"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." (an entry in Jim Elliot's journal)
Jim Elliot, a modern martyr, gained international recognition when he died with four others at the hands of Auca Indians. His story and memoirs have become a source of missionary inspiration through the writing and speaking of his wife, Elisabeth.
Journals of Jim Elliot, one of my favorite books!
Here are the lyrics from a song by Scott Wesley Brown, a musicianary (musician missionary), who wrote this after reading "Shadow of the Almighty" (Elisabeth Elliot) and "Lords of the Earth" (Don Richardson).
I've lost track of all the Sundays
The offering plates gone by
And as I gave my hard earned dollars
I felt free to keep my life
I talk about commitment
And the need to count the cost
But the words of a martyr show me
I don't really know His cross
For he is no fool
Who gives what he cannot keep
To gain what he cannot lose
Yes, he is no fool
Who lays his own life down
I must make this the path I choose
Obedience and servanthood
Are traits I've rarely shown
And the fellowship of His sufferings
Is a joy I've barely known
There are riches in surrendering
That can't be gained for free
God will share all heaven's wonders
But the price He asks is me.
"God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine. I seek not a long life, but a full one, like you, LORD Jesus." (Jim Elliot)
Note: The life of Jim Elliot has been such an inspiration to me over the years. His widow, Elisabeth, is my favorite author. Our son Nathan's middle name is "Elliot" in memory of Jim Elliot!
Just a word of thanks, to encourage you to continue to share your passion for living a life like Jim's, a life patterned after the life of our Master - Jesus Christ.