Wednesday, March 30, 2005

No Losers, In Heaven's Eyes

My friend, Stephen Weber, shared the following song in his Daily Encouragement devotional today (see link to the left). I've heard the song before but needed to be reminded of this truth again this morning. I'm so grateful that there are no losers, no hopeless causes. The Father sees our hearts and has created us to bring glory to Him. Thank Him today for His relentless love, grace and mercy!

"A fervent prayer rose up to heaven,
A fragile soul was losing ground,
Sorting through the earthly babble,
Heaven heard the sound.
This was a life of no distinction,
No successes only trials.
Yet gazing down on this unlovely one,
There was love in heaven's eyes.


In heaven's eyes there are no losers,
In heaven's eyes no hopeless cause.
Only people like you
With feelings like me,
Amazed by the grace
We can find in heaven's eyes.

The orphan child, the wayward father,
The homeless traveler in the rain.
When life goes by and no one bothers,
Heaven feels the pain.
Looking down God sees each heartache,
Knows each sorrow, hears each cry.
And looking up we'll see compassion's fire,
Ablaze in heaven's eyes." *

* "In Heaven's Eyes" McHugh, Phil © 1985 River Oaks Music Company (a div. of EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI License No. 1226832

1 comment:

  1. David,

    Beautiful lyrics! Thank you for sharing this. One of my favorite descriptives of the heart of Jesus is when he encountered the rich young man who thought he had it all together. Mark says "Jesus looked at him and loved him." (Mark 10:21)

    PS: I found the watch also. Very clever (:
