Master of every situation. He
can still do both today through His Word, the Bible.

9. Are you reading His Word regularly and allowing it (the Bible) to transform your life?
10. Who is the Master of your life today? Have you given Jesus Christ complete control of every area of your
life? Is He your Lord and Master? If not, why not?

Changing Homes

Thirteen years ago this morning, our family was busily making funeral arrangements for my father, Chester W. Fisher. Dad passed into the presence of the King just before midnight on the 21st of May, 1992. How we miss him!

Over the course of several months dad changed "homes" several times. He went from the family home he helped to build in the mid 4o's to his home in the hospital and then to his eternal, heavenly home that Jesus had gone to prepare. His body went made a brief stop at the funeral home and then was laid to rest at Rosemount Gardens.

The Old Homestead

Dad was finally "home" with Grandma and Grandpa Fisher (his parents), Uncle Frank (his brother who had died from a wasp sting in 1961) and millions of others who had trusted Christ as Savior and Lord and settled their eternal destiny (and destination).

As Christian pilgrims (ones who have committed our lives to Jesus Christ) we are all heading to that "home" where God reigns and all tears will be wiped from our eyes. We will see Jesus, the One who gave His life to give us eternal life.

Are you on the road to heaven today? Or, are you still wandering in sin, without God and without hope in this world. Confess your sin, accept God's forgiveness, begin the journey "home" today and thank God for His marvelous, amazing grace.

See you at "home"!

Friday, May 20, 2005


Today I went to a Garage Sale put on by a Christian Day Camp close to Peterborough. The sale is a fund-raiser for the camp and is held the same weekend every spring. This evening I came home with several boxfuls of treasures. I was like a kid in a candy shop, spending less than $50.00 for a selection of books that I would have to pay 10 times that much for. One book alone, Explore the Book by J. Sidlow Baxter would have cost me close to $50.00. I'm still smiling from ear to ear, excited about the additions to my library.

One of the books is entitled Wings and it's a daily devotional book by Jill Briscoe, an excellent writer. She begins the book with the following poem. She echoes the prayer of my heart as I continue to send out encouraging cards and letters through Epistle Sports Ministries. My Pilgrim Scribblings are also published to my web site with the prayer that God will use them to bless and encourage my readers. May the Lord bless you this weekend and give you a real sense of His presence.


"Give my words wings, Lord.
May they alight gently on the branches of men's minds
Bending them to the winds of Your will.
May they fly high enough to touch the lofty,
Low enough to breathe the breath
Of sweet encouragement upon the downcast soul.

Give my words wings, Lord.
May they fly swift and far,
Winning the race with the words of the worldly wise,
To the heart of men.

Give my words wings, Lord.
See them now nesting -
Down at Thy feet.
Silenced into ecstasy,
Home at last."

- Jill Briscoe

"The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning, He awakens my ear to hear as the learned."

- Isaiah 50:4


I've just read the story of how Scott Harrison's life was transformed. He is now a volunteer Photo Journalist serving with Mercy Ships. Please check out his blog. I've added his link at the top of my "blog list" or you can click on the link at the end of this "post". I'll be writing more about Scott and how God dramatically changed his life but, for now, check out his site and rejoice at what God is doing around the world for His name's sake.

Scott Harrison -
Here's another link to Scott -
Mercy Ships Web Site -

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Advice for Bloggers

Dear Friends:

I'm not sure who prepared this list so I can't give credit where it is due. If and when I find out who put it together, I'll let you know. It's excellent material though!

Note: I've just been advised of the source for these excellent points for bloggers. Check out Keith's site, Under the Acacias at: - May 26th, 2005

Biblical Advice for Bloggers:

I've been pondering what guidance the Bible has for bloggers. What does it say about how we should blog? what we should blog about? what we read in blogs? how we relate to other bloggers and comments? Here are a few exhortations with questions to ask ourselves for starters:

1. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your blog, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs. (Eph. 4:29) Is what comes from our blogs wholesome? Is what we are writing helpful for building others up? Or does it tear them down?

2. Blog about others as you would have them blog about you (Luke 6:31) The golden rule. If we blog about others, do we do it with love, respect, and integrity?

3. But in your blogs set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience... (1 Peter 3:15,16) Are we consciously allowing Jesus Christ to rule over our blogs? When people disagree with us, do we respond with gentleness and respect?

4. Each one should use whatever blog he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms (1Peter 4:10) Are we using our blogs to serve others? To encourage, stimulate, and help others? To build them up in Christ? Or to blow our own trumpet?

5. Let us therefore make every effort to blog what leads to peace and to mutual edification. (Ro 14:19) And be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the blog of peace (Eph. 4:2) Do we make every effort to maintain peace and unity in the body of Christ? Or do we focus on what divides us? When we disagree, are we humble and gentle?

6. Accept him whose blog is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters...Let us stop blogging judgment on one another... whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. (Romans 14: 1-22) Let us be careful not to condemn ourselves by dividing the body of Christ over disputable matters, or by judging the spiritual state of our brothers and sisters with whom we disagree.

7. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - blog about such things. (Phil. 4:8) Amen!

An Appointed Way

Here's another great quote from Robert J. Morgan's "The Red Sea Rules". This time Dr. A. W. Tozer is the godly man who made this statement:

"To the child of God there is no such thing as an accident. He travels an appointed way. Accidents may indeed appeaer to befall him and misfortune stalk his way; but these evils will be so in appearance only and will seem evils only because we cannot read the secret script of God's hidden providence." (taken from "We Travel An Appointed Way" published by Christian Publications, Camp Hill, PA in 1988)

An Appointed Way - Photo by S. Lowe

No accidents my friends! The steps of a good man (or woman) are ordered by the Lord. He is in control and we travel an appointed way. Hallelujah!

Quotable Vance Havner

Vance Havner from North Carolina was a great preacher and an excellent writer. He has been quoted often by other writers due to his pithy, pertinent, provocative pronouncements. Tonight I was reading The Red Sea Rules (again) by Robert J. Morgan and came across one of Havner's better-known quotes.

The Beloved Vance Havner

Havner said, "God marks across some of our days, 'Will explain later'." So true! The explanations often aren't forthcoming and we can wait for years without getting the reasons or the answers. C. S. Lewis once said that the most-heard word when we finally get "home" will be "OH!". The explanations (if we even need them) will resolve all our misgivings, doubts and misunderstandings. Personally I believe that the reasons won't have to be articulated by our omniscient God. My sense is that we will instantly understand when we stand before the King of Glory. We won't need to know anything or anyone but Him. We will spend the "ages to come" enjoying the riches of His grace with all our questions left behind.

But, back to Vance Havner . . . I got to preaching there didn't I!

He writes, following the homecall of his beloved wife, "When before the throne we stand in Him complete, all the riddles that puzzle us here will fall into place and we shall know in fulfillment what we now believe in faith - that all things work together for good in His eternal purpose. No longer will we cry "My God, why?" Instead, "alas" will become "Alleluia". All question marks will be straightened into exclamation points, sorrow will change to singing and pain will be lost in praise."

Wow! Vance Havner certainly gives us something to think about and look forward to!

For more info on Robert J. Morgan's book, The Red Sea Rules, check out my earlier post at:

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A Pedaling Pilgrim

George Cutting was a British evangelist who obeyed the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Click on the link below for a remarkable story (it's brief but powerful) of how God touched a life through a man who obeyed Him. Note: This story was taken from Robert J. Morgan's wonderful devotional book entitled, "From This Verse", published by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Thanks for your visit to Pilgrim Scribblings! Please tell others about this site and come back often yourself. Have a great day!

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

First Things First

One of my blogging friends, Maurice, shared this quote from George Muller on his site. Muller has been one of my Christian heroes since I was a little boy and I've read this quote many times. Now I just need to put it into practice. Hope you are challenged by this snippet of truth. For more on Muller, click on the link at the bottom of this "post".

Muller writes:

"The point is this: I saw more clearly than ever, that the first and great primary business to which I ought to attend every day was, to have my soul happy in the Lord. The first thing to be concerned about was not, how much I might serve the Lord, how I might glorify the Lord; but how I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished. For I might seek to set the truth before the unconverted, I might in other ways seek to benefit believers, I might seek to relieve the distressed, I might in other ways seek to behave myself as it becomes a child of God in this world; and yet, not being happy in the Lord, and not being nourished and strenthened in my inner man day by day, all this might not be attended to in a right spirit." (George Muller)

George Muller

My earlier "post" on George Muller:

Check out The Great Adventure at:

Monday, May 16, 2005

A Personal Greeting

Thanks for your visit today. I've added a personal greeting and I pray that you will be blessed and encouraged as you listen. Thanks again for dropping by. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His everlasting arms. - David

this is an audio post - click to play

Determine the Difference

As you can see from my profile (above) James MacDonald is one of my favorite preachers. This morning I caught a few minutes of his "Walk in the Word" broadcast as I was driving. Not being able to write down his actual words, I think I captured the essence of what he was trying to drive home. It just "happens" that the four main words (my words) begin with the letter "D"... for you preachers out there.

MacDonald's point was that we need to have discernment so we can determine the difference between personal preference and right and wrong. He mentioned the ongoing church squabbles about music tastes and styles of worship. How many churches have been tragically divided over this issue? Far too many!

Music preferences have been a touchy subject throughout church history. When Ira Sankey, D. L. Moody's song leader in his crusades, tried to introduce hymns into evangelistic services he met with much opposition. Now, when many churches are gradually removing those same hymns, there is an uproar from some quarters. My personal preference? I'm an 80-20 guy. 80% hymns with a few biblical, well-written worship choruses thrown in. But that is personal preference. Is there a right or wrong? I'm not 100% sure but until then I will pray for God's Holy Spirit to enable me to "develop the discernment to determine the difference between personal preference and right or wrong". I trust that you will do the same...for the health of His Body, the Church.

Arrows in God's Quiver

This morning I stopped briefly at my office in town to pick up a book (what else?). I paused to read the devotional thought on my Chuck Swindoll desk calendar. It was a good one, good enough to pass along.

A Quiver Full

"Learn your lessons well in the schoolroom of obscurity. God is preparing you as His chosen arrow. As yet your shaft is hidden in His quiver but at the precise moment at which it will tell the greatest effect, He will reach for you and launch you to that place of His appointment." - Chuck Swindoll from "Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life"

"...He made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in His quiver." - Isaiah 49:2(b) NIV

The Desires of Your Heart

Dr. Charles Stanley in his on-line "In Touch" devotional for today (May 16th) had an excellent commentary on what Psalms 37:4 "really" means. "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4 (NIV)

Delight in the Lord

Often we have taken the wrong meaning from this verse. Read your Bible every day, say a few prayers, do the "right" things and God will give you everything you ask for. WRONG!

These thoughts from Dr. Stanley give a much more realistic and truthful perspective:

"God's greatest interest is not giving us a hand-out, but rather giving us more of Himself. Our self-indulgent prayers overlook the first requirement the promise's fulfilllment: delight in the Lord. We are to take pleasure in time spent communing with Him or serving Him. As we read Scripture and share our heart with God in prayer, we will experience His work in our life and our trust in Him will deepen. Over time, our growing confidence in God means that we begin to appropriate His ways of thinking. Commiting to God's plan, which is the second requirement, reforms our heart's desires until they look like His own wishes for us. Even so, sometimes what God provides appears very different from what we requested. But when He hears our short-sighted appeals, He answers based on His infinite knowledge and great love-instead of giving us what we think we want, He bestows the perfect answer to our prayer. "

Let's delight in who He is today! Rejoice in His goodness, revel in His holiness, be refreshed by His mercies which are new every morning!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

He Giveth More Grace

Note: The following account of God's provision of much-needed grace happened 6 or 7 years ago. Keith Price is now "home" in the presence of the Lord where there is "fulness of joy" and "pleasures for everymore" (Psalm 16:11).

I walked out to our mailbox, despondent, weary, broken and ready to quit! Why did "ministry" have to be so draining, so taxing, so uncertain, so hard? My spirit was wounded, my resolve depleted and the joy of serving Jesus had dissolved in tears. What would the mailbox hold for me that day? Bills, bills and more bills, collection notices, junk mail or maybe, just maybe, a generous donation or a note of encouragement? That mailbox has been the bearer of many, many blessings over the years and a few unwelcome surprises. As I opened it I recognized the beautiful penmanship of Keith Price, a mentor, wonderful friend, gentleman and faithful servant of Jesus. He enclosed the following poem by Annie Johnson Flint. Tears filled my eyes as I read this encouraging word. I'd heard and read this poem/song many times before but this day it was just for me, a divine affirmation and endorsement of God's great faithfulness. My steps quickened as I made the trip back to the house. That piece of mail from a dear friend had been a life saver!

Be encouraged today, dear friend! His grace is sufficient and in that hour when you feel you can't take another hit, another disappointment, another heartbreaking, gut-wrenching problem, He stands with arms open wide!

"Cast all your anxiety on Him...because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

Abounding Grace for Every Need

He Giveth More Grace

He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength when the labors increase;
To added affliction He addeth His mercy;
To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.


His love has no limit; His grace has no measure,
His pow'r has no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources,
Our Father's full giving is only begun.

Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision,
Our God ever yearns His resources to share;
Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing;
The Father both thee and thy load will upbear.

- Annie Johnson Flint

2 Corinthians 12:9 "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

The Love I Leaned On

My blogging friend, Becky, included the following poem from Annie Johnson Flint with one of her recent "posts". Flint's poems have been such a blessing to me over the years.

Check out Becky's site! She writes honestly and with much transparency!

"I prayed for strength, and then I lost awhile
All sense of nearness, human and divine;
The love I leaned on failed and pierced my heart,
The hands I clung to loosed themselves from mine;
But while I swayed, weak, trembling, and alone,
The everlasting arms upheld my own."

-Annie Johnson Flint (selected part)

A godly excellent writer!

"The love I leaned on failed and pierced my heart." How true for many of us. How true that we have all leaned on something other than Jesus at some point in our lives and felt it crumble away beneath us, leaving a swaying, trembling, weak, and lonely soul. It may have been someone close to us. It may have been financial success. Perhaps physical prowess. Maybe even 'the church'. I am learning, on this journey, that God is a jealous God. He wants us to lean wholly on Him. Clutch only His arm. Seek only His approval. Strive only to please Him. Everyone else can fail us. Jesus never fails. Everything else can be lost in a moment. Jesus never leaves. Every thought, every great idea, every true intention means nothing if it doesn't find it's origin in Christ. That is why He must be the author and finisher of our faith. That is why He is the Alpha and Omega. It all begins and ends with Him. I am learning daily to lean on His everlasting arms and rest in His promises that when everyone and everything seems lost to me, He is still behind, before, beneath and beside me.

Check out Becky's site at

For Annie Johnson Flint's story please check out:

Blogging Friends

How does someone get in touch with the biographer of one of his favorite authors, touch base with someone who was mentored by an expository preacher who I've respected for years or someone who has been associated with one of the most beloved pastors in American? By mentioning these men, J. Sidlow Baxter, Stephen Olford and Adrian Rogers in my blog, Pilgrim Scribbings.

Stephen Olford Preaching

Here's the story:

Recently an author was doing a Google search for one of my favorite preachers from the past, J. Sidlow Baxter. As Baxter is mentioned in my profile (see above) this writer came across my blog in his search. He noticed that I had mentioned three men that he was close to, Baxter, Stephen Olford and Adrian Rogers. The author thought I might enjoyed a recently published biography of Baxter and wrote to tell me about the book. He never once mentioned that he, himself, was the author. I recognized his name though because I had purchased the book, a biography of Baxter entitled "A Heart Awake".

A Heart Awake

I wrote him back to tell him that I had the book and that I recognized his name (E. A. Johnston) as being the author. Now we are e-mail buddies. Stephen Olford was his mentor until he (Olford) was called home and Adrian Rogers pastored Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, TN until his recent retirement. I know the lady who furnished some of the photos for the book, Clara Caddell, who attends The Peoples Church in Toronto (where I often heard Dr. Baxter preach).

Adrian Rogers

Small word eh! Thanks, E. A. (Ernest), for your labor of love in penning this excellent bio of one of my favorite preachers from a bygone era! Thanks, too, for e-mailing me to tell me about the book!

For those who have enjoyed J. Sidlow Baxter's ministry over the years, why not order the book from your local Christian bookstore. It is published by Baker Books.

J. Sidlow Baxter, A Heart Awake: The Authorized Biography by Ernest Johnston, E. A. JOHNSTON
Publisher: Baker Books ISBN: 0801012740

Saturday, May 14, 2005

His Strong Right Hand

This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. It says it all! Why don't I simply trust Him and rest in His strong hand?

He Will Uphold You!

Write me at and tell me how the Lord has sustained you in the midst of your storms. I'll reprint several of them on this Pilgrim Scribblings site.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Mighty Minnow

Tonight I attended the annual Awards Ceremony/Banquet for the Lindsay Muskies hockey club, one of the teams that I provide chapel services for. My nephew, Bud Fisher, came away with two trophies, the Playoff MVP Award and the Player's Choice Award. I was so proud of Bud (Greg is his "real" name) as he received this well-deserved recognition.

Greg "Bud" Fisher

Before each game Bud prayed with his teammates just before they went on the ice. He had a solid, consistent testimony and the Player's Choice Award was voted on by his teammates. It's obvious that they love and respect him. CONGRATULATIONS, Bud! You made me proud.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Looking Back

Seems like this is a week for reminiscing. Looking back on the "good old days". I've included a picture of our "extended family" as we were six short (or long) years ago. Our five biological children are grown and gone and have given us several wonderful grandchildren. The photo below shows our two adopted sons, Matthew and Nathan, our granddaughter Victoria who has been with us since she was 3 and our foster daughter Amanda who we cared for for 8 years. The plans Carol and I had to be world travelers and "relaxed old fogies" (sp?) went up in smoke I guess. Ha! Ha!

As we were 6 years ago...David, Nathan (2), Carol, Matthew (3), Amanda (14) and Victoria (6)

We have been blessed (and stressed) over the last few years. There's a trite saying out there that goes like this..."I'm too blessed to be stressed". Get real! Life is full of challenges! Just live in our home for 24 hours. But, in the midst of those challenges and stresses, we have seen the blessing of God.

Be blessed and encouraged today, friends!
"The blessing of the Lord it maketh rich..." - Proverbs 10:22 (KJV)

Happy Anniversary

Today we celebrate mom & dad's 61st wedding anniversary. Dad is in heaven in the presence of the Lord he loved and served. He is "home" in the house that Jesus went to prepare for him. Mom is here in the house that dad built for her 60 years ago. Even though they are apart, we look forward to that great reunion day when they will be together again...forever. What a "blessed hope" we have as believers, as committed followers of Jesus Christ!

My Godly Parents

We celebrate their life today. We rejoice that they taught us Christian principles and values and lived them out before us. I honor them today and rejoice in their godly lives. I'll see you later today, mom! Dad, I'll see you soon!

"But until then, my heart will go on singing,
Until then, with joy I'll carry on;
Until that day my eyes behold that City
Until the day God calls me home."

A commandment with promise:
"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." - Exodus 20:12

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Five Days in the Life

Five Days in the Life of a Sports Chaplain and Other Reflections...

Greetings, friends! I've been reminded afresh over the last five days that my job description is dynamic (always changing) and NOT static (not moving, not active). I'm excited about that! I never know from one day to the next what's going to happen.

Last Saturday I had the distinct pleasure of helping to co-ordinate the visit of over 90 U. S. troops and their sons to a ballgame at the Rogers Centre in Toronto. Charlie Chaplain, actually Chaplain Charles Reynolds, brought this group from Fort Drum Army Base in upstate New York to Toronto as part of a Father/Son weekend of special activities. This group of soldiers will be deployed to Afghanistan early next year. What a joy to watch many of the Toronto Blue Jay players interact with fathers and sons, signing autographs and speaking with the kids! John Gibbons, the Jays' manager, provided official major league baseballs for all of the kids. I had the pleasure of praying with the entire group down at field level before the gates opened and the rest of the fans came into the stadium.

Sunday was "ministry" as usual with chapel services for the Chicago White Sox, the Toronto Blue Jays and a visit to the umpires' clubhouse to pray with them before the game. I pray that these chapel services will never become commonplace for me after all these years. If you do the math, I've been at the ballpark for over 350 Sundays in the past 29 years, and we conduct 2 chapels each week (one for each team) so I've been involved in over 700 services. Each week is different, each service has its own flavor and when God shows up at the ballpark we can expect great things to happen.

Today, as I was driving to the ballpark, I received a phone message from another chaplain, a prison chaplain, asking if I could arrange to get a piece of Toronto Blue Jays memorabilia signed by a player for a prisoner who only has a day or two to live. This prisoner has been released from prison after serving 35 years of his sentence so he could die peacefully in a community setting. Baseball Chapel policy doesn't allow us to ask players for autographs or items of memorabilia for obvious reasons. We are there to serve NOT to get "stuff". After receiving this last-minute request, I called the Jays' equipment manager as I drove to the ballpark. He arranged for one of the marquis players to sign a Blue Jays' jersey and personalize it to this dying man. I didn't stay for the game but drove home to meet the chaplain at the hospital in Peterborough. We surprised this dear man (he's a convict but seeing an older man lying in a hospital bed with not many hours left in this life makes you look upon him in a different light) with the gift from the Blue Jays and took a number of pictures of him with the jersey. What a joy to cheer someone up in this manner! He has been a Toronto Blue Jays fan from day one but has been incarcerated throughout the Jays' history and was never able to attend a game. Before I left his hospital room, I was asked by the prison & hospital chaplains if I'd pray with this man and his family members. We joined hands and I committed him to the Father's care. Tears flowed and I left the room moved with compassion and grateful to God for the way He has orchestrated things over the last five days.

So, dear friends, that's what's been happening in the past week. Exciting opportunities! Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, our roof at home was leaking and we had to get it re-shingled on Monday and Tuesday. One other thing, the transmission in our van quit on Carol on Saturday while I was at the ballpark and we had to get it rebuilt Monday and Tuesday.
Into every life a little rain (or a monsoon) must fall but the showers of blessing from Saturday, Sunday and today far outweighed the setbacks.

Tomorrow is another day but tonight I sit back and rejoice that God has called me to share His love with soldiers, ballplayers and prisoners (and the guy who shingled our roof).

Thanks for your prayers, your encouragement and your friendship! We continue to trust God to lead us and use us for His glory.

In His embrace,


Grandpa David

Here's a more recent photo of Grandpa David with Tim (our son) and Nicole's children.

Carissa, Grandpa David, Josiah and Daynica (the one with the sign)

It's fun being a grandpa! We have nine grandchildren now. I'm getting old, I guess!

P. S. I've already received a number of positive comments about this photo. The smiles on my grandkid's faces brought smiles to our reader's faces. They didn't say anything about "the old guy in the middle" though.

Precious Memories

Our family attended McDonnel Street Gospel Hall when I was a child. I have many "precious memories" of my time in that small Brethren assembly. The property was expropriated many years ago and the local police station now sits there. How I wish I could go back and pay a visit to that special place. Fond memories of Children's Meetings with Uncle Herb (Meeks) and intimate "Breaking of Bread" services where "Old Mister Norton" started the hymns often flood my mind. Those were special times when God was shaping a young life to later serve Him.

Small but sacred assembly hall where my life was shaped!

Looking Through the Archives

Here are two more pictures from the archives. Like the majority of couples, our pictures are in boxes and we have a dozen empty photo albums sitting on the shelf.

Baby Dedication that I performed. David 56 years ago

One of my regular visits as a young man getting involved in the Lord's work was to a tiny church in nearby Norwood, Ontario, Pine Street Gospel Chapel. I was dedicating a baby to the Lord just before this picture was taken. The other picture is one of the earliest photos I have of me. Cute little guy, eh?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Recently I went through a box of old pictures. It was good for a laugh but I wanted to share the fun (???) so I posted a couple of pix. Go ahead, have a good belly laugh! I can't believe they let this guy into Major League Baseball clubhouses. Why would any church allow this weirdo in their pulpit? What did Carol see in this funny-looking geek? I don't know if the passing of time is improving things or whether I should start wearing a bag over my head.

Who is this geek?

Comments are gladly welcomed and will promptly be removed from my site. Just kidding! "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" so go merry at my expense. It won't hurt my feelings!

Matthew's House

Our son Matthew asked me to put his masterpiece on my web site. How could I say "no"? Now you know what our home, our yard, our cat and the surrundings look like. Sad to say, he didn't include me in the picture. Maybe that's me at the left of the house.

Michaelangelo or Matthew?

The elders at our church have asked him to paint something on the ceiling of the chapel? I'll send along a photo when it's done. Ha! Ha!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Today's Breakfast Special

"The early bird gets the worm", they say. While the robin finishes his breakfast, I'll continue to write my poem/story. Check back SOON for the finished product, worms and all.

Breakfast At Last

See you later! Visit soon! Bring a friend along!

Weary? Don't Give Up!

Three scripture verses have encouraged me to "keep keeping on" when I've been ready to "pack it in". The verse shown below (Galatians 6:9), Hebrews 6:10 and 1 Corinthians 15:58 have all been such an encouragement!

Frustrated, discouraged, perplexed? "Fix your eyes on Jesus." - Hebrews 12:2

Fellow pilgrim, don't give up! You will reap a bountiful harvest if you "faint not!"

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Blogging Buddies

Tonight I pause to thank my Blogging Buddies for blessing my life! Several of you stay in touch regularly. Your "posts" have touched me deeply, taught me richly and encouraged me daily. Thank you for your ministry! Thanks for taking the time to write and comment on my "scribblings". We are all fellow pilgrims on the journey home. Some of us are going through deep waters and facing monumental decisions but we walk with our hand firmly grasped in His, the King of Glory, the Great Shepherd of the sheep.

Blessings to my Blogging Buddies

Thank you again for sharing your hearts.

"Fix your eyes on Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith." - Hebrews 12:2

The Language of Tears

My friend Stephen Kennedy recently sent me a note of encouragement which touched my heart deeply. Steve and his brother David are two of the finest preachers I know and their ministry has the anointing of God upon it. Steve is not afraid to let his tears flow when he's in the pulpit. What a compassionate (and passionate), caring man! Steve serves with Asian Outreach and has previously pastored in a local church setting. Now we're sharing his giftedness with the rest of the world, the Asian countries in particular.

Steve Kennedy, Thinker, Preacher, Friend

Thank you, Steve, for your thought-provoking messages. Your writing skills are going to be appreciated on a much broader scale in the days ahead. You have such a way with words! Both Steve and David paid tribute to their father recently at Don Kennedy's funeral. Moving, masterful messages!

Asian Outreach

Thanks for your friendship, Steve! Never hesitate to let those tears flow. You have impacted many fellow pilgrims and you will see the harvest in that coming day! I love you, friend!

"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy." - Psalm 126:5

A Powerful Investment

Having been involved in a letter-writing ministry of encouragement (Epistle Sports Ministries) for over 30 years, I've come to appreciate more and more the value of a greeting card...sent with love. Over the years I've sent literally thousands of cards. I've also received more than my share of heartfelt greetings. They are always such a pick-me-up. One such card from a dear friend changed the course of my life when I was ready to leave the ministry. I've given this card (pictured below) to several godly men who have impacted my life with their biblical counsel and Christ-like living. Recently I received the same card from my friend David. I didn't feel worthy of the sentiment but I was certainly grateful and moved by his expression of Christian love.

"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." - Proverbs 25:11

There are so many excellent cards available in Christian bookstores these days. The Dayspring card line like this one is exceptional. Our own Canadian company, Lawson Falle, have some excellent lines of cards. I've always been partial to Hallmark cards and they print some great sentiments as well.

When I think of the impact that can be made by sending a card, I wish more Christians would avail themselves of this ministry. A single card can be fairly pricey but you can buy a box of 12 cards for $5.00 or $6.00. This brings the price of a single card down to approximately 50 cents. Add a stamp and you can encourage and refresh a weary pilgrim for only $1.00 and, perhaps, literally change their life.

So, fellow pilgrims, from an experienced veteran, I challenge you to write a friend today. Pick up some cards at your local Christian bookstore, write your Spirit-inspired greeting, add a stamp, drop the envelope in the mailbox and trust God to do His work of blessing and refreshing!

"A generous man (or woman) will prosper; he who refreshes others with himself be refreshed." - Proverbs 11:25

More Thoughts on Mother

Mother of My Heart


You have been mommy, mom and now
“mother” to me. I pray that I will never
take for granted the blessing of having
a godly mother. So many others have lost
their “mother” recently. I want to enjoy you
and honour you while I have the opportunity.
Therefore, I will continue to refer to you as
“mother” because you are everything that a
true “mother” should be. You gave me a safe,
loving home and then introduced me to the One
who is preparing a heavenly home. You took
me to church rather than sending me. You
led by example and gave me all the tools
to become a follower of Jesus. When
you had lots to criticize me for, you
loved me unconditionally instead.
Now it’s my pleasure to "rise
up and call you blessed”.
Lots of love! - David

Saturday, May 07, 2005

A Mother, Like None Other

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, MOM! I love you very much. Thanks for introducing me to Jesus back in 1952! I'll always be grateful to you for that moment!

Here's an article that I posted earlier but I'm sharing it again for those who missed it.

The following was written for my mother as an anniversary gift on what would have been her 57th wedding anniversary. Dad went home to be with the Lord on May 21st, 1992. Mom is still doing well and will celebrate her 80th birthday on January 7th, 2005.

Mother's House

Unconditional love,
a listening ear,
concern for what the kids are doing,
encouragement in stressful times,
the latest family news,
updates from the mission field,
a piano waiting to be played,
a challenging game of Scrabble,
hang a picture or two,
pick a book up off the shelf to borrow for awhile,
a smile,
a hug,
a cookie or two.
This is what I’ve come to find at . . .
Mother’s House!

Thanks, Mom!

– David

May 12, 2001

My mother (and father)

You Deserve a Medal!

People often say to Carol and me, "you deserve a medal"! It's usually in reference to our adopting two young boys at our advanced (?) age or the crazy schedules we both keep with volunteering, ministry and the regular duties of raising children and grandchildren. We just laught it off. Today I received a medal, well it's actually a medallion but I will cherish it forever.

You Deserve a Medal

I had the distinct pleasure today of helping to co-ordinate the visit of some 90 soldiers and their sons from the army base at Fort Drum in upstate New York. Their chaplain, Charles Reynolds, arranged the trip in conjuction with Bryan Hickerson, the Baseball Chapel leader for the Chicago White Sox. Bryan couldn't make the trip at the last minute due to a funeral in Indiana so I picked up the ball and ran with it.

These troops spent the last couple of days doing "fathering" type activities. They had some seminars and did some other activities like an obstacle course at the base. They came up today in school buses to see the Jays/White Sox game. They arrived early and were ushered down to field level where a number of Blue Jay players interacted with them and signed autographs for the sons (and some dads too). The Jays' manager, John Gibbons, arranged for all the boys to get a genuine major league baseball which they got signed by the players.

It was my pleasure to pray with the troops and their sons, asking God to give them a great day, a safe trip back and to protect them when they are deployed to Afghanistan early next year. Six of the soldiers in uniform marched into the ballpark as the color guard just before the anthems were sung.

What a pleasure to meet these men and their sons and to watch the Blue Jays personnel interact with them. Before I left one of the soldiers gave me this medallion and, if you can read it, it says, "Climb to Glory". This is the medallion for the Spartans, the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division. They gave me this as a token of their visit. It will remind me to pray for these men as they prepare to go overseas. Next month they will be in another part of America training before their deployment.

"Cimb to Glory"...that's what I'm going to do when Jesus calls me home. Until then I want to be "a soldier of the cross", telling others of His love.

It was a great day! Tomorrow I'm back to conduct the chapels for the two teams. What a privilege to lift up Jesus wherever He places me!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Fine Food & Fiery Furnaces

The following outline will be used on Sunday in the Baseball Chapel services in Toronto with the Chicago White Sox and the Toronto Blue Jays. Thought you might be interested. Just a skeleton outline but you can fill in the blanks.


- Must be from royalty or nobility
- Young men
- No physical defects
- Handsome
- Aptitude for learning
- Well informed
- Quick to understand
Men with these characteristics would be qualified to serve.
Required Commitment:
- Willing to serve a three-year apprenticeship
- Will enjoy a daily portion of fine food and wine from the king’s table
Successful Candidates:
- Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
Daniel’s Resolve:
- Not to defile himself with the royal food & wine
The Ten-Day Experiment:
- Vegetables & Water vs. Fine Food & Wine
And The Winner Is:
Daniel & the Vegetable Boys
The King’s Decree and the Young Men’s Decision
- When the music plays, bow down & worship
- The music started & the 3 stand-outs stayed standing
The King’s Punishment:
Throw them into the fiery furnace
The Stand-Outs Statement: “The God we serve is able to save us from the it (fiery furnace) and He will rescue us from your hand, O king, but even if He does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” (Daniel 3:17,18)
The Fourth Man & the Stand-Out’s Deliverance:
How About You?

Are you willing to stand out from the crowd?
To go against the flow?
To not settle for mediocrity?
To forget about peer pressure?
To stand for God and righteousness regardless of the consequences?
God is looking for a few good men!
Will you be a stand-out for Him?
Will you answer His call?
I pray that you will for His name’s sake!